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Everything posted by FunnyPirate

  1. You may think it's kidna noobye but till like 2 months ago I didn't knew eather 0_0Then I went to RSwiki and I learned how to ''unlock'' the stuff from the package.... xD
  2. Im gonna just post this because my oldest post is from the last week.And I have alot of new things for this week:Defence 74Constitution 74Fishing 65 to 68Rc 54Dungeoneering from 54 to 62Fletching 47 » 52 or 53 idk loool it was last night :SAgility from 45 to 57Sum from 37 to 41Thieving 65 to 66
  3. Well and have good luck specialy in summ because that will take serious time and work... All the others can be done fast :oUse wisely the XP weekend to maximise XP....
  4. Aren't sets supposse to have kiteshields as well? IDk but I think it is....
  5. FArming is probably the slowest thing in the hole universe *-*
  6. Men this realy sucks you were and you always have been a great guy and we will miss you realy much, in the citadel, events.... AllSo thanks you drunken for ever!!!
  7. You should do it because Im not in the events team anymore because I can't much host events sooooo yeah host it...
  8. realy nice that mining is great now you can make great money
  9. Well I currently I can't pay anithing and if I could, now Im saving for a Xbox 360.... I have to see if I can get it by christmas
  10. Stealing creation is not a F2P minigame 0_0 so how can it be F2P event?
  11. I will try to get 70 agility and then I will train a bit of ranged and then herb till money the multiplier ends.
  12. I did saw it. lol Ty, so now have a good work in the animation
  13. Well as ranger said HAve a good life and do what you think it's better for you because you might regret later, so chose whisely. Good luck
  14. Well that would be realy nice, very good idea ranger.How do I know if I still have a RS classic acc?? And how do I log in to it?Gratz to slayer
  15. You can't just follow the others.... SOmeone have to start in the bigining or we will never have anyone there....
  16. It wasn't in the IRC it was in a topic around here in the foruns.
  17. Well we never know the future.We are almost in September and so the behind the scenes will come and we never know that if in this month or in any other there will be a great and usefull update to the citadel. We never know but this is about reunite be with your clan mates and share the fun and you also get some free WC XP and then the clan ring that to you may suck but for some ppl it's quite good and may become realy usefull in the future too.
  18. The main reason here is not about go to the other team is about if you guys think I should quit or not EC, there is one guys I don't remember who, it was or terravila or kaiden that said in the other day to me that I was doing a very bag job as EC because I was going to my events and yesterday all ppl say I should stay in ET because Im needed blablabla.....I don't know anything anymore.
  19. I have started this topic to talk about my position in EC, so let's start. I saw a few posts in the topic about tye newspaper saying that ppl need me in the ET but what I feel is that Im not deserving of it, what I have done in the past few days and weeks was that I didn't work that much. I think that In all the events that I have put in the calendar since I am EC till now, I did like 7 or 8 and I only hosted/went to 1 and thats is terrible... What person am I if I apply for council and then I don't work. I don't realy desearve the position I am in. I was supposed to host a event yesterday night and I didn't did it because I got unexpected guests in my house and I had to leave the computer but the truth is that it isn't much different from the other times, were I forgot about the events I was suppose to host. After last night I kept thinking that I should realy be in this position. ppl say I'm needed in the events team but till now what I have do it's not much I only took care of some topics about events, I edited some to help... I closed some old topics. Nothing more so I don't realy think ppl need me in the events team. I don't know if I should keep here as I am right now or if I should change team or if I should just be a normal member. It's up to you.....
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