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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. Pleased to meat you, Metalbassist070!
  2. By the way, on an unrelated topic that I'd prefer not to start a new Questions and Help Post over, could you please tell me how to add pics from my pc disc to the general discussion page of this site? (use very concise wording) And also how to transfer pics from other internet sites to the post page of general discussion as well? I've seen you and other people do it now and then with what seems like incredible ease... Simple things like that aren't so easy for Buttons. I've tried clicking the attachment thingy at the bottom of the new post page but the options are limited. and I also tried copy/paste, that didn't work either.... You should have see how long it took me to figure out how to do something as simple as reduce the MB size of the turtle pic so I could add it to my profile, so many hours wasted and I don't even remember how I did it. EDIT:Also, I've still been trying to add pictures to a post on this site from my computer, and nothing I do there seems to work either.... Post/paste isn't happening. And I don't want to do the attach file option, I want to paste it directly onto the page so I can use the photo as a reference, you know? I've seen you and other people do it. I've searched the web for answers too but I don't think I'm asking the right question.... Not being able to post a reference pic on a post is very embarrassing! It should be as simple as going into my pics file and pressing a couple of keys. Again, it's very embarrassing, and so is not being able to scroll up and down in console. Please relieve me of my embarrassments.... before I'm forced to launch more posts on the topic. That would be even more embarrassing. Buttons embarrassed
  3. Mmm... I would have, but I cant find the code to the small table in the entrance of the Hearthfiire home, and I cant find the code for the Main Halls fireplace either.... There's a lot of stuff I cant find codes for, and if I could I wouldn't bother furnishing the homes using the provided work benches at all, I'd jut do the whole thing by console command.
  4. Did you ever find Argis. If not, did you try the prid <IDcode> and moveto player codes?
  5. Alright, so I've got my Lakeview Manor Hearthfire home, and every now and then I do some more changes to the interior outlay of the place, but it would appear that most of the furniture and items that I markfordelete come back a few weeks later. Which is highly annoying! So I went on a few websites and found that you can delete a cluster of furniture permanently by deleting the master object from the cluster, and by doing so all the slave object from the same cluster disappear as well, forever. For example: if I furnish part of the house with a small table (the master object), a bunch of other items like a broom and bucket (slave items) spawn with it, and so of course by deleting the table the broom and bucket get deleted along with it. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for me because I want to keep the table and banish the bucket and broom from the main entrance room. And, like I said, deleting the broom and bucket is only a temporary deletion, they will return a few weeks later! Furthermore, I have also tried the Disable code to remove items, but the command does not work on all items, it works mainly on furniture and characters, but not so much on junk items like brooms and buckets. One of the other areas in the house I'm having this problem with is the Main Hall, where I want to get rid of the stew pot, barrel and bucket, but I want to keep the fireplace! That way I can use the main hall as only a dining/lounge room, seeing that I already have a kitchen with all the stew pots and ovens in the adjoining room, right? But, as I have mentioned, getting rid of the stew pot and barrel without removing the fireplace is only a temporary solution.... I was just so tormented yesterday when I arrived home with my new rug-rat and found that there was another stew pot in my living area! I was going to blame it on the Bard, but after looking into his eyes I realised he didn't have the mental capacity to pull it off... Furthermore, I don't go with mods unless I know full well I can trust them, as I don't know enough about computers or software to fix a possible problem that a mod might cause in my system. So what do I do guys...?
  6. If you are playing on pc, try the code/command: player.additem <item code> 1 The item code for Auriels Bow is xx000800, although the xx needs to be replaces with another number, depending on what your game setup is. I tried it out after you posted this topic, and the item code that worked for me was: 2000800 In other words: player.additem xx000800 1 You did mean Gumnar, right? If you are playing on PS or Xbox I can only suggest you go back to a save point before the whole problem began and make a few different choices. As for your wife, she definitely has some issues! Sometimes when I have a defective follower I will use my "Ice Form" shout on them. once you have turned them into an ice block, save the game, then give them a wack with your sword. once they have thawed out they seem ok. but make sure you save it before you wack them with the sword, in case you kill them. otherwise just let them thaw out on their own and they should return to normal again. This should work on all three; Xbox P-station or Pc. By the way, who did you marry? Have fun Shawn
  7. Ok, so I've been doing some more research in regards to the more in-game ideas... and as far as I can tell you don't need to limit yourself to lands that have already been mentioned. You could always make up your own island or mainland. Otherwise, I think the more mysterious the better. Mythical lands would be the coolest thing. The already known places that sound most curious to me would be Akavir to the East of Tamriel, and even more mysterious land is a place called Aldmeris, which is apparently a fabled land anyway? Pyandonea sounds very interesting too.... Don't know if I've spelt these places right though.
