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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. Huygens


    I hate phones, got an old LG touch, I'm one of the 5 last persons on earth with prepaid phones I send texts like twice a day, way too expensive, seriously, 25 euros per month, thats 12 beer!
  2. Hey man good luck with merching, extremely hard with 1.6m tbh!I just started flipping a bit again yesterday made +-1m in 60-90 minutes of afking :PI did cannonballs btw Requires like 5m
  3. ^ Disagreed , would spoil the fun of 'omfg who gets what'I think some of the awards should be given after a vote btw:O! Good idea?
  4. already have chrome, goggles r ugly, nty
  5. I'm doing it for the lvls, dont think ill get a chaotic anytime soon.
  6. Ok, got an agility lvl as well from troll invasion and peng hunting but the screenie is on my laptop and since ive just got my gaming computer back Ill only be playing RS on this computer Got this as well: Just one more lvl till RC is officially my lowest skill Im quite enjoying hunter tbh so I guess ill be going till 66 for spottier cape (thats 66 right?) So my quest of getting everything 65 is going quite well actually, quite enjoying it, except for dungeoneering, god I hate that skill....
  7. Don't forget fps games like COD mw3, no clan features but fun to do with friends
  8. Most experience gainedMost activeFriendliest member ( if thats a word in English)Troll awardSkilling awardCombat awardEvent planning awardRecruiting awardForum whore award
  9. Hm good point, Ill just idle as well in the cc
  10. Huygens

    Swiss Goverment

    Yet another reason I live here.
  11. I think Jagex is clever enough to realise this
  12. Fuck, you've gotten quite good this last year of semi-playing Runescape tbh
  13. The internet, 25th december, 10 pm gmt
  14. fatbradstardyou will get it if you've seen austin powers
  15. Hm I think ill be pretty screwed with my combat lvl (117/118), but great ideaBackstab Ferg plz
  16. Totally didnt expect that answer to be coming from you Ferg, lol, I was expecting something like ''I just enjoy hanging around with my friends at wars, that doesnt cost a thing''
  17. Do you need money to play Runescape? Do you need coins to enjoy Runescape? Do you need $$$$ to be good at Runescape? Does a big cashstack resemble your skill in Runescape? What do you think is the importance of the currency used in Runescape: coins?
  18. You must be Dragonborn then !
  19. Loot your enemies, they dont need the stuff anyways
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