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Everything posted by Dy3nasty666

  1. Updated thats all of January thanks for keeping up. Now off for a 7 hr road trip. P.s. Does anyone like my sig?
  2. Ive been trying but recently ive had sports 6 times a week finals are on this week and to top it off ive got a cold. I try to stay active but its been tough
  3. no like i can log in with old stuff but cant post due to my comp
  4. Chuck norris. His round house kick is so hard it goes back in time. The only reason why all the dinosaurs died
  5. Hockey.... 6 times a week.and pokemon ftw!
  6. Understandable. If i get mem ill try it out
  7. Goodluck when you get your xbox you should add my GTag: L3gacy96. We'll game togther
  8. Thats amazing. Another way to train like archery and heavy Armour is to join the companions and get them to follow you around. Talk to them and tell them to train you in a skill for money. Pay them and then after ask to see the inventory and you get to take your money back. Its pretty sick
  9. Idk. Mw3 has better killstreaks and the whole killstreak setup however both games are both not very good. Mw2 has better maps in my opinion. But then again Blops is and always will be better than them both.
  10. Trying to troll the forums but stupid code thing to prove im not a bot :/
  11. Ferg is a good example of a vet. He can lead set up events, been here awhile and made an impact on the clan. He's also the one that recruited me to both LoL and TRR
  12. Lol on skyrim everything is amazing to train because its so cheap unluck inRS....
  13. No idea what conquest is and monster hunting is always decent
  14. P2P. Mage f2p, Melee. Plain and simple
  15. Hey everyone that has an xbox. users out there. Im captain of an MLG gaming clan called ZoSo. We enter tournies and play CoD alot. If anyone is interested just say. Although our clan is fairly competative and does gamebattles and we would prefer it if you have atleast 1.00 KDR and up+
  16. Dy3nasty666


    lucky kids that only start tomorrow D:
  17. Dy3nasty666


    Ive been back for a week already :/ but atleast after mid-terms we get 2 days off or something like that
  18. I enjoy warring even if I get piled.
  19. Updated. Im uploading a little bit ahead incase im busy over the weekend
  20. Might be there depends when I get back
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