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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. hmmm.... I just know there's something unusual going on here.... I paid for both of them. Thanks Dave
  2. So.... be patient for a moment... are you saying that owning two of the identical horse isn't out of the ordinary, even if the one that fast travels with me is the one that walks away while the other non-fast-travelling one stays? By the way he's still standing there at the Riften stables, while yet another of the exact same stands at Whiterun. They are the same friggen horse, right? I paid for the second because the first was presumed dead... I was wrong, and now they both exist... how is it possible that they both exist at the same time? It's like... the chicken and the egg. I get what your saying, but what's the bet my game program has malfunctioned and that horse at Riften Stables will stand there indefinitely because he isn't meant to have an identical duplicate at Whiterun? What's the bet?
  3. I'm up to level 48 with me current character, on pc, and I admit I've done a lot console coding in areas of the game I couldn't be bothered advancing in the long way, like alchemy, and the other one is giving my followers added health.... Now usually I would obtain Frost (the Horse) much earlier in the game, say level 20, but this time around I bought the black Whiterun horse who has been with me the entire time, and that black Whiterun horse even went mysteriously missing at one stage. I thought he had died. So I went and bought another black horse from the Whiterun stables, which was identical in every way to the first horse. The problem however occurred when that horse mysteriously went missing as well, so I went back to Whiterun stables and found him there waiting for me. I knew it was him because he was called Buttons's Horse, and he fast travelled with me wherever I went - but get this; every time I dismounted him, he would walk away and head back home to Whiterun. Of course this made me wonder... could I have two horses out there? but if I did have two horses then why is the one that keeps walking away also the only one that keeps fast travels with me even when I'm not riding him???? Right??? Let me know if I lose you on this. So, I decided to go on a little horse hunting mission. To begin I dismounting my discontent walker, and before he got a chance to walk very far I started fast travelling all over Skyrim until finally I landed at the Riften stables where, sure enough, I had two of the same horse staring expectantly at me.... To find out which was the one I had been looking for I mounted and dismounted both of them, the right one was the one that didn't walk away, naturally. So I kept that horse from that point, because who wouldn't keep a horse that refused to walk away even when you buy and ride another horse? But now here is where it gets even more interesting: As I started to tell you earlier, I recently acquired Frost, but before I did I took my loyal Whiterun horse to the Riften Stabes, because it didn't seem right to leave him standing out there at the lodge. BUT soon after acquiring Frost I returned to the Riften stables and found my very loyal Whiterun horse still standing there... waiting and staring at me with his big, sad doting eyes.... He refuses to walk home! Could someone please tell me, now that I have Frost, why won't my disturbingly loyal Whiterun horse walk back to Whiterun where I first bought him? AND, if he wont walk back to Whiterun because there is already an identical duplicate of himself at the stables there, then how did I manage to get two of them? It just doesn't add up... Am I making any sense? So yeah, I'm just wondering because it seems very odd..... Not really a problem in the true sense of the word though.
  4. I know, right? being busy IS unfortunate! Consider the last few threads and all the fun you missed out on!
  5. It's ok Francis, I'm not actually that easy to offend, but I'm just so tempted by a good debate and I guess I should have explained better.... I wasn't upset but rather making a point in order to protect you from any possible backlashes from people (admin) who might think in a similar way to what I portrayed in my writ-up, understand? Administration or not, you have to take precautions when playing with fire. Wars have been started over less, literally. There are some very smart people in the world, religious and otherwise, who are just waiting for the chance to stick it to you if they can.... And, by the way, the African crumped on the ground thing would be a little too distasteful for someone like that. Believe me, I do have a great deal of experience in this matter. Think outside the box... Be very, very smart about it. Wish you well, my friend, and love life...?
  6. Oops, my mistake. But now I see, so you want an idea for a t-shirt that says we live somewhere else, on some other planet, that if there is a God then we must expect that such an all powerful entity would do everything for us and we shouldn't be expected to do anything for ourselves like, say, I don't know... feed the hungry? Find relief for those in pain? For if there was a God then certainly that God would know we couldn't possibly have the means to do those things for ourselves now, could we? After all, everybody knows the earth has no regenerative resources, at least not enough to feed everyone, right? Besides, why would we want to better ourselves and our civilization when we can sit around and think up offensive ideas for t-shirts? That's much more productive, don't you think? Or, better yet, let's play a computer game instead - but wait, first we should close the curtains so the light from the outside world doesn't inhibit the view of our screen... Not judging, just saying, might want to give it a bit more thought.....
