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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. I know they do this crap to make more money, but seriously, why couldn't this be in the very first edition of the game
  2. I seriously dont know what the fuck is wrong with Jagex. If you're in control of a game that has been becoming less and less popular over the years, because of bad decisions, you can at least try to make it a better game for everyone. Seriously, any retard could do a better job than the guys at Jagex.
  3. Lol, I mentioned this, rofl, anyone knows how much this costs?
  4. Welcombe back :)I like food too, wanna date?
  5. I actually agree,I'd never even consider buying these appearance-related stuff and animations, it adds nothing. I would consider buying extra bankspace and stuff like that though.
  6. Huygens

    GW2 Server

    dont worry, I don't have the headstart either, dont care much about it either
  7. I see your point about Oblivion versus Skyrim, and agree too. It's like playing RS first in the highest detail and then in the lowest detail. You do get used to it though. And I agree with the 16 pixel part Graphics do add to the overall experience of the game.
  8. I dont get why people want good graphics and resolutions so badly, it's about the gameplay right?
  9. Huygens

    GW2 Server

    Nice, I was just wondering because of the time differences
  10. These graphics are just insane...I hope they dont overdo it, I want to play it on my laptop!
  11. Huygens

    GW2 Server

    Okay, Ill join Piken Square , well, actually, is it European or American?
  12. You buy the game once and get free access for life, COD-like When GW1 was still a popular game they made like 1 expansion per year, which you could buy if you wanted to. The game is free, however, you can buy some bonusses with real money, like extra bank space (not sure about bank space) and appearance-related stuff. It isn't pay to win.In GW1 the charr and the human race were at war. The charr destroyed Ascalon and stuff like that, but in GW2 it seems they have to work together. It has a unique event system, where events just happen randomly ( ''dynamic events'') and you can choose to help or not; for instance a horde of bears is attacking a village; if you don't help, I think the village will be massacred. For some real background information, I suggest you visit the wiki The game does have mazes, instances, bosses, quests, storyline, pvp (world versus world wtfbbq)
  13. They should make a COD movie, I love the storyline since COD4
  14. mehhhhhh I just hope they deliver the game in time...
  15. I got such a hard one right now, and Tom Hardy ftw Would have been even better if the guy from the new conan movies and game of thrones played the dragonborn
  16. Hey guys,wanted to let you know that wednesday I'm going on a citytrip to Gent, Belgium, which is a really cool medieval city (and it's free for me, YOLO) and when I come back Friday, I'm going to participate as a leader in a introduction to new students of my university, which is going to be the best week of my life probably. I'll return Friday the 17th and probably will return to RS and the council as well. As summer ends, we should really focus on recruiting, as people are starting to go back to school.<3
  17. I wonder what their babies will look like.
  18. Huygens

    Game of Thrones

    Meh I started reading the first book after seeing the first 6 episodes of season 1. It's kinda lame when you already know what's going to happen.. :(Well lots of stuff in the books that aren't in the series, so I guess Ill stick to the books
  19. Damn, summer homework, I've literally never ever heard of that. I hope it doesn't trouble you too much, enjoy the summer while you still can!
  20. Huygens

    GW2 Server

    Not necessarily, maybe if they keep making new servers, they won't. Like they used to do on RS
  21. Well,Jagex managed to make it impossible to make an appeal. All users complain about it. They ask you to fill in your mail adress, however this option doesnt work because even when you fill in the right one you still waste one of your 6 chances. I've read about people sending e-mails to Jagex and getting some link from them to manually recover it in some kind of way. I do have a Bank PIN, set on 7 days, which have been passed, sadly But I see your other points, to be honest.
  22. Hehe thanks for the offer, but I don't think I'd like to play on an account that is not truly mine to be honest. It already has achievements and stuff.But you say I should start over?
  23. Huygens

    GW2 Server

    Just found this on a Dutch GW community site: Tussen vrijdagavond 21:00 (de start van BWE3) en zondagochtend 03:00 (dus beide Nederlandse tijd) is hetgratis om tussen thuiswerelden te verhuizen. Na zondagochtend 03:00 kost het verhuizen tussen werelden het volgende: [*]1800 gems om te verhuizen naar een high population wereld [*]1000 gems om te verhuizen naar een medium population wereld [*]500 gems om te verhuizen naar een low population wereld Lees de originele post op het GW2 forum voor informatie over hoe gems worden doorbelast. Translated: Between Friday evening 9pm (start of BWE3) and Sundaymorning 03am (Dutch times) it's free to move your 'homeworld'. After Sundaymorning this will cost you: 1800 gems to move to a high population world 1000 gems to move to a medium population world 500 gems to move to a low population world Not sure I want a high or low population world, though. As long as it's English (or Dutch), I'm fine I guess Edit: sorry for double post
  24. Huygens

    GW2 Server

    Agreed, maybe we could all join the same guild or maybe even start an own guild. My brother is probably going to play as well, hopefully he will join my server
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