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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. Foreword: This guide details the numerous potion effects sorted by ingredient. If you desire to sort ingredients by potion effect, you can view this guide. [table] [th]Ingredient[/th] [th]Effect 1[/th] [th]Effect 2[/th] [th]Effect 3[/th] [th]Effect 4[/th] [/table][table][th][/th][/table]
  2. I decided to post a Reply on this as a 1.5 with it reversed in Table form to help power levelers and such and hopefully there would be enough colors that I could maybe even color code the effects in the Table. Just a thought on paper for now, ha. Edit: In slight fear of it being too long, and somehow losing the progress on 1.5 I'll be posting it as a New guide, hopefully everyone can enjoy both sides of it.
  3. Alchemy Effects Guide This guide will outline the ingredients for every single potion Enjoy this guide, it's 1 of 3 in a "series" -By Unknown ProbLem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cure Disease: [*]Charred Skeever Hide [*]Hark Feathers [*]Mudcrab Chitin [*]Vampire Dust Damage Health: [*]Crimson Nirnroot [*]Deathbell [*]Ectoplasm [*]Falmer Ear [*]Human Flesh [*]Human Heart [*]Imp Stool [*]Jarrin Root [*]Nightshade [*]Nirnroot [*]Red Mountain Flower [*]River Betty [*]Skeever Tail [*]Small Antlers [*]Troll Fat [*]Void Salts Damage Magicka: [*]Butterfly Wing [*]Chaurus Eggs [*]Daedra Heart [*]Eye of Sabre Cat [*]Glow Dust [*]Hagraven Feathers [*]Hanging Moss [*]Human Heart [*]Jarrin Root [*]Luna Moth Wing [*]Namira's Rot [*]Nordic Barnacle Damage Magicka Regen: [*]Bear claws [*]Blue Butterfly Wing [*]Blue Mountain Flower [*]Ckicken's Egg [*]Glow Dust [*]Hanging Moss [*]Human Heart [*]Jarrin Root [*]Nightshade [*]Spider Egg [*]Spriggan Sap Damage Stamina: [*]Berit's Ashes [*]Blisterwort [*]Blue Butterfly Wing [*]Bone Meal [*]Canis Root [*]Crimson Nirnroot [*]Cyrodilic Spadetail [*]Giant's Toe [*]Jarrin Root [*]Nirnroot [*]Rock Warbler Egg [*]Spider Egg Damage Stamina Regen: [*]Creep Cluster [*]Daedra Heart [*]frost Mirriam [*]Giant's Toe [*]Histcarp [*]Juniper Berries [*]Large Antlers [*]Silverside Perch [*]Skeever Tail [*]Wheat Fear: [*]Blue Dartwing [*]Cyrodilic Spadetail [*]Daedra heart [*]Namira's Rot [*]Powdered Mammoth Tusk Fortify Alteration: [*]Grass Pod [*]River Betty [*]Spriggan Sap Fortify Barter: [*]Butterfly Wing [*]Dragon's tongue [*]Hagraven Claw [*]Tundra Cotton Fortify Block: [*]Bleeding Crown [*]Briar Heart [*]Honeycomb [*]Pearl [*]Slaughterfish Scales [*]Tundra Cotton Fortify Carry Weight: [*]Creep Cluster [*]Giant's Toe [*]Hawk Beak [*]River Betty [*]Scaly Pholiota [*]Wisp Wrappings Fortify Conjuration: [*]Berit's Ashes [*]Blue Butterfly Wing [*]Blue Mountain Flower [*]Bone Meal [*]Frost Salts [*]Hagraven Feathers [*]Lavender Fortify Destruction: [*]Beehive Husk [*]Ectoplasm [*]Glow Dust [*]Glowing Mushroom [*]Nightshade [*]Wisp Wrappings Fortify Enchanting: (Used in another Glitch) [*]Blue Buttefly Wing [*]Hagraven Claw [*]Snowbberries [*]Spriggan Sap