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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. Let's grouprape blue to show our appreciation
  2. Double post alert yay its not me for a changeI did easy and it took me quite long tbh like 20ish minutes? but it was my first time and i just read a guide really fast so there should be more efficient ways than i did
  3. Happened to me at wave 18 lol I was like wtf y u no attack me instead, so I was like all freaked out because I thought the last 2 waves were going to be pretty hardcore, but it was so easy lol
  4. Blue our hero! I made a shrine for him in my room.
  5. I just have this thing I do:Lvl some skillsDo a slayer taskDo a questOver and over in this orderAnd whenever my cashpile drops below 20m I'll make some money.Kingdom management weekly and I just discovered troll invasion is quite worth doing as well
  6. Don't buy Skyrim if you value your school grades, your sixpack, your social contacts, seriously.
  7. Here in the Netherlands we do this present stuff at december 5th (tomorrow), called Sinterklaas (santa claus is stolen from this idea by coca cola), since I'm 20 and my brother is 24 we've grown too old for many big present, I mean, university costs a shitload of money per year, Im more grateful of that.We celebrated it this weekend, I got:Some dvds including from dusk till dawn 1 2 and 3Some fragrance by Diesel, smells lovelySome Biology booksand some stuff for my car (anti-freeze and stuff)
  8. Huygens

    Swiss Goverment

    I support downloading, has anyone ever seen MTV cribs? That's the very reason I would never in a billion years buy an album in a shop.I do buy movies and series sometimes, since the quality is way better than you get when you download it torrent style (usually, just downloaded The Walking Dead S1 and I must say it's pretty HD).
  9. Lol, I'd be afraid Jagex would think of me as a gold buying account.
  10. Good luck in real life mate, way more important than RS.
  11. Kewl job Blue , I hope the activity on the forums stays the way it is right now, I'm loving it
  12. Ok guys, penguin points r not worth it imo, I found like 8 in over an hour coz 2 were in really fucked up places in the elven forest which nearly got me killed, for 12k agility xp.Troll invasion is amazing, really, so fking easy to get passed 20 waves and I got 30k agility xp. K-ching.
  13. This is a really good idea , the advertisement codes should be posted in public forums tho, I'll just keep on focussing on RSOF, wont get much of referrals coz they always forget me .Great idea
  14. Castle wars is always fun with a group of friendstip: make a poll where you can select multiple answers and add some more options.
  15. 20+ people in cc is a cool goal tbh, i've been focussing on rsof recruiting lately, those guys dont add much to forum activity, but people who are on rsof are in cc as well generally.
  16. Sounds like fun and pretty pointless too bad 10 pm gmt is too late for me../care anyways, have fun
  17. Might be a good idea for an event? Team peng hunting? Im kinda newb at this point, but I think you can do it in a team right? Troll invasion isnt possible in teams. (sadly)
  18. That would be greatly appreciated =).
  19. Lets get 25 killstreak and nuke those bastards
  20. Hey guys, most of you probably know the website, but I felt like sharing with those who don't www.9gag.com It will take your soul and every second of your time for the rest of your life. Check it out, Huygens
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