  7. I went back and placed the Mercer plans on Mercers underground desk, where I had already stolen them from earlier in the game, and now the game is willing for me to progress. The Pursuit has begun! YES!!!! And thanks for your help everyone, its the thought that counts, right?
  8. Yes, Yes, Yes! I did it! Finally YES! y y eeeeeee sss s ! y y e s ! y y e s ! y eeeee sss ! y e s ! y e s y eeeeeee s sss s !! So, after going back to just after obtaining the charcoal etchings at Markarth, I went to Mercer Freys underground office and put the Mercer plans back that I had stolen earlier in the game. after that I went out to meet Enthir and Karliah at Windhelm, and the Pursuit quest finally began!!!!!
  9. Maybe Vilkas thought you were too domineering and moved to Elsewhere.... Just kidding. But it does sound like the worse has happened to him. I have left followers outside of places before and upon returning found them mysteriously gone. Usually I have found them dead near by, their body hiding beyond a rock or in the bush. I know, it shouldn't happen if your not around, but it can. Do you have a save point when you exited the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary? I would go back to that point and scale the area. Otherwise, if you are on PC, try using these codes to bring him to you. If he is alive he will come: prid <Vilkas ID Code> moveto player Hope this helps....
  10. I need your help David, I know you don't like to have the same question posted on two separate posts but I really need your help with this Karliah situation. I cant go any further in the game until It's been solved. Anyone else got any ideas? ANYONE?? see my previous question about Karliah.... Thought I better mention: "The Pursuit" quest refuses to start, though the "Hard Answers" quest has shown completion. Another confession: I did break into Mercer Frey's House very early in the game and stole all his plans and sword and stuff, because I figured it might save me time in the future. I did this by console coding a bunch of barrels in a step formation and jumping my way up onto the rear balcony, then using the Unlock code to open the door.... I guess I should have just used the tcl code to fly into the joint, anyway... Do you think that doing this made a difference? If so how do I fix it without returning to the beginning of the game? I have also tried using the code: setstage tg07 10 But it didn't do anything! Someone help me, I cant play any further until I get past this....
  11. I don't understand. I did the full circle, the Hard Answers quest again. then fast travelled to Snow Veil Sanctum where I found her there once more, standing in the last room. Just standing there! I try talking to her and all she says is Hm? Hm? Hm? I try beating her with my hammer and she wont even die!!! why is she tormenting me?? why wont she return to he F#%king Guild! Somebody help... I'm going nuts!!!! I want to begin Pursuit and she wont let me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Look guys, I'm getting pissed off now. Maybe I'm not seeing something very obvious but I have now tried everything. I've waisted an entire day on this shit. You know what, I tried trading in a piece of old Theives guild gear for a new piece to see if that would make a difference, I tried taking a few jobs from Vex and that pommy guy, I've even tried putting in the console codes to bring Karliah to me at the entrance of the Flagon: prid 58f1a moveto player, but as soon as she appeared she walked right on through the flagon, straight out of the guild, out of Riften, and starts heading North up the road! Well, where the hell does she think she's going? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I saw this happen I thought maybe she was heading back to the point I took her from when I entered the codes, but no! that's not right at all, because I decided to go back to the beginning again, at Winterhold, when she walked out of the city and, seeing that nothing else worked, I followed that bitch!!! At one point, because she walked so friggen slow I fast travelled to some joint along the road and console coded her to my position again to try and speed up the process, but as soon as she appeared she started to backtrack! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I decide that I would go back one more time and follow her again from Winterhold, and just let her take her sweet-ass time and, let me tell you, she moves SLOW! and you know where she led me? do you? hah? Well I'll tell you where; All the way back to the stupid SNOW VEIL SANCTUM! That's right! she walked back to the Snow Veil sanctum, went inside, walked right through the whole damn maze, and in the last room where she shot me in front of Mercer the first time, she took a drink of some potion and shot me all over again! So again I blacked out and woke up outside with her standing there and the HARD ANSWERS quest started all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, No! somebody please help me! What the F#%k is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????
  13. The last time I played this game with a different character I went through these series of quests without a hitch, but this time I'm getting stuck. I've just finished the quests "Speaking With Silence" and "Hard Answers". At the end of hard answers Karliah told me to go back to the guild and inform Brynjolf of what happened with Mercer Frey, and then she told me to meet her there at the Ragged Flagon as well. But when I go to Brynjolf he just keeps telling me he has important things to do, before sitting at a table and staring distantly at me. He's obviously a liar! What's going on? why wont the game progress? and why is the door to the big loot room at the back of the Flagon standing open with all the empty chests inside, as if I had already completed the quests I haven't done? Update: I went back to the end of Hard Answers, completed that quest, then waited for Karliah to exit the room before I left. Then when I went outside into Winterhold I saw her stuck against a rock, walking, but not getting anywhere. So I flogged her with my warhammer until she broke free and I then watched her walk out of Winderhold. I then waited 48 hours at that very spot before traveling back to the Guild where still the stupid secret entrance was unlocked, and Karliah was nowhere to be found! Is she stupid or something? What the hell is going on!!!?????