Fortify Health: [*]Bear Claws [*]Blue Mountain Flower [*]Giant's Toe [*]Glowing Mushroom [*]Hanging Moss [*]Wheat Fortify Heavy Armor: [*]Ice wraith Teeth [*]Sabre Cat Tooth [*]Slaughterfish Scales [*]Thistle Branch [*]White Cap Fortify Illusion: [*]Dragon's Tongue [*]Dwarven Oil [*]Mora Tapinella [*]Scaly Pholiota [*]Taproot Fortify Light Armor: [*]Beehive Husk [*]Hawk Feathers [*]Honeycomb [*]Luna Moth Wing [*]Skeever Tail Fortify Lockpicking: [*]Falmer Ear [*]Namira's Rot [*]Pine Thrust Egg [*]Spider Egg Fortify Magicka: [*]Briar Heart [*]Ectoplasm [*]Histcarp [*]Jazbay Grapes [*]Red Mountain Flower [*]Tundra Cotton [*]Void Salts Fortify Marksman: [*]Canis Root [*]Elves Ear [*]Juniper Berries [*]Spider Egg Fortify One-Handed: [*]Bear Claws [*]Canis Root [*]Hanging Moss [*]Hawk Feathers [*]Rock Warbler Egg [*]Small Pearl Fortify Pickpocket: [*]Blue Dartwing [*]Nordic Barnacle [*]Orange Dartwing [*]Slaughterfish Egg Fortify Restoration: (Used for another Glitch) [*]Abecean Longfin [*]Cyrodilic Spadetail [*]Salt Pile [*]Small Antlers [*]Small Pearl Fortify Smithing: (Used for another Glitch) [*]Blisterwort [*]Glowing Mushroom [*]Sabre Cat Tooth [*]Spriggan Sap Fortify Sneak: [*]Abecean Longfin [*]Beehive Husk [*]Frost Mirriam [*]Hawk Feathers [*]Human Flesh [*]Powdered Mammoth Tusk [*]Purple Mountain Flower Fortify Stamina: [*]Chaurus Eggs [*]Garlic [*]Large Antlers [*]Lavender [*]Slaughterfish Egg [*]Torchbug Thorax Fortify Two-Handed: [*]Dragon's Tongue [*]Fly Amanita [*]Troll Fat Frenzy: [*]Blisterwort [*]Falmer Ear [*]Fly Amanita [*]Hagraven Feathers [*]Human Heart [*]Troll Fat Invisibility: [*]Chaurus Eggs [*]Crimson Nirnroot [*]Ice Wraith Teeth [*]Luna Moth Wing [*]Nirnroot [*]Vampire Dust Lingering Damage Health: [*]Imp Stool [*]Mora tapinella [*]Orange Dartwing [*]Slaughterfish Egg [*]Slaughterfish Scales Lingering Damage Magicka: [*]Hagraven Claw [*]Purple Mountain Flower [*]Swamp Fungal Pod [*]Torchbug Thorax [*]Wheat Lingering Damage Stamina: [*]Butterfly Wing [*]Chicken's Egg [*]Nightshade [*]Small Antlers Paralysis: [*]Briar Heart [*]Canis Root [*]Human Flesh [*]Imp Stool [*]Swamp Fungal Pod Ravage Health: [*]Cyrodilic Spadetail [*]Eye of Sabre Cat [*]Giant Lichen [*]Jazbay Grapes [*]Silverside Perch [*]Skeever Tail Ravage Magicka: [*]Frost Mirriam [*]Grass Pod [*]Lavender [*]Orange Dartwing [*]Red Mountain Flower [*]White Cap Ravage Stamina: [*]Bee [*]Berit's Ashes [*]Bone Meal [*]Deathbell [*]Honeycomb [*]Thistle Branch Regenerate Health: [*]Garlic [*]Juniper Berries [*]Luna Moth Wing [*]Namira's Rot [*]Nordic Barnacle [*]Vampire Dust Regenerate Magicka: [*]Dwarven Oil [*]Fire Salts [*]Garlic [*]Jazbay Grapes [*]Moon Sugar [*]Salt Pile [*]Taproot Regenerate Stamina: [*]Bee [*]Fly Amanita [*]Mora Tapinella [*]Scaly Pholiota Resist Fire: [*]Berit's Ashes [*]Bone Meal [*]Dragon's Tongue [*]Elves Ear [*]Fire Salts [*]Fly Amanita [*]Mudcrab Chitin [*]Snowberries Resist Frost: [*]Frost Mirriam [*]Frost Salts [*]Hawk Beak [*]Moon Sugar [*]Purple Mountain Flower [*]Silverside Perch [*]Slaughterfish Scales [*]Small Pearl [*]Snowberries [*]Thistle Branch Resist Magic: [*]Bleeding Crown [*]Chicken's Egg [*]Crimson Nirnroot [*]Hagraven Claw [*]Lavender [*]Nirnroot [*]Tundra Cotton [*]Void Salts [*]Wisp Wrappings Resist Poison: [*]Beehive Husk [*]Charred Skeever Hide [*]Falmer Ear [*]Garlic [*]Grass Pod [*]Mudcrab Chitin [*]Slaughterfish Egg [*]Thistle Branch [*]Troll Fat Resist Shock: [*]Blue Dartwing [*]Glow Dust [*]Glowing Mustroom [*]Hawk Beak [*]Pearl [*]Pine Thrush Egg [*]Snowberries [*]Swamp Fungal Pod Restore Health: [*]Blisterwort [*]Blue Dartwing [*]Blue Mountain Flower [*]Butterfly Wing [*]Charred Skeever Hide [*]Daedra Heart [*]Eye of Sabre Cat [*]Imp Stool [*]Rock Warbler Egg [*]Swamp Fungal POd [*]Wheat Restore Magicka: [*]Briar Heart [*]Creep Cluster [*]Dwarven Oil [*]Ectoplasm [*]Elves Ear [*]Fire Salts [*]Frost Salts [*]Giant Lichen [*]Grass Pod [*]Human Flesh [*]Moon Sugar [*]Mora Tapinella [*]Pearl [*]Red Mountain Flower [*]Taproot [*]Vampire Dust [*]White Cap Restore Stamina: [*]Bear Claws [*]Bee [*]Charred Skeever Hide [*]Eve of Sabre Cat [*]Hawk Beak [*]Histcarp [*]Honeycomb [*]Larger Antlers [*]Mudcrab Chitin [*]Orange Dartwing [*]Pearl [*]Pine Thrush Egg [*]Powdered Mammoth Tusk [*]Purple Mountain FLower [*]Sabre Cat Tooth [*]Silverside Perch [*]Small Pearl [*]Torchbug Thorax [*]Wisp Wrappings Slow: [*]Deathbell [*]Large Antlers [*]River Betty [*]Salt Pile Waterbreathing: [*]Chicken's Egg [*]Histcarp [*]Nordic Barnacle Weakness to Fire: [*]Bleeding Crown [*]Frost Salts [*]Ice Wraith Teeth [*]Juniper Berries [*]Moon Sugar [*]Powdered Mammoth Tusk Weakness to Frost: [*]Abecean Longfin [*]Elves Ear [*]Fire Salts [*]Ice Wraith Teeth [*]White Cap Weakness to Magic: [*]Creep Cluster [*]Dwarven Oil [*]Jazbay Grapes [*]Rock Warbler Egg [*]Salt Pile [*]Scaly Pholiota [*]Taproot [*]Torchbug Thorax Weakness to Poison: [*]Abecean Longfin [*]Bleeding Crown [*]Chaurus Eggs [*]Deathbell [*]Giant Lichen [*]Pine Thrush Egg [*]Sabre Cat Tooh [*]Small Antlers Weakness to Shock: [*]Bee [*]Giant Lichen [*]Hagraven Feathers [*]Void Salts Enjoy this guide everyone!
  4. A standard test in the US that most colleges look at to determine my apparent intelligence.
  5. Hopefully will have a build out tonight but I'm posting a build Template for quickness etc. Level (number) (Build Name/Type): Requirements: Personal Notes: Enchants: Helmet: Chest: Hands: Feet: Shield: Ring: Amulet: Perk Distribution: (Extra link if the original doesn't work) Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: Enjoy everyone who wants to do one yourself feel free to edit wherever need be for your own build. Also, going to post up a guide for Alchemy and Enchanting, also possibly smithing including base stats. (These will be on the guides thread) Edit:
  6. Yeah, that actually does make sense, just never really noticed the master ritual spell side-quests. I'm playing right now on my 81 Hunter and my Daedric War Axe two shots Falmer Shadowmasters(?) with a power attack. the dps he has is insane.