  8. A new variety of giant monsters seem like a good idea too. Something that seems almost undefeatable.... You ever heard of the legendary "Leviathan"? It has been commonly confused with the dragon amongst theological circles. The Leviathan is mentioned in the biblical book of "Job", and its description very closely matches the more scientific Jurassic fossils of a dinosaur known as the "Spinosaurus". the Spinosaurus is the largest carnivore to ever walk the earth. Discovered fossils of these creatures have curious cavities in the skull region, which some scientists believe were canals to produce chemicals for breathing fire like a dragon. The uncanny similarities between the two have also lead some scientists and theologians to believe that the biblical "Leviathan" and the scientific "Spinosaurus" are actually the same creature.... This is not fictional knowledge. Besides, other people have used the Velocirapture in the "Elsweyr Mod" that I've seen on the web, so there Is nothing stopping you from using another Dinosaur. (I suppose on an in-game level, killing one of these Spinosaurus beasts and extracting its combustive chemical could prove handy in creating a new flame-like weapon.) Personally, I would call it a different name than Spinosaurus. Just a thought you could play around with...
  9. Ooo-ooo-ooo-I know-I know-I know! Here's an idea! (I'm a giant novice when it comes to computers and programing, so I'm not even sure what is already out there in the ways of Skyrim Mods.) Anyway, I saw a Mod for Diamond armour on the web but it didn't look very good, kinda ugly actually. So I thought you could do something that includes diamond armour, but you could make the armour/weapons a really cool translucent aqua/turquois colour. Also, you could make an entire massive Quest Line that takes the Dragonborn on a hunt for a mysterious underwater city made of diamond-like dome/building structures. The only way to get to the city is to hitch a ride on a dragon across the ocean... (maybe you could place the city somewhere off the south coast of Elsweyr... or better yet across the Altheil Ocean beyond the sumerset Isles and past Tharas towards Pyandonea? if that makes sense...). Once inside the city the Dragonborn needs to get access to the cities mine, a mine which reaches deep-peed-deep down into the ground, near lava and stuff, but a mine which of course specialises in the biggest and best Diamonds EVER! Hey, you could even have a special black diamond for special items like a Diamond pickaxe or special magical crown/circlet. And so, Once the Dragfonborn has dug up some very special giant Diamonds, they can make their diamond weapons and armour... kinda like the stalhrym idea, only better! Naturally, once the quest is complete, the dragonborn could use regular flawless Skyrim diamonds too, except the dragonborn would need a lot more of those to do the same job. Don't forget to make it possible to purchase a home in this underwater city, because I want my place to be overlooking a beautiful reef, right? Ok, so, I've got some other ideas but I need to think them through a bit more... Very exciting!!! ps. I hope this idea helps you I wish I had programming skills, would create my own game!!!
  10. Hmm, not real computer savvy, not sure what to put in where you have the Zero, will try a single number (like with setscale command?) and if that doesn't word will put in the horn candle code.... I think that's what you mean?
  11. Well, if you go down into the cellar of the Falkreath house (Lakeview Manor), the first room you spawn in down in the cellar is lit up throughout the centre, but the far corner near the entry to the second room is dark. I want to light up that dark corner with the same light that shines in the centre of the room.... But as far as I can tell, there is no real central source to that light. That light is actually brightest in the centre of the room but there is nothing there to cast the light (which doesn't make a lot of sense)..... the only so called source of light in the cellar is actually the horn candles that line the walls.
  12. In the cellar of my Falkreath home there is a dark corner, which most people are aware of. What I've done is remove the sack from on the small corner table and placed a single horn candle there instead. Now all I need is actual light to illuminate the corner. I've tried these codes: <838a6> <8278a> <3611f> and <e259c>, but all of these are a little too concentrated in a small area... So I'm thinking I wouldn't mind duplicating the broad spread of light that is already lighting up the middle area of the main room in the cellar... if anyone knows the code to that? or something like that maybe? I would really appreciate the help. Been working on this too long....
  13. So, anyone got an answer for me yet? La la-la la... waiting... waiting....
  14. Here, allow me slightly rephrase the question.... How do I heighten my view point to match my characters height??? Hey!! Hello? Anyone there?? Darn Phantoms.... There once was a man from Peru, Whose limericks stopped at line two.... Buttons sad....
  15. Hey people, I just increased my height by selecting myself in Console then typing in "setscale 1.1", and this increased my height a good foot, which is all I wanted. The problem is that I generally play the game from the First Person point of view, which didn't actually change with my height increase. Essentially I am now looking out of my chest and so I don't really seem any taller at all.... How do I heighten my First Person view to match my characters new height?
