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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. I tried that once and it didn't work. a grey screen came up and told me it was unable. something about signing in...? it freaked me out. I'm very timid... Please help me. I went into my game and while I was playing with my new mod follower, I walked into a room and one of the two brothers from the Companions slid across the floor from one side of the room to the other, like he was doing the moonwalk. Moonwalk I say! Something's gone terribly wrong! Terribly! If I lived in America I would invite you over to fix my situation, but I live in Australia so... you know....
  2. No, not a mod problem here, its always been like that. Will check the control settings. Thanks
  3. and so how do I know what me particular hot key is. or is that a dumbass question?
  4. I downloaded Jaxonz Positioner and Jaxonz renamer mods, amongst many, and now when I start the game all these f%ing boxes come up saying they haven't installed properly because I haven't gone through SKYUI. I don't even know what the f#$k SKYUI is? Can someone help me out here? It also gave me this link to help me, but I can never get links to work outside of Steam: http://skse.silverlock.org/ What the hell? Buttons furious!!!! Much time wasted! He's going to go jump on his much frostier Frost and kill many people! Please help!!
  5. I tried to download the mod from this, your link, but it didn't work. Know of any other stop followers from fighting mods that might e found on Steam?
  6. While in console I can scroll my own commands up and down using the up/down arrow keys, but I still cant scroll the results, which is actually more important. All the web sites tell me to use my pg up/pg down, so I should be able to do it that way.... but I cant. Why? This is very frustrating and starting to shit me.... May actually need some help with this one
  7. Hey Newport Hayden! I just spent the night learning, going through, and downloading mods. I'm very happy that I figured it out. It's a little embarrassing just how easy it was. Given the response time on this site I figured I better work it out myself . I've downloaded 11 in the last few hours so I'm think'n I've got it sussed, but I only know how to do it through Steam. Anything more than that and I'm lost. There was one I wanted which wasn't supported by steam because of its size, but I won't go for it until I work out how to drop files in different places. whatever that means.... So anyway, here is what I learnt: 1. Go into your Steam account, Which I'm assuming you have on your pc. If not, don't bother reading on. 2. Hover your mouse-arrow thingy over the title that says Community at the top of the steam page. a list will then come up, at which point you click on the Workshop option. 3. Once you have clicked on Workshop a bunch of games will show up below. One of these games will have the title Skyrim, believe it or not! I suggest you click on that.... 4. Next, once you have clicked on Skyrim, a bunch of mods will come up for you to browse over. Usually the most popular ones come up first, at which point you could click on the Show All, an option which you should be able to find around the place. 5. Unfortunately, however, there are over 23000 mods relating to Skyrim, unless my eyes were deceiving me. So in order to bring your options down a notch, what you could do is look to the right-hand side of your display. There you will find a list of all the different categories of mods. At the top of the list is Armor, then Audio, then books and so on and so forth.... So, once you have found the category you want, click on that too! Doing so will bring your options down from many thousand to a couple of hundred, generally. (Lets say you want a clothing mod; just find clothing and click on it.) Then you just go through and find the mod that is most appealing to you. Might take a few hours.... 6. Once you have found the mod you desire, click on it, and that will bring up a more detailed write up about it. I also suggest you go to the bottom of that same write up and read other peoples feedback. This should inform you as to whether it is a relatively safe mod or not. For instance, If someone has written to the author of the mod complaining about glitches, then maybe it would be best that you don't download that one. Just my opinion. HOWEVER, if everything you read seems to check out just fine, then find the green rectangular box that says SUBSRCIBE, and click on that as well. 7. And... that's about all you have to do.... 8. The next time you click on your Skyrim game, and the box comes up that gives you the option to PLAY, don't click on it! wait a moment, and you will see that beneath the options some writing comes up saying that the system is downloading 1 of 1 mods. Wait until that writing tells you that its finished synchronizing, at which point you will be good to go!!!! You've done it!!!!! 9. Keep in mind, If you ever want to play the game without the mod, go to the front page of your game again, where it has the PLAY option, and click on your DATA FILES option. This will bring up all the relative downloads to your skyrim game, including your newest mod. Next to the mod you will find a little box with a tick in it. click on that box and the tick goes away. You can then play the game without the mod. To play with the mod again, reverse that action. Ok then... thank you for your time. Hope this works for you.
