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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. Hey, are you in anyone's line of sight? you might not change back if you have someone perving at your butt.
  2. windows shmindows... I think I've got windows 8.2, or is it 8.1... ? its always the little things I cant recall.
  3. Hello Amanda. I went on the web to try and find some measure of help for you, but all I could find was people with the same problem, some sort of glitch. I never became a vampire. Vampires suck! Pun intended. Will let you know if I do find something. Forgive me, but I am assuming that you know you need to go into your Powers and hit the "Revert Form" option....Of course you would know that already.
  4. Yeah, couriers a little funny like that. when I first started playing the game I use to mug them, but in the end it wasn't really worth it. now, sometimes after delivering me a message from a friend (which is all they're really good for), he will go over and start using my grindstone or some other work piece around my home. Very funny. I suggest you carry on with the game, he will catch up to you sooner or later.
  5. Question # 1. I always play at adept difficulty. Do you play on pc or xbox? The reason I ask is that the answer to your question can differ. If you are on xbox all I can suggest is that you check out the potion shops in all the major towns, and maybe the sleazy dude or the hunters brother in Whiterun... I always enhance my enchantments with a potion. I hardly use potions for anything except enchanting, smithing, restoring health, and restoring stamina. Dragon priest masks help with all the other stuff. It's actually more time consuming and annoying to use a healing "spell" to heal yourself when in the middle of a fight, easier to just stop and have a swig of a potion, so stick with the potions for health stuff. My opinion only. If you are on pc just console yourself 20 ultimate health potions now and then and be done with it. I'm not much of a potion person, prefer enchantments as a rule. Question # 2. This is my second time playing the game, changed when I wanted to get married. Anyway, to answer your question; I had a similar question not too long ago which can be found on this site if you look back a little ways. As I now know, dragon attacks are random, though they can be provoked a little bit. The first time I played I didn't know how to fast travel until like level 30 so I ended up with more dragon souls than I knew what to do with. Literally more than twice the souls than I did shouts. This time around I had a problem getting dragons to attack in order to activate my shouts, but as the game went on the attacks became more frequent. Now I've got more than enough. and yes, the elder dragons come more frequently the higher in the game you go. But they are a lot of fun and I never have a problem killing those cute buggers! I use dragonrend shout with a frost enchanted warhammer and a ring of sure grip.... three or four strikes and they're out!!!!
  6. Thank goodness! it was a pleasant surprise anyway. Done. Thanks again, David. I will try investigating a little further before posting a question in the future
  7. Ok, thanks for the tip; I went on u tube because I couldn't find them, and a vid on the tube told me the same thing as you, but when I tried it wouldn't let me go through, so I figure I'm doing it wrong.... HOWEVER! I then went into console, as I am on pc, and typed in tcl, which allows me to fly. Same thing as your plate trick really. THAT WORKED! Very excited... anyway, I ended up taking the gold from each chest, But I had to tell my followers to wait before starting, and I did save the game after looting each one, and this process worked on all of them except for Tolinia's Chest. She was the only one who put up a fight. Her chest is one of the two that are positioned right next to each other: She has more in hers than the one next to it. I also grabbed an ice enchanted bow from one of the other four chests and heard a lady call out; "You could have just asked!" which is always funny to hear, I think. I was however disappointed that I couldn't find a deadric bow, but I guess my level isn't high enough at the moment for that to spawn. I will try to get the deadric bow at a higher level. Hope this helped. Thanks again for the tip, let me know if you hear of any other hidden chests I can loot. Love to loot! have fun Caitlin!
  8. Hi Caitlin! I didn't even know they had chests under all that water. Makes sense now that I think about it. I'm gonna go check it out and get back to you on that one.
  9. The reason I got a little concerned is because I found Gyldenul Barrow while traipsing around Solstheim, and while I was there I picked the front door lock but then used my new pick axe and <unlock> console codes to get further into the joint (because a couple of doors required a key). When I got inside I found a lot of gold all over the ground, it was unreal! so I just shovelled it all up, went into the next room, fought a bunch of ghosts, retrieved a couple of swords, and left. It was during this plundering that I checked my gold tally and couldn't find it. So you can imagine my alarm! I though the game may have cursed me for breaking in before my time.... no... But I still feel bad about breaking into the place early. Is it possible I ruined future quests by breaking in early without the key? I just couldn't resist all that gold!!!!!
  10. Some of these look really cool. Thanks again David. I still don't know why I cant find these things when I'm hunting on the web. I find some, not that many. I mustn't be doing it right.... Apparently there is a console code you can use to find out the ID of an object while playing the game, is this true? I tried searching for that last night as well but couldn't find it.... I see a pattern forming.
  11. I think your right about the random loot thing; I watched a utube vid last night with some dude who found a one-handed weapon in some mine near Falkreath, so I went out there to get it, but when I finally got there I couldn't find it. some other good enchanted items though. I think I will do what you suggested; bring my enchantment level up, drink an enchanters elixir, and enchant myself a diamond ring with sure grip.... sounds time consuming. Ah, what the hell, I will spend a day forging stuff too. Thanks David, your a lot of help
  12. umm... really? it took me all this time to figure that out? and I still didn't figure it out, you had to tell me. My bad
  13. can someone tell me where my gold is gone. technically I still have it. it is written that I have over 50 grand in the bottom right corner of the screen when I go into my inventory, but it is no longer listed in my Miscellaneous items. What's going on?
