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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. That's because you have to get used to it, trust me, once you learn to aim with the mouse and move around its much better than a console.
  2. Just like you can be a werewolf and then decide not to be one :)Oh btw Traag, Skyrim works on my laptop o.0 currently playing low-medium detail with no lagg, I was adviced to play on high detail It's just that I'm playing the beginning for the 5th time now, which sucks
  3. I hate them, because I suck at them , I always jump in some kind of gap when I'm doing MarioThe Prince of Persia saga is awesome tho, love the Persian culture
  4. ^ Exactly, I usually make characters I look a like or I can see myself in on for some reason, for example on WOW I was a Tauren male coz im kinda short (1.83 m = 6'' which is below average for Dutch people (2nd tallest civilization in the world o.0)) and on RS im a male with black hair and some facial hair :)I could never play as a woman, I mean, it seems I shouldn't hit as high and I should only train cooking And I wouldn't care as much when I die for some reason. And comeon, a woman in armour looks ridiculous...
  5. Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS, both were equally awesome
  6. Damn looks like our clan is in shape irl o.0
  7. a million posts would be epic
  8. Wow this sucks circumcised cock tbh...especially not managing the inactive members =/
  9. Rofl, people actually still watch the Olympics?
  10. Hm, resetting your perks would help a lot, yes
  11. So, tell my what do you want to change in your life next year?On Runescape, I dont really have any goals, I think I want all skills to 70 covered in the next year and maybe another 99 combat stat I just want to keep enjoying this clan and the game.IRL I want to start working out 4 times a week again, currently, Im so fking occupied with school and some commisions I joined I never really got time, I want to start planning my stuff better so at least 4 times a week I can work out for about an hour or so to get in fabulous shape again :)So, any plans?
  12. We actually have EC's atm? o.0 Who?
  13. Gratz Ferg, not that it will change anything, since you already kinda were doing all the leader stuff, well earned, and ignore the flames This does smell like a drop party, doesnt it?
  14. I do, its just that it makes my gaming computer crash for some reason, I think this laptop might be powerful enough to run it on low detail, Imma try MW3 first lets see what happensOh and I cba to play Skyrim on my brother's PS3, because it's on his room.
  15. LOL, when I saw the title I knew who wrote it ;)GET MW3 MATE ;)Anyways, I always got the Famas with nubtube and a rocket launcher as 2nd.
  16. You can still play GBA/PS64 games on an emulator ;)Besides that, agreed on all point Mageman
  17. On my school laptop atm I'll just typ what the stickers say:Asus X73S SeriesIntel core i5-2410M,2.3GHzNvidiaGeForce GT540M CUDA 1 GBWindows 7 Home PremiumMemory 4GBHDD 500GB (Got 2 TB memory besides that)Nothing fancy, good enough for RS and school I guess,my gaming computer is dead at the moment.
  18. LOL I wish I played enough Skyrim to know what you're talking about, the zero cost spells seem epic btw
  19. He's funny lol, but I dont get why he's making fun of those hip hop niggas when he looks like a girl himself.
  20. Lol, actually, I was watching TV with my dad 10 minutes ago, and we came by MTV and it was on, he was like, WTF happened to this generation o.0
  21. I enjoyed Dungeon Siege 2, it was so bigggggg
  22. Good job posting this:)! Not that I know him well enough to give him money, or even have him on FL lol
  23. You dont need a fancy computer to play wow tbh really low requirements
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