  16. Thanks Dave.... But just so you know, only half of your reply to my post makes sense now. Haha! (Nelson laugh)
  17. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else? I went on the quest to get Red Eagles Fury and Bane, which I think I may have completed earlier in the game, but I figured there was some good lute to get, so what the hell, right? So I went back out there, grabbed the Fury, finished the quest, and went home where I put the Red Eagle Bane in my Weapons rack and the Red Eagles Fury in the chest nearby. But as soon as I closed the chest another Quest heading came up on screen and told me to go find Red Eagles Fury, again. So I'm thinking... Well, ok, lets do that, again! Now when I get back out there I find all the Forsworn dead where I had left them, which was expected, but what wasn't expected was what I found when I searched the Forsworn dude that carries the Red Eagle Fury. He Had Three Of them! What a greedy dude! He actually had THREE Red Eagle Furies on him. So I took them all, went inside, activated the door to Red Eagles Tomb. Inside the tomb I had another nosey around and managed to find a flawless diamond I had overlooked earlier. When I was done, I exited the tomb, only this time I left the Red Eagle Fury in the activation slot before going home where, to my odd dismay, I found that my two remaining Red Eagle Furies refused to go on my weapons rack. ...So I stuck them in a chest with all my other junk. The good news is that the quest hasn't come up again. This has been another day in the life of Buttons....
  18. Hey Dave, for your own info, this is another code for the staff enchanter: xx017736 04017736 3017736 (this is the one that worked for me) So on and so forth..... Thanks again for your help
  19. Thanks for answering, so very appreciated! Well, that's the last damn time I'm being concise about anything! From now on, only long winded questions for you people!!!!
  20. The heading says it all... Is there any way to change a trophy in my trophy room? :-( (playing pc)
  21. yeah, I corrected that now. I did have them mixed up. Bit of a rush about to have dinner at the time! To answer your question more specifically: I don't think you have to worry too much about your husband dying while your gone away. I had my cow killed by a giant once though, which made me really mad! And usually the attackers will come while you're at home. So it's all good. The city houses are ok, I have them too, but they're a little small and restrictive. Again, I use them for different reasons. the Riften house for things obtained in the thieves guild, Windhelm to keep the weapons I get in the Dawnguard quests... Hell, I even keep the stuff I steal from my assassination victims in the master bedroom of the Dark Brotherhood. So on and so forth... blah blah blah.... in any case, There's a house for each occasion! Have fun working it out!
  22. Hey Caitlin! Always fun isn't it? I have all three of those houses and personally I like to use them for three different purposes as well. My Lakeview House if for my family, two kids and a spouse I haven't chosen yet.... Hard times ;-) Lakeview has the best weather and arguably the best view, so in my opinion it is best to outlay the house with rooms that assist your purpose, but also allow a roof-balcony so you can go out and enjoy that view now and then. e.g. West Wing Bedroom and Alchemy Tower on the North provides the best view of the lake, and then the kitchen on the East wing because there is no balcony on the roof of the kitchen, which is good because there is no view to the East either. The problem with Lakeview is that I'm very often attacked by both Giants and Bandits. 2) Heljarchen, located a few clicks North of Whiterun is used as my Armoury and trophy house. This works because the armoury has a balcony above and it is also located on the East Wing overlooking the better view. The weather at Heljarchen is almost always snowing, the opposite to Lakeview. I like all that snow because I live in the tropics out-of-game, so the snow is a refreshing change for me! The fact that it is always cold and snowing in Heljarchen also seems to make for a better place to have a type of Armoury/fortress. I also put my enchanters tower to the West and the trophy room to the North. On another note, I cant remember ever being attacked by giants or bandits there, so that's good. 3)Windstad Manor on the other hand is a little more seedy.... located on a swamp, although I do like the view. because it is a little seedy and swampy I use it for my Greenhouse on the west wing, a storage room for odd things to the North (which has a balcony for a view of solitude), and on the east wing I have a library.... I call Windstad my Seedy Research House. Something different about that joint is that you can have a fish farm down on the waterfront. And, of course, I've only been attacked a few times at Windstad, and one of those times was by those skeleton dudes. Hope this helps you!
  23. At the moment I am muffled and moving silently, but I would prefer to be wearing my new and improved Legendary Deadric Boots! But I can't seem to find a way to enchant them with the "Wearer Is Muffled And Moves Silently" enchantment that my Nightingale boots have. Is there any way at all that I can enchant my Deadric boots, or any other boot for that matter, with the "muffled and moves silently" enchantment? Oh! And, I have my Aetherial Crown, and my Enchanting is at 101 with the Perk to add more than one enchantment to any item, but I cant seem to add an extra enchantment to the Aetherial Crown. Is there any way around this barrier? Hey, if I've taken it as far as I can within came parameters, then I'm willing to console code if necessary...
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