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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. I always buy membership with SMS (texting), somewhat more expensive (like €7,50/month instead of €6,-/month) but its reliable and its easy.
  2. Hm, basically:Traaginen wants to diversify the forums and get more members overall by the means of a 'gaming forum', (which will be hard to establish, like really hard in my oppinion)Fergal and Brad (and others IDK and IDC) want to focus on RS recruiting by the means of 'rated clan wars', (which could actually work if we put some effort in it, I see big things happening if this succeeds, daily RCW if we get enough people in the future)whats the big fuss about? we could try both, if the gaming forums fails, fuck it, we're still TRR, if RCW fails, we could try recruiting RS members with a different method or try RCW some other time.
  3. Well, its just flipping what im doing, fairly easy to do once you get the hang of it, search for guides on youtubes!Just try it with items that are on the most traded list, I currently flip cannonballs (10k limit) pure essence limit (25k limit) and coal (25k limit),the average profit is like 2 gp for the p ess and coal which is 25k*2gp=50k cash per time flipped which adds up quite nicely while doing your farm runsCannonballs are dropping tho, so don't buy anything over night, just sell stuff if you've got leftovers.
  4. I tried, I failed and yes Fergal :-) My revenge shall be sweet.
  5. Update: Had enough with hunting by then, so I started flipping again, made like 5m so far with little effort, quite cool if you ask me.
  6. Fire and bank are still there, read the full update!
  7. Thats in no single way funny Fergal, you just don't make fun of Johnny Depp
  8. ^Too long didnt readWhy don't we join a gaming forum and kinda merge into it? A gaming forum that hasn't got any RS stuff tho, or else we would lose most autonomy (if thats an english word).
  9. Superhero: mhm I guess they are all kinda gayVillain: the joker
  10. Diplomats are just awesome people really :-)
  11. Shiny, Okinawa:O!Welcome bro!
  12. Huygens


    http://bin.ilsemedia.nl/m/m1fypc6wnw84.jpgTHAT is a phone that will survive a nuclear war :-)
  13. I was expecting barrows armour to rise after bot nuke day, sadly, it didnt happen, the only set (apart from akrisae) higher than 5m is ahrims..Not worth the effort.
  14. Im sorry, but how exactly are we going to get new members at the start? I mean from the +-20 RS members we have on the Runescape clan I think 5 of them play COD regularly.
  15. Good old days I also remember the barrows items being quite expensive, guthan spear was like 7m or something
  16. WOW, if anyone still plays that shitCODBattlefieldhm fuck cant really come up with anythingminecraft?
  17. Huygens


    Ireland :')nah jk, here in the Netherlands like 90-95% of the people have either a blackberry or a smartphone with wifi
  18. Wow totally didnt expect this o.0 Thanks guys:D gz ferg
  19. EW you only have like 3 GE slots in f2p right o.0 must suck Not that many good items to flip in f2p tho
  20. Porn expert.Most nudes posted (BGS )
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