  8. Hey guys, I'm a little confused. If I play on pc with an Xbox controller, which is my hotkey? I want to rename things using the Jaxonz renamer mod, but I don't know what the hell a hotkey is!!! Please help poor Buttons.... and please don't take your sweet-ass time
  9. Yeah! I agree with Hayden, how so you put mods on Skyrim??? Maybe then I can make some fire.... I believe you can access the reliable mods through Steam, but I haven't tried... yet.
  10. All the codes I have for fireplaces spawn without an actual fire. Isn't that Brilliant! (sarcasm). Can someone please tell me a code to spawn a fire?? One that doesn't go out after three seconds would be excellent! I'll even give you a cyber kiss with my medium thickness luscious lips....
  11. You've got to be careful of them lizard people... they prefer eggs and hatchlings over the mammal type. Never know when you're going to arrive home with your kids missing and a Many-Marsh-Lizard-Boy sitting at your table with a full belly! Yeah... prefers to eat and drink in peace, I'm sure! Unless of course you're a lizard as well, in which case, go for your life!
  12. I always felt sorry for the homeless girl in Whiterun. Cant remember her name. She says her parents kicked her out of the farm and told her she was useless. I still keep meaning to find out which farm they own so I can go and kill them in they're sleep. Better yet, spill their blood on the ground they are tilling. Then adopt the girl. My niece favours the girl in the orphanage because she is the only girl there. I find the boys irritate me, like that kid at Dawnstar (I think it's Dawnstar) running around getting food for the miners, always getting under my feet....
  13. I like Muiri at the Hag's Cure, Markarth. She's a petite, cute little thing and always nice and sweet to talk too. But you have to kill her ex boyfriend as a Dark Brotherhood Contract before she lets you take her. Not sure if she is a Nord or a Breton, But I know I couldn't in good conscience slaughter her.... Unfortunately she isn't a follower, but you can take profits from her business every day, which helps. Hope she's not too girly for you... Unless you prefer a wood elf, or an egg loving lizard chick with a raspy voice? How about that Dark elf at the College of Winterhold? Ha-Ha! She's one weird gal... I'm still trying to figure out a way to Marry Serana, the follower Vamp from Dawnguard. Of course, for obvious reasons I don't think that will ever happen.
  14. I know what you mean. I found it too. When I actually attempted to spawn it there was nothing visible, but I activated it anyway, because I could, and when I did my character leaned over and took a drink from whatever it was... After this I remembered what it was. It is actually a fountain of blood which the dragonborn drinks from when becoming a werewolf for the Companions. I always take the werewolf path instead of the Vampire path. In the game the underforge fountain is situated behind a secret door beneath the Sky Forge, in Whiterun (hence the name: Underforge Fountain). When I brought up fountain on my console, this is another fountain code it gave me which I thought was pretty cool, you should check it out: 03029d13. I used this one as a display piece in the main entrance of my trophy house. But again, sadly, it has nothing to do with water
  15. Buttons


    Azura's Star Ebony Blade Ebony Mail Mace of Molag Bal Skull of Corruption Mehrunes Razor Ogma Infinium - Ring of Hircine - Saviors Hide Ring of Namira Mascue of Clavicus Vile Sanguine Rose Dawnbreaker Spell breaker Volendrung Wabbajack Forgive me, I can't recall all the quest titles that go with them....
  16. Well ok, so I play two Dragonborn characters. a guy and a girl. Finding a wife for my man usually results in the Muiri from the Hags Cure in Markarth. But fining a husband for my gal isn't usually so easy. Actually I haven't made a decision yet. It's hard to find a good man. But I have got my keen eye on two prospects atm. One is Gregor, the housecarl from Heljarchen Hall, who never has a bad thing to say! most followers or spouses have a dialogue line or two that seem either sarcastic or passively aggressive, especially when you ask to trade an item with them, but not Gregor. I think he might be nice through and through. The only thing I have against him is his name... My gal is pretty fussy. The other prospect is Benor, the thug that hangs out on the street of Morthal, you may know him as the guy that challenges you to a fist fight for $200. Not very gentlemanly, I know, but after kicking his ass he really appreciates your friendship, and will tell you so every chance he gets! My only problem with Benor is that his eyes sit a little low on his face. superficial, but there again, my gal is pretty fussy. Ask yourself a question, who would you like to save the most if they were ever kidnapped? Have fun with it Myrcella
  17. Buttons


    Ok... If you go back through your list of quests, both complete and otherwise. You should be able to tell if you have the Sanguine Rose. I think the quest was called "A Night To Remember" Not sure. But do note, You don't need all the items in your inventory to achieve the oblivion walker, you only need to complete all the Quests pertaining to the items. Also, If you have done the "Ill met by moonlight" quest and have received the "Ring of Hircine" but not the "Saviors Hide" then you will probably/maybe have to go back to Bloated Mans Grotto and kill Sinding. If you don't want Sinding dead (because he is kinda nice) then save the game before killing him, them kill him, receive your Achievement/trophy, and then go back to the save point before you killed him. If you do that you will still have your achievement unlocked. (There is no locking an unlocked achievement.)
