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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. Hi David, Still can't find Noble furniture Table and Chair codes for the items above. Clicking on them to obtain codes in console doesn't work for anything except Miscellaneous items.
  2. See, here it is, i marked it as solved and gave you like this.... See, scrolling solved, as i marked it! But still no trophy codes. Didn't you like my "liked this" ?
  3. I did mark the pg up/pg down issue "solved" on my "can't scroll up and down in console" Thread. I even gave you a "Buttons Likes This" comment (in case you didn't notice ) But it has not helped me with finding any trophy codes. Trophy Codes continue to eluding me. So the question is.... Are you offering to help?? And don't forget my spider issues, I still cant talk to the two little biters, but they follow me around like loyal soldiers.
  4. No Mod, just console coded them. Now they follow me around, they even fast travel with me, so I'm thinking i could give them dialogue, What do you reckon? Here are the codes i used to get them: 302749a Oil Spider 30274a0 Pack Spider I also got Lis. the spider from the Dark brotherhood, but she doesn't follow me, so i made her a house pet: a19fe Here is another Pack spider which doesn't follow me either, which i made another house pet: 3027482 So is there any way to make my two followers interactive??
  5. Hey Guys, I have two spider followers, as in, they follow me around, only they can't follow commands like other followers. No dialogue options. Is there any way to make them "Wait Here" or "Go Home" and do the other things followers can do? See my spider follower pics bellow. The one with pink is called the Oil Spider, and the Grey/yellow one is called the Pack Spider:
  6. Be careful with who you do and don't kill, doing so will save a lot of trouble in this area.
  7. lol yor funny. I always choose my spouses carefully I do download mods, but never a divorce one.... Go into Steam, then Workshop, then into Skyrim, then search under a few of the different mod headings... like relationship? Otherwise, although i haven't tried this yet, kill your spouse (husband/wife) with either your weapon or with console codes, then resurrect them and see if they are still your spouse. Try this: kill your spouse, then open console by pressing the ~ key, which is situated below the esc key. Then when you see the bottom of the screen turn grey click on the dead spouse with your activation key and you will see their id code come up in the center of the screen. Then you type in resurrect, then hit your ENTER key. Then hit the ~ key again to exit console. At this point your spouse should rise from the dead and no longer be your spouse. But just in case this doesn't work, save your game before doing any of this. Seriously, I'm not sure if this will work, and even if it does the game may still regard you as married and not let you marry again. Hmm, best to search for mods. Also, to know a good mod from a bad one, look for 5 star ratings, and just read the write-ups at the bottom of the mod page to see what other people thought about it.
  8. Ok, you will need to be more exact with what is going on. Does it say that it has completed installation or whatever process wording it uses?? If it looks like it is installed correctly, what level are you on and how exactly isn't it working? Be precise. Keep in mind that Dragonborn doesn't activate until about 5 or 6 of the main quests are complete. And as much as i would hate to say this: if you cant find any kids, try the orphanage in Riften and look for the other street kids during the day, not at night. In any case I'm busy racking my brain to find answers for you. I think it might be something simple.... It usually is. One other thing, as David mentioned, check to make sure your dlc boxes are ticked in DATA FILES
  9. Unfortunately, the answer remaining is the one you may not like: Uninstall/Re-install. I'm also on PC. I Originally got the Skyrim IV disc and later added the Legendary Edition from disc which worked out just fine for me. Personally i prefer to install from a disc because I have also had bad experiences with installing from Steam and other sites. Anyway, if you are having problems then just do the uninstall/re-install thing. Apparently you won't lose any progress that way Poor you.....
  10. Ok Amandath3panda, If the Dragonborn has been installed then there could be a couple of other reasons why it isn't working for you: 1. You need to complete a certain amount of the quests on the main Skyrim questline before the Dragonborn quest-line is activated. By memory i think it is four to six main quest-line quests. When you have completed the right amount of main quest-line quests some of Miraaks goons will come after you. (they are wearing white masks) You will probably need to kill those goons and read the letter one of them is carrying. At that point you will be able to go to Solstheim. 2. Once # 1 has taken place, exit the eastern gate to Windhelm and go down to the docks where you will need to board the boat that has Captain Gjalund. If you have the quest marked on your quest list the quest marker will be hovering over Gjalund's head. Talk to him. He will not want to take you to Solstheim but it isn't hard to persuade him. Soon enough you will be on your way.
  11. I'd really hate to ask you this, but you are using the Bloodskal Blade, right? To be more precise, I think there are three "sets" of strike lines. From memory the first two strike lines are horizontal on either side of the arch. the second is a vertical set of strike lines located a little higher on the sides of the arch, the last horizontal set are located at the top of the arch. Once you are done with those six, you need to do one last strike vertically down the center of the actual door itself. Note, you do not need to make contact with the strike lines, as the blade itself casts off the power that is needed to activate the archway. So stand back a little to ensure you are causing the correct reaction.