  7. I like Blex's idea of the Archery + One-Hand because you can't rely solely on your bow, as normally my ending set of armor almost forces me to play on Master. The Enchanting and Smithing are an obvious thing, and I like the Alchemy because last night i expeimented with my 81 "hunter" and i have a legit 12k gold Daedric bow that with daedric arrows does 652 damage. So + to the Alchemy. I'd have to decide on it dualing as a thief as well but i don't know. I want to keep this between 50-60 in level. when I have access to a computer i'll work more at it.Edit: i didnt really expect this but with Alteration for something like a melee class isnt a bad idea as the Master spell is ridiculous. "Caster ignores 80% of all physical damage for 30 seconds" which is pretty good (at least i think xD)
  8. working on a Stealth build right now. Any suggestions? hopefully aiming for level 50.
  9. No problem at all. Pleasure to help out. This is quikly becoming one of my favorite sites, if not already.
  10. Dubstep (the better kind, not just WUB WUB face-ownage)

  11. @Anarchy you just made my day about a million times better xD seeing my random dubstep quote made me instantly laugh. yeah I had ACT's today (woop woop) and while waiting for my ride, a bunch of white jock d-bags, or mostly the passenger, opened the car door and yelled my name calling me a "Fucking Faggot" while flicking me off. so yeah, thanks
  12. That sounds mildly frightening in all honesty. being "forced" to take dance classes xD but congrats on the trophies at least.
  13. Nice, I've seen a lot of good break dancers on youtube and such (where I'm from, that is a little unheard of, such the same as Melbourne Shuffle) but a lot of my previous "idols" to Shuffling have since converted to break dancing or forms of it. I think the aspect of shuffling is really fun, and when you are good enough (somewhat easy, but definitely requires practice) you can basically glide around on a flat surface to a lot of Techno music O.o as you follow the Bassline. Overall, I think a lot of the more "underground" dances are cooler than just Club grinding xD
  14. Recently I've been listening to a lot of European music (or just music that originated there) like Hardstyle, Hardcore, Dutch, etc. along with a lot of Trance HardTrance, DnB(Drum and Bass), Dubstep (the better kind, not just WUB WUB face-ownage), and Just more electronic music, though I like a lot of Rock along with Metal, Screamo and such and a little bit of Hip Hop/Rap/RnB.My favorite dance to follow my more Favorite music like Hardstyle is definitely the Melbourne Shuffle and have been trying to learn for quite some time.What are your guy's favorite music to listen to?
  15. Why did nobody mention 007 Goldeneye? D: this makes me sad, my favorites on the N64 were Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Super Smash Bros., Pokemon Stadium, Goldeneye and Pokemon Puzzle League (Pokemon Tetris )
  16. I have the same problem as well, however thanks to the restoration Glitch, I now have 850,000 carry weight (the only glitch I really don't regret)100ish Alchemy --> Crafting armor with +Alchemy strength --> Fortify Restoration potion = higher potency. make Fortify Enchanting potion, and ta da! you now have over powered Enchantments.
  17. Thanks a bunch! I'm glad I could help, and be thankful I threw this together, because I've done this three times now, all without knowing where to find any of the blood. The second time i did it (I went out all the way to Riften to get Honeyside for whatever reason) It ended up taking a total of 30 hours, because i couldn't find the blood.
  18. I'm glad I'm not the only one, ha. Also do you have an xbox? Also, I made a guide, check it out. I like being here, everybody is really nice and at least honest. you and traaginen are very knowledgeable with enchantments and whatnot. Edit: No builds for today :< I left my enchantments sheet at home. Might scour for some weapon enchants and make a list somewhere on the site for reference. I could try to make them really in depth and such. Maybe one day they'll be perfect. Currently tweaking a "Hunter" Spec from a couple of days ago.