  18. 1. I've been searching high and low but can't find any codes for small bodies of water, like a fish pond, regular pond, or fountain that I can spawn in my Hearthfire house, you know, like a nice little water display in the corner of the room.... any ideas? 2. I recently found a metal cage code: 10ddcc. However it has no collusion, which is useless to me because I want to put a bear or troll inside, but if the beast can just walk right through the bars then what's the point? Anyone know any solid cage codes? Even a jail cell code would be nice. 3. Is there any code I could use to spawn a small shack for a shed, or torture house? maybe a slaughterhouse? Here are some unusual codes someone might like to use, if you don't know them already, of course: Dragon skull (no mounts, just skull, but solid): 1cc3c metal cage (useless): 10ddcc frost dragon statue: 10c61d swamp dragon: 10c61c dragon priest: 10a161 giant: 108d67 steam centurion : 10951d Giants club (pick up item) : cdec9 461da c334f word wall: 3171c broken word wall: 100754 headmans axe: be25e Mounted Dragon Head (very cool): b2456 Beer on tap, interactive barrel: 0400f39b
  19. Yep. There is also this one: CF264. which I cant find a pic of. It's referred to as the "Snow Elk" because it has snow on its head, not because its white. So I put it outside above the door of one of my Hearthfire houses. Also, got mounted dragon heads on either side of that same door, which looks really cool: B2456. Sadly I haven't seen a white stag head either My houses are looking very cool, cant wait to finish one to share some pics
  20. Well.... Thank You, David. More information than I was expecting. Much appreciated. Sorry about not like your stag pic.....
  21. Seriously, Dave? Do you even play the game? Go to Falkreath, speak with a character named Mathies, then go see a dude named Sinding in the jail in Falkreath Barrack's. He will give you a ring. After receiving the ring you have to go out and hunt down the "great beast" in the name of the Deadric Prince, Hircine. The beast ends up being a Great White Stag. I found him a little difficult to kill, moved around too much, which is why I want to mount his damn head on my wall! By the way, if I knew how to do post a picture on this site, then I too could have sent a reference photo of the white stage like you did of that somewhat brown stag! Really, your above image is somewhat disappointing....
  22. makes sense.... So, on an unrelated topic, still unable to share pics on this site. Any thoughts on the pic pasting thing I may have mentioned once or twice? I think its embarrassing to start a new post on it, and I will delete all questions regarding it once you have provided a possible solution.... You told me you tend to be lazy but a few notes that could help me along shouldn't be so hard on you I wouldn't think... would it? ;-)
  23. So I've been looking around after killing myself a nice Stag the other day, but I can't seem to find any console command codes for White Stag heads to mount on the wall of my house, ingame, of course. Does anyone know how to mount a white stag... on my wall?
  24. Right, so I'm decorating my hearthfire house, and I want to put a Dwarven Centurion on either side of the doorway leading from my main entrance to my main hall, only I don't want the centurions to be full size. I was thinking about doing miniature centurions on night tables or something. the problem is that when I get the codes off the console Help command, all the centurions attack me, after which they are useless to me. The only two inactive Centurions I could use are under the console command help steam 0 which brings up two separate codes for a steam centurion, only they have been classified as armor or something, which means I can walk right through them - and, of course, I am unable to change their size with setscale commands because I cant click on them to bring up their codes.... Does anyone know a code for a Non Aggressive, Going Nowhere Loser of a Centurion that I can use setscale on? That would be nice....
  25. Dave, thanks for the info about the HELP Command on console. Been putting it into good use. Encountered a problem though; sometimes when I do a Help Command a shitload of different codes will come up, and I'm sure there would be more if I could scroll up and down, but I cant seem to scroll while in console. I've tried page up and page down, I've tried the arrows up and down as well, but nothing seems to work. How do I scroll in console?
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