  12. Need more info. Don't know why you mentioned the black soul gem as i have never been a full vampire. But if you don't have any Cure Disease potions and you are playing on pc, go into console by pressing this key ~ (below the esc button) and use this code: player.additem ae723 1 That will give a potion to cure it, as long as you're not a full vampire yet. if you want more than one of these potions just change the 1 to what amount you desire. otherwise, if you are on ps or xbox, and you are too far into your vampirism and need to see someone specific in Morthal to help you, such as Falion, then i suggest you follow David's help below.
  13. Well, ok then... That worked!!!! Thank you David for your time on this matter. My bad. Again. In fact I really can't figure out HOW i didn't notice the second set of scroll up and down keys... How's that even possible?? Does anybody know how i could have missed that? It's a good thing I'm cute because my brain sure don't work too good. like... seriously? Maybe I should get laid, after all its only been eight years. Time to clean the cobwebs....
  14. After reading the page i am 99% certain they are referring to inventory <additem> misc code, not the <placeatme> furniture and activation codes. Please, try it for yourself and you will see that i am right. If you can spawn a noble table next to the same noble table with its own console ref ID codes in Dragonsreach (using the method mentioned above), I will wire $100 into your account. But you will need to post a photo of the two tables sitting together. lets say... this table, situated to the right of the Whiterun Throne:
  15. It doesn't work if I'm in the same cell. This information is from trying many times in the same cell, loaded and unloaded. Could you post send me the URL link to that specific wiki page... I'm doing everything you're telling me.
  16. David, What aren't you telling me? Are you certain your right about this? I just went into the game and tried every strategy i could think of. First, I took down a table code, several actually, then i went home to a completely different cell on the other side of Skyrim and tried spawning one of the tables. It didn't work. I then went back to that table and disabled it, saved/loaded, then tried again, but that didn't work either. So then i went back to a previous save point, deleted the table, reset the game (save/load), then tried re-spawning it again, but still it didn't work. I tried the same method by once more exiting the cell to reset, but again No Go. By now i was getting frustrated, so i went once more to a previous save point, deleted the table, disabled it as well, then shut down the game altogether before starting it up and trying again. And no, it still didn't work. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong....
  17. Well that's odd... It is possible that the image you are trying to replace it with is too big, you may need to reduce its size. I was having a problem loading a photo on my profile for a while until i figured out how to reduce the data size of it. if you know anything about photography, Originally the turtle pic on my profile was from a RAW image, way too big for a profile on this site. I still recommend imgur, it is very basic to join, and then you will always have it for future references bases. once you have uploaded pics on imgur, and you want to post one on this site, open up a new post, or reply to a post like this, and you will see a little picture square above the area where you are writing your post. if you hover your arrow over it, it will say "Image". click on that small picture and follow the prompts. See the post David referred too, as it explains it a lot better. personally, I think it is worth getting this stuff done, then you will always have it for the future.
  18. Yeah I know about the 0000's But wait a minute, if the ref id wont work while the item is currently loaded, then how do i spawn it? do i need to be outside of the cell that the item exists in? or can i markfordelete/disable that item before recreating it? what would be the steps in spawning it? I'm guessing i just go to another place within the game? right? "out of sight, out of load" ? or is it still loaded while out of sight or cell?
  19. Sorry David, I tried it again and no, it doesn't work that way. Yes, it comes up with a code when you click on an item, but no, it is not a ref id code or a base id code, its just some other useless code. You should try it and see what i mean. So, seeing that this method doesn't work, do you have any codes for any of these items or items similar to them? But don't forget the noble table and chairs from the other thread too. (by the way, i tried the help <key word> 0 codes for item searching, but much of what I'm looking for only comes up as miscellaneous codes rather than furniture, floor or activation codes. Miscellaneous codes for furniture are obviously useless). Back to square one I'm afraid.... I could provide you with the location of all these items if it would help you obtaining their ref id codes?
  20. Haha. love it! you should see how long it took for David to show me how to post a pic! check that thread out.... I'll let Dave explain. Actually, joining up with Imgur was painless and was easier for me than the other method, though it took a little longer.... But worth it. I've got a shitload of photos on that site now.
  21. A creation kit sounds scary... I'm a very meek gamer. took me months to get up the courage to download a mod. Where do i get a creation kit?
  22. See also my response to my previous thread response. doesn't work like that. usually.
  23. No, sorry, I tried this method the first time you suggested it. It doesn't work. when You use this method a code does come up but it is a different code to one you would use in spawning that item. it will not work on tables and other furniture. though it may work with some npc's, although i haven't tried it with npc's. Everything has at least two codes: One you get with this method, Another is a ref id which will not come up with this method, And there is a third base id for some things like npc's which will not come up with this method either. But i will try this method again just in case. but it didn't work last time. wrong codes.
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