  19. Oghma Infinum Glitch/Exploit A guide to power-leveling faster. Okay, on to the guide! -Made by Unknown ProbLem This glitch does NOT work as of Patch 1.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: A house with a bookshelf NOTE: you will NEED to be level 15 at least upon returning to Septimus, or when you return the Lexicon, the quest basically becomes glitched and you aren't able to continue. Background: This glitch revolves around the Quest "Discerning The Transmundane" and stems back to Oblivion. This quest has basically three parts, Part one is getting there, Part two is going through the Dungeon into Blackreach, and finally Part three is collecting your prize. Most people know of this quest due to the Main quest quest: "Elder Knowledge". This is also a Daedric quest as well and will count towards the Achievement/Trophy. Oghma Infinum: This book will normally increase either the Warrior, Mage, or the Thief by 5 points to all of the skills in that Tree group. This is generally probably the one of the most useful Daedric items from all the quests, but that is debatable. Quest: This quest, involves the player to go to the northern end of Skyrim, past the College of Winterhold to a place called Septimus Signus's Outpost and speak to this man. He will basically mumble on about the big odd looking box next to him. He is talking about going to retrieve the Elder Scroll in the Dwarven dungeon of Alftand. At the end of this dungeon, you'll reach a pedestal and two Imperials fighting. Quickly kill both of these people (one is a battlemage and will kill the other much much faster, so kill him first) press the activate keys and go into Blackreach. When you get to the Tower of Mzark and do the quick little puzzle, just take the elevator and head back to Septimus. Upon returning with the Ruined Lexiconhe will give you an extractor to get Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Falmer, and Orsimer (High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Falmer and Orcs) As taken from the Skyrim Wikipedia, here are the most common places to find these blood types. (This will actually save you a lot of the actual time doing this quest, as the times I've done this, I never had this guide) Locations containing most blood typesWarning [*]Alftand [*]Chillwind Depths [*]Helgen - Bandits of various mer races randomly spawn here. [*]Liar's Retreat [*]Mzinchaleft - contains all but Altmer. [*]Nightcaller Temple - Orc, Altmer, and Dunmer. [*]Rannveig's Fast - Orc, Bosmer and Dunmer. Sometimes has Altmer as well. Altmer blood [*]Alftand [*]Brittleshin Pass - Altmer Necromage [*]Chillwind Depths [*]Cragwallow Slope [*]Halted Stream Camp [*]Northwest of Helgen [*]Ondolemar - Understone Keep [*]Shrine of Talos between Pinewatch and Anise's Cabin. [*]Taarie or Endarie - Radiant Raiment [*]Thalmor Barracks [*]Uttering Hills Cave - Summerset Shadows [*]Ustengrav Bosmer blood [*]Bandits - Random encounters [*]Alftand [*]Anoriath and Elrindir - The Drunken Huntsman [*]Chillwind Depths [*]Faendal - Riverwood [*]Liar's Retreat [*]Silent Moons Camp Dunmer blood [*]Aranea Ienith - Azura's Shrine [*]Brand-Shei - Riften [*]Brelyna Maryon - the College of Winterhold [*]Drelas - Drelas' Cottage [*]Erandur - Nightcaller Temple [*]Fellglow Keep [*]Ilinalta's Deep [*]Jenassa - The Drunken Huntsman [*]Rannveig's Fast - bottom of trap door [*]Reeking Cave [*]Veren Duleri - Nightcaller Temple Falmer blood [*]Any Dwemer Ruin [*]Liar's Retreat Orsimer blood [*]Alftand [*]Bonechill Passage [*]Helgen - Bandits random encounters. [*]Orc Stronghold (All credit of these locations goes to Skyrim Wiki) Post-Quest(after receiving the Oghma Infinium): After the player has acquired the Oghma Infinium he/she should go back to their home (Breezehome, Proudspire Manor, Honeyside, and others) and find their bookshelf. (go to the local Jarl and buy the bundle that includes a bookshelf) Now, activate the bookshelf, and instead of just depositing the book onto the shelf, read it and choose one of the three, and Quickly now put it into your bookshelf. You should have gained the +5 bonus to all of those specific skills and you'll have the book on your bookshelf, instead of the book disappearing like usual. DO NOT activate your bookshelf and take it again, just simply read the book right from the bookshelf and take it WITHOUT reading it. rinse and repeat to hit level 81 in no time. For the full walkthrough/explain of Discerning the Transmundane, please visit: http://elderscrolls....he_Transmundane for the entire quest breakdown. Enjoy having 100 everything! Credit to- Traaginen for his Power-Leveling warning, and Wikipedia for the detail and locations of the blood. UPDATE!!!: THIS GLITCH/EXPLOIT STILL WORKS AS OF DAWNGUARD PATCH 1.7
