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Posts posted by Musclemagic

  1. Irons I know your still planning on being a DK with at least 5 pieces of medium,like i am. Post your ideas i really want to see them! You dont have to worry about muscle critisizing them ill keep him at bay.  :wink:


    That day.... o_O He started it!!! Hahaha! :P For real though, I like irons's builds. I think we both have pretty much the same ideas toward things, and we're able to look past the small differences in our ideas.. it was just a weird night that night. XD


    I'd like to see your build ideas too, since I've been making templar weapon-dmg builds I want to see how they compare.

  2. Thanks Muscle those look like a good starting point - will be sure to give them a test in open beta.


    My one concern is the lack of ranged attacks given this games siege warfare similarities with GW2.  I might have to try a bow bar as a backup at some stage.


    Also are you planning on playing purely on PS4? Noticed you're in Australia and am looking for Aussie guilds!


    Yeah, I think a bow bar would do better than a 2H bar against most groups of opponents--but it doesn't work as well with Heavy Armor.


    I'm trying to make a medium armor build with S&S/Bow but the S&S bar just doesn't put out enough DPS to sacrifice all the survival from heavy...


    I'm having trouble making any medium armor with much survival though.. It would be fine if you were okay sacrificing survival for more DPS, maybe do 2H/Bow in medium armor? Good physical damage. Bow to kite melees, 2H to kill casters, bow to sit back and DPS in group PVP--like you said, almost necessary option in pvp battles unless you want to go all-out-tanky.


    Just messing around more with the Heavy Templar build:


    Orc, Templar, 7 Heavy, S&S/2H

    S&S- To survive when you have a healer and to fight melee ranged opponents when solo - when they run switch to Bar#2 to finish them off.

    Restoring Aura

    Rune Focus


    Puncture -40% armor

    Low Slash -15% weapon dmg and good snare

    *Radial Sweep

    2H- To finish off opponents, kill casters (light-armor users), gap-close, and/or to 

    Restoring Aura


    Critical Charge


    Reverse Slash

    *War Horn


    It's still not right... bleh... I sit here for hours just trying to decide on each initial spell choice and it's not coming together very well...


    Name: Professor Snipe

    Redguard Templar 7/7 Medium 2H/Bow

    2H- Multi-Target/Close-Up DPS - Power Enchant

    Restoring Aura

    Critical Charge

    Sun Shield


    Reverse Slash

    *Radial Sweep

    Bow- Single Target/Ranged DPS - Frost Enchant

    Restoring Aura



    Poison Arrow

    Scatter Shot

    *Soul Strike


    Critical Charge into a group of people, following with Sun Shield and Cleave with Brawler morph. You'll be able to use Sun Shield one more time before you're OOM. Single 1 target out and whack him until you feel like you can finish it by spamming reverse slash.


    Or, just sit back and Snipe a single-target from across the map.. 40m is really far away, look at how big 20m is when the other bow-user is using Arrow Spray and how big 5M is with Volley.. It's not quite as far as it would be in real life, but it's a pretty good distance! It will be fun to kill runners with Snipe.


    I think that this is the best Bow DPS build for single targets. Restoring Aura + Redguard + Medium Armor = Snipe all day.


    I also think that the 2H bar is a fucking awesome kamikaze build, lol. If you want to survive and still AOE DPS, just put Volley on your Bow bar and spam that all over instead, and then make a S&S bar#1 for survival--but it won't be as good and the S&S bar isn't that good in Medium armor. MEERRRR... We'll see, everything'll change when the game's out.





    EDIT: Forgot the 2nd part of your post-- I'll be playing on PC until beta's out on PS4 and then I'll be PS4 only. I've moved from AUS, I'm back in the states now, so it'll be a US guild.

  3. According to TF, it's EP that has highest % of dragonknights. Not like classes mean much. Mass PvP is won by healing, ranged dps and control, on all 3 of those accounts AD has the highest % in the TF breakdown.


    The way I see it, this is how the average of these classes will be played:

    DK = Control

    Temp = Healing

    Sorce = Ranged DPS

    NB = Melee-Ranged DPS


    So, I agree what you said about healing, ranged DPS, and control being the most important.. but I don't see how that makes AD good?


    If TF numbers are at all accurate, AD will only have ~10% DK and ~18% Temp. There's no way they'll progress in content as quickly, meaning their majority will lack gear. Not only that, but I firmly believe that DK and Sorc are crucial and NB are near worthless for PvP campaigns when actually trying to capture or hold a keep (like you said, mass pvp). On top of this, the more Temp healers -- the merrier.

    AD has almost 50% of their predicted population as NB. They have the most Sorc, but with that low of DK/Templar that population still won't be able to do much because they'll die too quickly to the over-abundance of NBs that can kill them without DK and Temps there to support the Sorces.


