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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. So, in an attempt of getting some more activity on the forum I thought I'd ask you guys something;Whats your favorite sport?Masturbating and runescaping are valid :PMy favorite sport is any martial art, preferably k1-rules. I also enjoy MMA sometimes, but watching them fight on the floor is so fking boring. K1 is 100% action. In my oppinion, fighting is the purest form of sports, the person with the most talent, most training, most experience, best technique etc. will always win..It's about being in shape and making the right decisions at the right time. And fighters dont depend on teams, team sports suck to do imo. And the referree makes good decisions almost all the time, unlike football (usa: soccer).
  2. darn it, my gaming computer died, so no skyrim and mw3 for me until i can fix it, which means i will focus on rs on my (school) laptop

  3. Huygens


    ^ would be an extremely short episode tho
  4. Huygens


    I will quit this clan the day events become mandatory :PI joined this clan for the forums and cc, not the events.edit;Another possibility would be;either at least x events per month OR x posts/day average
  5. Yup, thats pretty much what I do, im like woooot everytime a new thread is written xD
  6. aah i didnt see it hehe i kinda stopped following UFC, i am looking forward to the overeem fight december 30th tho
  7. Whats the difference between p2p and f2p dung anyways? Is it just the amount of floors you can play or other stuff as well?
  8. Your goals should be:-get membership-60 dg-80att str hp-75 def
  9. Trololol, I would fking ignore my gf if only I didn't share my steam account with my brother hehe
  10. Hey mate, welcome to the clan
  11. Huygens


    runescape money tips
  12. OMFG ITS AWESOMEEEEEEE!!!Lol I thought I'd try my bow and arrow so I shot this chicken, the guards killed me gf..
  13. Damn if only you looked like a hobo that day, you might have gotten rich
  14. Damn, people still play BF2? o.0 you mean the really old one right, not bad company 2
  15. Looks like I'm a noob, Brad :'), I dig all those updates haha, I fking hate snipers and stuff, luckily there aren't that many snipers on pc +1 for coty
  16. Ok enough with the BF3 crap, COD is awesomeWhat do you think about mw3, in case you have bought it.I personally think the single player was a bit disappointing, at least the ending was kinda lame, im not going to spoil the ending, but it was kinda out of nowhere.The MP however , is EPIC OMFGbrings back cod 4 memories!!!The maps are awesome, and there is this system where you can choose your killstreaksyou can either beassault; killstreaks reset on death, better rewards thosupport: killstreaks dont reset on deathand something i havent unlocked yet, but ive head it kinda suckedSo, what are your first thoughts?
  17. Add something gay like ''Its not a clan, it's a family''
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