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Everything posted by FunnyPirate

  1. Gratz, you had a great effort and now show it to people, AGAIN BIG GRATZ!!!!
  2. I would like someone to make me a signature about MW3 but nothing too special and with that many effects...It can by of anything you want about MW3, just imaginate and do something fun for me.Thnaks for your time and effort in this!!
  3. Both amazing but N1 is somehow a little better lol.
  4. These foruns are actualy moving well and good now so no stupid idea
  5. Good luck in the things you plan on doing, I also hope to help as I can in TRR foruns or here or any other thing you might need help with.and wat comes to here, I actualy haven't find any bugs but I will see and actualy the foruns over here are nice and look very good, almost all the features are great and I look forward to use them Also I can apply to any position in this forum because with these games pat being off RS I actualy know not much but some stuff and I would like some ( even being low ) rank here
  6. Currently in the logo the word scrolls have 3 letters covered by the bar wich is good because I can also read it, but I can also see well my player bar so thanks
  7. The PC I ususaly use is the PC of the family but I use it 95% of the time because now every1 in family but me have theyr own lapton but still it's a reasonable PC can«t play much nice games with it, still playing RS in it but kinda laggy but most times is good Settings: In the end those two last lines are in portuguese because Im from portugal, but normal mouse and keyboard, nothing bad but also nothing great... actualy the keyboard have some nice shortcuts that are usefull
  8. in the other day I found a infinite gold cheat for the control console or something like that for skyrim in youtube, loool it steals the fun of the game
  9. Yup you have a point wen you say that PC have better graphics than consoles but David have a point wen he says that you get good graphics in PC for 1500+ $ and 360 or PS3 is like 200 $ or 300$ only...About the controler, I don't like that much to play fast movement games for example like BF3 or cod or some other games like that in PC, it's not that fun...In other way calm games like adventure or policials.. that shit is better for PC.
  10. tbh I don't like that much BF3, I think it's only nice for the career and story because multiplayer isn't that great, Cod is better because it's fast move multiplayer
  11. In total xbox + game + subscription still more cheap so I chose that 1, and every christmas I get decent money to renew the 1 year subscription so it's fine for me and I play better online than in PS3...
  12. PS3 or Xbox are better to play, first because they generaly have better graphics than PC and use a command instead of a mouse is more fun
  13. If tehre were some good stuff for 360 I would buy, but still I don't even know if I will get + lack of stuff there...
  14. Im looking forward to use some of that new stuff
  15. Xdan knew the pass of 1 of his accounts, other than that idk... Good work
  16. Fuck.... David you were right, I was wrong, so I already know whats SOPA about and it's fucling bad , lets kill the guys who want this shit to happen.
  17. you've got some nice shit over there lucky guy
  18. for PS3 there is some good cheap fking shit men, bioshock, LA noire... realy cheap
  19. Ferg I will explain why I wont get the PS3.1st: Xbox 360 is better for multiplayer and thats what Im most interested about MW3.2nd: here in the close stores that I have around, PS3 + MW3 is more expensive than xbox360 + MW3 and even + xbox live membership, wich is a big thing, because Is ave like 20 euros and I can still play better online ;)PS3 + MW3 »» 320 eurosX 360 + MW3 + Live membership »» 295.98 eurosSo I'll go for Xbox
  20. Atm DAvid I can't take a printscreen but I can tell you that in the Elder scrolls title, what goes above the name info + sign out bar is the scrolls word, so move the logo to the side in the size of the scrolls word...About the view recent posts thanks ferg + david
  21. So guys Im doing a Road to Xbox 360 and Im gonna post here every day the money ig et till hit it, so what Im gonna buy is: »» Package wich contains: Xbox 360 + MW3 - 234.99 euros ( the coins here in europe are these ''euros'', not dollars ) »» a Xbox Live golden membership to play MW3 multiplayer in the 360 - 60.99 euros Total Value: 295.98 euros Days: 24/12/11 Got 40 euros. I already had 4.85 so, total here is: 44.85 euros 25/12/11 Got 50 euros here so Im now at 94.85 euros. 26/12/11 nothing 27/12/11 Nothing 28/12/11 Lost 1 euro but then gained 0.50 loool stupid day. current total: 94.35 euros. 29/12/11 Nothing came in. 30/12/11 Well in my B-day party almost every one gave me money wich is good because my cause is a good thing xD and yeah I got a income of 150 euros and I now have a total of 244.35, so Im missing 50 euros from my goal. I will see if I can get my parents to give me whats missing and then we will see. ___________________________ Current total: 244.35 euros Total needed:295.98 euros This road should end by saturday night or in sunday day 1, because it's a little after my B-day (30 december), and I hope at the end to have 296 euros at least so I can buy all this good stuff and start playing MW3 Thanks for your time guys.
  22. David, this forum will be great for ppl that plays alot xbox or PC games pr PS3 online...We should do some events together in multiplayer games if some ppl have the same games. it would be nice.
  23. First I would like to say that in the top of my screen ( my screen may be a bit small) the name '' Elder Scrolls'' is above the sign in or my name wen I log in here, so I would like you guys to change it a bit to the side.Suggestion:Like in the normal TRR foruns there should be a button ( if there isn't already but I didnt saw) saying, ''view new content'', because it usefull to see the last active topics...Thanks for the time
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