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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. the only pro is indeed that you dont have to change your spellbook for every teleport, but this update is really unnecessary
  2. Huygens


    I'm not sure what happened, like 1-2 weeks ago when I logged in in the evening, at least 10 people were in it, yesterday I logged in and I was the only one, Im like WTF
  3. Hey there,What are your goals in 2012 on RS? What is it that you want to achieve badly? That fire cape, 120 dungeoneering, or something easier like getting all stats to 50?
  4. Keep it going mate, you're going fast!
  5. hehe its 'new', if you lvl up and press on the skill you get this shit instead of the old lay-out
  6. Make sure you have some awesome parties in there ;p!
  7. GL mate, an 'easy' 99, but a good starter, well any 99 takes way too long in my oppinion 13m xp begh:D
  8. Not sure if you did, but like Anarchy said, always use the account name for logging in, the account name is the first name that your character ever had. My rsn is Huygenssauce, my account name doesnt even look like it lol
  9. Good old days, mehhh I wish I still had a pking account and could actually make money with both honour and without honur. I remember me and a friend got full dharok and whip drop and we thought we were so fking rich
  10. Meh, tried it once, wasnt quite worth the hussle to be honest:P
  11. Hm got like 10k slay xp and 15kish dungeoneering xp so far, and some firemaking xp. The xp lamps are genius, coz I fking hate dungeoneering
  12. ROFL thats so funnyI fking love katy perry :X
  13. Gratz! Since Jamie is doing a really good job with organising events, I think all we need now is fresh recruits !
  14. Never did a mole event tbh lol, is it any good for cash?
  15. Huygens


    I dont get this topic, to be honest:P
  16. Are diversions and distractions really good xp at all? didnt know that! would be awesome to train a skill with D&D's!
  17. nice lay-out bro ! good thing about kbd is that you can either solo it or kill it in a really big group, so no matter what the turnup is, kbd will be a succes
  18. hm 11 pm my time, might actually make it, not sure, love drop events btw!!
  19. GL with 99 construction o.0 seriiously ;p 70-99 is a lot of xp 12m ish
  20. Hey, we got plenty of members that are able to recruit, just hop in the cc 'the rebelz' and ask a ranked member to recruit you '
  21. OMG, yeah I remember the gym too, once again, they got me :'(
  22. Do the events all have the same starting time?
  23. You're doing such a great job with all the events so far! Cool to read the reflection as well!
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