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Everything posted by FunnyPirate

  1. Well delly I like the way the way he is...Easy skills hard skills, fun minigame with bad rewards, balls & bad fucking events with great rewards xDThe game is as it is and still have alot and alot of players so idk what some ppl tink of the game, I still have alot of fun playing it in P2P so I don't bother with all of this shit...
  2. oh I didn't remind myself of this, lets put it this way:Make 2 signatures if you can :(One will be with majure effects and the seconds with a dragon spitting fire but no much effects ( if you can)and the one I like more I will use, the other I'll save in my PC to use some day later xDTy bro have a good work.. I'm pacient so have no rush
  3. Type of Image / Size:» Signature Im addicted to dragon slaying so, I whant a new signature abut dragons ( but notice that I only like colour dragons not metal dragons... Image: Dragons and some effects Main Text: My name and Pro Dragon Slayer Subtext (if any): -- KSI Logo (yes/no): yes Additional Comments: I w8 any time, just make a nice work Most Recent Past Request: ---
  4. Yeah I know but buy online stuff for me is only games stuff... Other things that I buy only is pieces for my drums and thats is thru musicstore online website...
  5. im not shure of the exacly day but it is 14 or 15 of september...
  6. Welcome to our great clan, have fun and go to events, chat alot in CC and FC...
  7. I realy thought the name were wierd for this kind of topic, but his help can be realy usefull for some ppl
  9. Welcome to TRR, have fun good events and learn how to use the IRC chat, it is awesome, alot of ppl chat there
  10. Sorry to don't come, I didn't even knew if it were P2P or F2P...
  11. Well I had a crush on you...Till I fucking have the nottice that you were a guy:(Fuck this... I FEEL LIKE SHIT
  12. Realy nice, I like some things in the options of subscription.. only bad I don't have any more money in paypal
  13. But I realy have a complain to make about bots, it is that nowadays if you are stanking in anywere and a guy comes near you and you don't respond he bans you.. Look to this stupid thing: Last night I was a little bit east from the varrock west bank that is under GE, I was close to the varrock tele fountain and you know what happened to me. I was resting sitted in the ground seeing some youtube vids, a few mins later I come and there is a bunch of guys stoking me saying I am a bot because I don't talk and I get up I click in follow the most high lvl guy and they start to say, Yeah he is going to bot even more and I sad like: dude what whats I botting? Resting?? Yeah great skill to bot.. and the guy sad, well ur a bot because you don't takl and Im like o.0 Nowadays ppl just ban me because I don't talk but the reaso to I don't talk is because I see alot of those advertising bots selling gold and I just TURN OFF the PUBLIC chat and as I don't talk ppl ban me, yesterday after this that I sad up here, some of the guys that banned me urlier saw me again, I was watching videos again in youtube and now I were between the GE and the varrock bank and I didn't talk to them and they banned me again.. So basicly nowadays noobs bana everyone that don't talk anbd that is shit, I think I was banned like 6 or 7 times yesterday because of don't talk, but I don't talk because off ppl boting advertisements I have public chat off or in the hide option and ppl just ban me and That is MY BIGGEST COMPLAIN IN HOW BOTS SUCK, BECAUSE YOU GET BOTTER UNFARLY BY JUST DON'T TALK TO NOOBS.... Fuck bots suck!!
  14. I have two things to say:First one is that a guy made a vid about bots and it's great, and explaining all the stuff, I'll show you it wen I find him from my youtube subscriptions... Second one is that Bad things sometimes can turn into good things and I found a topic in the RS foruns about in how to make BOTS USEFULL TO YOU, and I'll copy the link to here for you guys to see.. Its actualy quite good to ppl like me that love dragon slaying :(This is a video about a guy that I realy respect and make nice vides, this video is about he commenting about Bots...
  15. Men wen the P2P loyalty programe came out I didn't payed attention to what I bought, so I bought a stupid emote... Ill have all in the future ´and I bought a costume that I felt in love so I use it now to skill But ofc my guy have a much better Beard and skin colour, this is more like a dark lord ascending guy... bad skin colour o.0
  16. Thats TRR mascote right therelmao lmao......
  17. Nice event, I'll start to join you in a few days wen I get my P2P back for 3 months...
  18. Good luck guys... Have blessed drops in the future!!
  19. For me is since ever, now and for ever!! »»»» Green, blue, red or black.. whatever colour I found in a dragon I kill it simply because I love to slay dragons ( Not metal dragons the others o.0) SO I realy like to kill drags :(Join my drags club :DI think in the future in about a week or event less!! we I get P2P I will start my non metal dragons killing blog To show my work and my rewards
  20. I realy like the markers, it's great for us to have our TRR Symbol realy showed now a days, we are improving our forum with great stuff
  21. Hollow 4 »»» You are fucking amazing, great signs, realy nice work. Stuart »»» Great sign gratz, its awesome Great job both
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