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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. LOL what an idiot, and yes, Bard, I've heard of the trial, it has been like 5 years ago, or something like that
  2. I voted no, not worth getting. 95 max I'd say.
  3. Queensday!!! WOOT

  4. Wow guys! Nice posting! Wasnt expecting that at all! Some cool stuff I just read <3
  5. Runescape name: Huygenssauce Real life name: Lion Facebookpage: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1017797647 Are TRR members allowed to add you?: Only if you dont send me RS-related shit, none of my friends know I play and I want to keep it that way. Age: 20 Country+timezone: The Netherlands, GMT+1 School/University/Work: University, majoring in Biology, want to be a Biology teacher some day Hobbies: Music, gaming (RS, total war franchise, call of duty), going out Sports: Going to the gym, just recently quit karate because I couldnt mix it with college Favorite athletes: George St. Pierre (MMA-fighter), Muhammed Ali (boxer), Matsui (karate fighter), Semmy Schilt (karate fighter/ k1), Alistair Overeem (MMA/kickboxing) Favorite sports club: AFC Ajax, Bayern München, Barcelona # Years you have been playing RS: I think it's 7 Time you've been in TRR: 2-3 years What you usually do when playing RS: Combat or money related stuff; usually slayer
  6. Hey there Rebelz! It has been a while since most of us wrote our introduction on the forums and therefore I really know most of you guys only by your forum or ingame name. I think it would be cool to know stuff about each other, spam will be deleted. Please answer the questions, dont feel forced to fill in everything
  7. 62 rc because of squal of fortune , some combat coming up
  8. I think that would involve matters that are against Jagex' rules
  9. Welcome to TRR!Havent read a decent introduction in ages, so thank you for that!<3
    1. Blake


      As I read things from left to right, I view that more of a failed combo beginning, then a combo.

    2. Huygens
  10. http://edge.ebaumsworld.com/picture/vampboy/OMG.png
  11. Just in whatever mood im in tbh, right now im actually listening to the lord of the rings soundtrack; concerning hobbits,generally I like punk rock ; blink 182/green day, some harder rock; metallica, old stuff; beatles, pearl jam, the rolling stones especially these last 3 tbhhardstyle, dubstep, hardcore for dancetrance is just plain shit if you ask me
  12. I nearly witnessed a deadly crash today. At the central station in the city I study, an awful accident happened today. Happened just 5 minutes before I would have arrived if the accident didnt happen. Now I had mad delays Lots of police, ambulance and choppers tho.Just realised that I fucking hate people that take pictures of accidents.
  13. Mehh no combat hmmmm either farming because I like gardening irl and Im majoring in Biology or fishing coz its fast and possibly lucrative.
  14. Hm, wow still sucks, but I get your point.
  15. WOW sucks so hard...seriously, tried it for 2 weeks it was even more grinding than RS tbh
  16. Huygens

    Clan Citadel

    how much of that would save over if we fail?
  17. I lold at the lance of Zeus :)But seriously, have no clue what it is, Jagex posted a teaser pic of some kind of unholy cursebearer (dungeoneering boss) earlier this week
  18. Huygens

    Clan Citadel

    the building tick is on wednesday right? or was it thursday?
  19. Wow Jamie, you're sacrificiing quite a lot of your money since you're not that rich you sure? I can help funding it.
  20. Huygens

    Clan Citadel

    In that case,do you seriously think we're going to make it? I will cap if you say yes of course
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