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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. Huygens

    North vs South

    Don't we have a specific thread for this going on? Fuck N-Korea, tbh, what is the chubby dictator going to do? Eat our food?
  2. Huygens

    Rate this Girl

    You actually have a point there.
  3. Huygens

    Rate this Girl

    This is really going nowhere, in any random test at school you can get credited 1 to 10, sometimes the average on a hard test is a 3-4 sometimes everybody gets a 7, because it's easy. The level of test determines the average, the level of the test is here the standards of a guy.
  4. Huygens

    Rate this Girl

    Well, my standards aren't that uhm high, so the average girl to me is a decent 7
  5. So, bought Black Ops2, I utterly suck at the multiplayer, current KD of 0.4 probably. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. .:Spoogan:.


      BO2 and MW3 i personally think were just rehashed from the previous games. Also the fact that critic score was an 8 and user was around a 5... giant red flag

    3. Fergal


      Exactly. MW3 was just a watered-down version for MW2, which was a great game. Although CoD4 was even better imo. And BO1 lacked most of the bullshit of BO2. :)

    4. Huygens


      Hm, I like the fast-paced action to be honest, I just really hate the overpowered scorestreaks, I usually die at least 5 times per game just because of some random choppers or anything.

  6. Huygens

    Rate this Girl

    My thoughts EXACTLY. Not fat but has a fuck face? =>bang Fat but cute face? => bang Not fat and cute face => out of my league =>5-10% of women Fat and fuck face? => no thanks, unless I'm drunk *says the guy who has been monogamous with the same woman for nearly 5 years*
  7. Huygens

    Rate this Girl

    +nice body +dark hair -small tits -fuck face I'd still hit it without drinking, a proper 7
  8. I ain't even mad, solo playing all the way
  9. Always pretty much PvE, since I'm not that much of a hardcore gamer, I can't keep up with those who play 24/7
  10. Best story ever; I somehow managed to get my old RS account back (took me quite some effort, fuck you Jagex). It appears that my hacker continued training my account until approx. Christmas. 86 dungeoneering 77 runecrafting 82 slayer :-) Well thank you :-) Oh, got some runecoins leftover as well. Got my account protected by the JAG now. Might even consider playing again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Huygens
    3. Nathan


      Nice, glad to hear you finally got it back. Even if you don't end up playing again at least that decision isn't forced on you.

    4. Huygens


      Thanks! Ah we need 'like' buttons in statuses.

  11. This is my opinion, so it can't be wrong, fuck me right? The only good song they produced is the winner takes it all, the rest is utter diarrhea.
  12. CBA to read, I want movies to show us how stuff works, not articles.
  13. Interesting question, I think in my head my voice seems lower than it actually is. I HATE my voice on recordings, other people don't seem to mind it, so I'm fine.
  14. Either bol.com or mediamarkt, not sure if any of them are international companies
  15. Seriously, they call this HD? I'm not even a bit excited.
  16. I'm getting really tired of their shit...
  17. I think the fuckers will eventually attack the USA, which will fail horribly and then the entire Western Civilization will retaliate and burn the fuckers to the ground. In 50 years they will make games about this epic war.
  18. Im not an expert, I don't mage, but I guess with the right enchantments it could work
  19. Im always jelly at people with a dry sense of humour, I usually treat women the same way I treat men; making sex jokes all over, and it does seem to work on girls that I've known for a while, though, girls that I just met think I'm a pervert haha
  20. That horned helmet reminds me of dungeoneering in Runescape.
  21. I'm actually thinking about starting over lol, but not on the old servers...I enjoy the new graphics.
  22. I think the servers can still see you're not American or Korean. I had this problem once with a game called Dekaron, I think.
  23. When playing ES without cheats I usually try to sneak and range from a distance...but I usually cheat.... In 90% of all games I play a warrior because of the armour.
  24. I've actually been looking at MineCraft lately...seems to be an allright game after I hated it so much for it's graphics...might consider playing it..
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