  14. Ok woeful soul, please share; what did these simpletons do to you last year, and what two ideas do you already have? While I am waiting for your response, I am going to share with you a joke which you can tell all them college Christians: So, in the near future scientist are able to genetically engineer the perfect person: the best mathematician, the best soldier, the best artist, etc. And so the scientist sit down for a philosophical discussion with each other one day, and while talking they decide amongst themselves that they don't really need God anymore. Now, God hears what the scientists are saying and decides to go down and pay them a visit, and asks them; "Excuse me, but did I hear you right, did you say you don't need me any more?" The scientists laugh, and reply, "Yes, you did hear us correctly; as you can see we can make a man just like you can, in fact we can make any type of man we like, and so who needs you?" God chuckles, "Really, and would you like to put your money where your mouth is?" The scientists ask, "Well, what did you have in mind, God?" "Ok, how about we both make a man," God suggests, "you make yours, I'll make mine, and then we can see whose man turns out best...." The scientist are feeling cocky, so they ask God, "And how do you suppose we might perform this task, any specific means in mind?" "Your choice!" God replies with a smile. So the scientist discuss the matter for a while and returning to God, they prepose, "We will do it the old fashioned way; we will both make a man out of a handful of dirt." God Agrees with the terms and goes off to make his man while the scientist go off to makes theirs, but when the scientist go outside to pick up a handful of dirt, God returns to them quickly, and tells them; "HEY! You put that back and make your own damn dirt!!!!!"
  15. Mm, age group would definitely help the thought process
  16. Am I to understand that there is no quest regarding Rune's mysterious past? (ragged flagon)
  17. You say it doesn't go back to where you found it??? That's odd. If I was you and had my heart set on this cute sucker of a horse, then you have two choices, the most time consuming choice is to follow the silly fellow until it arrives somewhere which, like I said, will take a while, and along the journey you will no doubt meet up with your share of dragons and bandits etc. to keep you entertained, of course. The other alternative is that you look up all the horses of Skyrim on Wiki and see if you can match him up to the photos. Find out where he is meant to live. You wana hear a funny story? I once duplicated my horse, they were both called Buttons's Horse, and apparently both came from the same place and they were both identical in every way. I must have paid for them both, right? I don't know how I did it though. But in any case I ended up riding the wrong one, just assumed he was the right one because he had the right name, but then he would walk away when I dismounted, and yet he would still fast travel with me when I wasn't mounted! So, not remembering where I left the other horse and feeling very confused, I fast travelled to all the places around Skyrim until finally I found the other horse, and there they both were standing side by side... same name, same everything, at which point I had to mount and dismount both of them to see which one was the right one, which was the one that stayed, of course. Ah yes, the adventures of Buttons....
  18. Thanks Dave!!! That's what I wanted!!!! Couldn't find it on my search, you will have to teach me how to search the web, outside of naming things outright????
  19. none of them were working but after restarting the game it seems to be doing ok. Thanks man!
  20. Anybody know if there is a console code for the Staff Enchanter in Tel Mithryn? want one in my house!!
  21. You didn't save randomly along the way, allowing you to just go back to a save point just before the last room? And yes, I think it is if I recall correctly... not sure though, would have to go back through that joint again to recall properly.
  22. I need some quick help if someone can oblige me, I've got my smithing up to 100, everything I make is legendary! And I've now been striving really hard to get my enchanting up there too, but I decided my levels etc weren't progressing fast enough so I decided to cheat and console code myself some soul gems of all sizes, even black ones, so that then all I have to do is go around with my soul catching battle axe and fill them all up, which is fun, right? but the soul gems I console coded refuse to fill with souls! what the hell is going on?! is that normal? Is there different soul gem codes that actually work the way soul gems are meant to? Got my codes from wiki... I think Oh, and by the way David, if you read this, could you also correct my spelling of "souls" in the heading? the missing L is bothering the hell out of me! I can't seem to change it myself....
  23. maybe calling it Windows 10 makes it sound as though they are achieving more.... just imagine, a windows package so brilliant that it couldn't be contained in just a single digit!
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