  20. I've done comparisons a lot and overall between Daedric and Dragon, Daedric at (Legendary) does end with a higher armor rating. The Enchants do make more sense as well, just that boots have awful enchants for them in my opinion. I think they go better for sneak builds. I do like the changes and they are getting easier to read. That should be a template for critiques. A small rough personal summary, Enchant changes to the build, and Perk changes. Do you like the Perk trees being lumped together, or individual and I feel easier to read? Legend for Boot Enchants:
  21. Level 50 Mage thing...: Requirements: 80 Heavy Armor, 90 Smithing, 100 Conjuration, 60 Destruction, 75 Restoration, 100 Enchanting Personal Notes: A hopefully solid mage spec/build that has a force multipler within Twin Souls and Conjuration. So you now become three instead of one, all while casting Destruction spells. Sadly, I had to throw in Heavy armor and smithing, because Mage's Robes have 0 armor and I don't want my Mage to be squishier than a water balloon... Special Note: It would be recommended to make a second set of Rings and Amulets to compensate for one school not being at -100%. Enchants: Helmet: Fortify Restoration/Conjuration and Fortify Destruction Chest: Fortify Restoration/Conjuration and Fortify Destruction Hands: Fortify Heavy Armor and Fortify Magicka Feet: Fortify Stamina/Stamina Regen. and Resist Fire/Frost/Shock Ring:Fortify Restoration/Conjuration and Fortify Destruction Amulet:Fortify Restoration/Conjuration and Fortify Destruction Set two: ( to balance the odd Magic schools) Ring: Opposite Set one Ring Amulet: Opposite Set one Amulet Note:The second set, as mentioned above is to counter the fact that this spec/build has three schools of magic. adjust to however you play (either way, one will end with -50% instead of -100% like the other two will. (This means if you want -100% Destruction and Conjuration, make your enchantments for those two, along with put the perks as listed below. If you want either -100% Destruction and Restoration, etc. then you need to move Restoration's ApR, AdR, and ER to either Destruction or Conjuration. So adjust accordingly) Note Acronyms: Extra Note: If you don't understand, move ApR --> either ApD or ApC, move AdR --> either AdD or AdC, and move ER --> ED or EC Perk Distribution: (I figured I would try something else, as the trees were readable but blurry, so I'm experimenting here as well) Heavy Armor: Smithing: Conjuration: Destruction: Restoration: Enchanting: Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: 30 Health, 9 Magicka, 10 Stamina (ending:400, 19, 200 )(49 total)(Subject to change)
  22. Thanks Blexun, and i edited my previous post, I got it under 50!
  23. Alright, I'll aim to make that my goal, though I'll try to work on higher level ones as well and tweak them just for the "committed" or the interest few who can get there. Just need to mess with a little bit, like maybe remove the +3 Bone Breaker on One-Handed or let the player decide when they hit 50, because One-Handed is the most bulky. I stopped at Expert Restoration though, because as far as I know, I've never personally seen a Master level Restoration spell. Not to mention that the highest expert spell I know of is.... I think Grand Healing with is a 200 heal + "splash healing" so people around you (Companions, unfortunate training horses) get some heals as well. Edit: With the Removal of the +3 Bone Breaker in One-handed, and the +2 Recovery (+50% faster Magicka Regen.) in Restoration, the new level for this build should now be level 49. New Point Distribution: Health 30, Magicka 8, Stamina 10 (400, 180, 200)
  24. I like making Character Builds! Check out my thread for some examples! :D

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