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Everything posted by FunnyPirate

  1. wen I get p2p what I will do is train magic till 80 and im 75 atm and then I will buy polypore staff and rock barrows
  2. this is great stuff :DGod work!!
  3. if it actualy get a price raise Im gonna take out of my xbox money just like 10 euros and Ill pay 1 month and then I will do barrows all day long tog et some good money everyday this and then wen I get f2p Im gonna have some nice money for a f2p.
  4. FunnyPirate


    Im in TRR for 1 and half year, quited a few times got back everytime lol but yeah I don't remember you but welcome back and our foruns activiyt is low so try to get this up with alot of nice posts and topics
  5. I should be there and I will enjoy alot, Im f2p and do dung is boring so it's gonna be nice xD
  6. I don't hate black ops I actualy like his campain, it's one of the best in all 8 cod games... Multiplayer is a bit bad and a thing that is realy bad in MW3 + in Bo is the multiplayer Respawns they are pretty bad, i've seen various videos with commenatries in youtube were people rewspawn 5 times in a row in the same place and they always get killed by the same guy w8ting there. Pretty bad point there!But cmparing MW2 and MW3 for me is that I actualy like more the types of 3 killstreaks and I don't like most maps in MW2 so I go for MW3.Also in a few weeks like 6 or 7 in 1 and half months I will buy the xbox with MW3 and it's actualy great because the xbox layout will be with MW3 signatures and colors, same for commands, it's realy cool. xD
  7. Not just visage in the bonus drops, more things will come and people should buy some barrows armours because with the new armour desing they will be more bought and price will realy rise.Also I suck because I can't buy P2P and I will miss that 2x drops and bonus drops fuck F2P...
  8. idk but I like more the maps of MW3 and the differences between the 3 types of killstreaks you can chose in-game: support, specialist or attacker or watever is a big difference.
  9. I saw your first post and Im sorry but we are having some problems sometimes with text editing...
  10. Someone corrects this... These errors with editing text are starting to be realy bad...
  11. We've got to do something here + there tog et more activity because our current foruns there are reasonable but still little members and here big members but not much activity.
  12. Currently Im F2P and I've been P2P for little time ( 2 months total ) and I actualy only do pking in F2P because it's more easy and in P2P it's more confuse + hard if you are low lvl, still in F2P I don't do that much because I die aot of times and I don't have much income because F2P is fucked for money...
  13. Whats the time for this event??? All day long or wen people get there? Still I probably won't be able to do it
  14. Even tho I don't know you much, you have not many posts here in these foruns that we have for some months now wich mean you weren't much active, thats how I don't know you... But still it will be one more bad loss and have good luck in RS and in this new year.
  15. Unfortunately I can't do the same as you but instead with MW3 , still I was at my cousins home playing some PC shit games...
  16. In every game that I play I get everything and then I sell whats useless and what can't be sold I just drop...Eventualy I will amke some money out of selling shit.
  17. stupid codes about the colours and shit fuck you posts
  18. <font color="#ffffff"> I would like someone to make me a signature about MW3 but nothing too special and with that many effects... It can be about anything you want about MW3, just imagine and do something fun for me . Thanks for your time and effort in this!! </font>
  19. Well to all of you have a great 2012,Go play RSPost in the forunsCheck out our new gaming foruns of http://eldersouls.com/Have a good life stuff -_-Be happyGet a jobHave funGet some chicks/boysHave a GREAT NEW YEAR
  20. well gratz to all who did a good job to get this, better luck next time for the others...
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