  14. The last player I played found levelled rings of sure grip on three different occasions in caves and such. my current player has found one, the "Ring of Sure Grip", but I am at level 32 and at this level I should be able to get myself at least the "Ring of Extreme Sure Grip". but I cant find the stupid thing anywhere. Which cave or house do I go to? I've checked all the shops in all the major towns and no one is selling them. The internet isn't telling me anything, or maybe I just don't know how to look things up properly? I don't wanna console code one because it ruins the fun. Anyone like to offer a suggestion?
  15. Hey Buttons, Buttons again. You know why you cant find anything on the web? because your a dumbass! How many times have a got to say it anyway? Dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbaaaaaaaaas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................
  16. Buttons, why are you so mean to me...? I feel bad because of you.... Anyway, thanks for the code. It worked, but you were right, it doesn't provide much light. Does anyone know the code to something brighter? I've searched the internet and cant find anything.
  17. No! No I wont stop calling you names! Suffer! Suffer you little Cretin! Unevolved monkey! Brainless twit! WEIRDO!!! Ha! Ha! Buttons is a weirdo, na na na-na na, buttons is a weirdo!
  18. Hey there Buttons, good to hear from you again... sort of. Thank you for the code. will let you know it goes. Could you please stop calling me names, it isn't very nice.
  19. Buttons, hi, It's Buttons! Good to talk to you again, weird-ass! So hey, I don't know a lot of lighting codes but I have a candle lantern code you might be interested in: 0002d847 Unfortunately the lantern isn't very bright, a bit like you!!! Ha-Ha! Nelson Laugh! Dumb ass!
  20. I'll watch that movie, Brad, as long as everyone wears kilts.... Nothing like a good kilt to chill the loins.
  21. So I've been fixing up my several houses but found a problem with lighting up the dark corners. Codes for actual Light without the source of a light looks stupid, unnatural, and the only Candle Code I can find is a horn light <1F24A> which looks ok but hardly sheds any light at all. Does anyone know the codes to the larger floor candle stands you find in the basement of the Solitude house, or maybe even the codes of those fiery stands you find lighting up the streets of Whiterun? Anything like those would be appreciated. And if you do know some codes for just Light, so that maybe I can add a bit of radiance to the candles, that would be good too - but be sure that the "light" code is one that looks natural.... know what I mean? Don't want a blue light for an orange flame, right... Thanks guys
  22. I thought she was good for me.... Serana, my love, O how I yearn for your heart! How I yearn for your precious hand in marriage! Why? Wherefore do I deserve this torment? What did I do that you found it pleasing to tease me with your alluring demeanour, when you knew all the while I could not have you.... FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE EARS TO HEAR, LET THEM HEAR! BEHOLD; Serana will pay for her ghastly deceit - wretched She-Thing she is! Like her daddy before her, she shall perish by my hand! She has tricked her last trick! She has slept her last coffin! She has drawn her final breath from the sulphur steams of the underworld! For she has plunged her wicked, razor clawed hand into the depths of my torso and ripped my very heart from its lonely lair! But if that were not enough, she then cast my pleading heart down into the ashen dust of some forsaken realm and trod its pitiful pulsations underfoot! Yay, indeed she coaxed me with her fiery eyes and her honey words! But she will deceive me no more with her filthy gilded tongue. If my chest were a cannon I would blast my furious passion upon her and erase her name from the records of existence! With God as my witness I will slay that female beast; that filthy wench, that queen of tease, that daddies little whore! Buttons The Great will steal the very breath from her morbid soul whilst all the people of Skyrim, Nay, rather the full inhabitants of Skyrim and all the lands beyond - they will rejoice at the stench of her wretched blood as it soaks into the ashen dust that surrounds my weeping heart.... So let it be written... so let it be done
  23. David, I have tried all the different codes you gave me and more, but nothing works. the closest I got was causing her to disappear and reappear with the Disable/enable commands. Nothing else happened. I am afraid there may be nothing more I can do. So I am left with a disease, a disease that only Serana can cure.... All the other girls are but a murmur of better things....
  24. Conan is funny in this. Yes, I'm aware that Conan attempted to steal my identity. Pathetic little worm he is. There can be only one clueless gamer by the name of Buttons - He will pay for his treachery! Alas... Conan is not the only one who will pay for such grand dishonour, for there is now another, a young lass in fact, who goes by the name of Serana. She has plunged her wicked, razor clawed hand into the depths of my chest and torn my very heart from its lonely lair! But if that were not merely enough, she cast my pleading heart down into the ashen dust of some forsaken land and trod its pitiful bleeding underfoot! Yay, she has coaxed me with her fiery eyes and her honey words! But she will deceive me no more with her gilded tongue. If my chest were a cannon I would blast my furious passion upon her and wipe her name from the records of existence! With God as my witness I will slay that female beast; that filthy wench, that queen of tease, that daddies little whore! Buttons The Great will steal the very breath from her soul and all the people of Skyrim, nay, rather the inhabitants of Skyrim and all the lands beyond will rejoice at the stench of her wretched blood as it soaks into the ashen dust that surrounds my weeping heart! Anyway... moving on. I guess I'll have to find a different wife.... Valdimar seems to like me a lot... lol Poor Buttons
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