    Yes, EP might have a tiny bit more DK (~2% more according to their numbers) but they have a lot less Temps than DC, so they'll still fall in comparison to DC...especially considering how many more NB they have and how many less Temp.

    I think EP will be a fairly close 2nd in PVP, but they too will suffer from slower dungeon progression.


    DC might have a lower amount of Sorces, but not a huge difference--it's still balanced enough (and low enough in NBs) to be the obvious winner in my eyes.

  4. I'd agree that DC ended up having the most balanced racials (balanced in the sense that all of the 3 races have their own well defined niches), but the other 2 factions aren't in a bad position at all.


    EP: Nords will arguably make better tanks than Orcs, and Dunmers are pretty awesome if you consider there is an entire class based on fire damage (both when it comes to being a Dunmer playing with fire, or being a Dunmer and fighting against a dragonknight).


    AD: High Elves - AAA. Khajiit - carnage is absolutely amazing, they will likely make the best assassin Nightblades in PvP.


    That leaves you with Wood Elves and Argonians who are 'meh'.


    DC has the most interest in DKs and Templars (by a pretty huge difference) and the least interest in NB. Also the least interest in Sorces, which is a bummer, but I firmly believe that the more DKs and Templars there are in both PVE and PVP...yeah, the battles are already decided IMO. DC > all just based off the class-interest #'s, let alone the racials or anything else.

  5. Thanks dude!

    I'm kind of set on the Breton race and I'm not fussed on m DPS/tank as long as I'm in the thick of melee and alive at the end! Preference is to wield a 2 hander or S&S.

    Any reason on not going pure heavy armour?


    Less damage in heavy, but if you're okay with that then good! :) I wish more people wanted to use heavy, this is why I'm going Daggerfall.


    The reason why I recommended medium/heavy first is because you want to be good at soloing--all heavy armor builds will rely on groups to really shine in any one situation.


    This build is basically like the 2nd build I posted above, I've just thought on it a bit more:


    Breton - 7 Heavy+1 Shield, S&S/2H, mostly HP stat while leveling, %HP regen and flat ST regen enchants. Lifesteal on 1h, mRes on shield, power on 2H (I would say fire, but against casters I think the power will be better).

    S&S- Tank like a porn star

    Restoring Aura - M

    Rune Focus - M

    Shield Charge - S

    Defensive Posture - S

    Immovable - S

    *Nova - U

    2H- Kill Casters

    Restoring Aura - M

    Eclipse - M

    Critical Charge - S

    Uppercut - S 

    Reverse Slash - S

    *War Horn - U


    You should still have plenty of Stamina to block with even with Immovable up, and using Shield Charge to mess with people. 


    If melee damage adds up for you on your S&S bar, you should maybe take an Aedric Spear ability so you can block 15-16% more melee damage, but I can't imagine that it'll be an issue to begin with..and I don't know what to exchange without ruining the bar's balance.


    *Nova on bar 1's good because not only does it help you survive but if there's a big group you can help do a massive amount of damage at once.


    I chose War Horn because this bar is really for killing casters, so you'll want to be able to do a couple Eclipses into a couple of the Charge -> Uppercut combos and still be able to finish them with Reverse Slashes..since you're in heavy, you probably won't have enough resources for this regularly. But, I think anyone in light armor will die super quick here, even though you're in heavy armor. Other than this you'll use the S&S bar to deal with melee users and deal with groups by simply not dying.


    I think Templar's a really good choice for this, even if you are only using 3 of their abilities. Templar's passives and Restoring Aura work really well for a heavy armor person who also wants to be able to DPS. Everything seems to synergize pretty nicely with this build.


    If you don't like Uppercut and Reverse Slash, you could always replace those with like.. Immovable and Momentum. Or, just replace Uppercut with Momentum if you don't like the way Uppercut works... I'm kind of iffy on it myself.


    I tried to make this build pretty efficient and well-rounded for both survival/DPS and MP/St, so I think you'd actually be able to put a lot of your points while leveling into HP (most Heavy users will have to take a lot of MP+St.


    Hmmm, I always go back and try to change things--and usually there are things I want to change, but I think for the purposes of either surviving or doing as much DPS as you can with Heavy Armor, this is just an all-around solid build that doesn't need anything else.

  6. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. I can bet money that these voices were actually made with synthesizers, recording all the required voices may take some time but is by no means required to push milestones forward. It's a pretty smart way to make content testable while still missing some assets. I can understand complaining about things like the "painted on" armor, since that's a result of a design decision they made, and it's clearly too late to do anything about it, but jokes about things that are clearly bugs or unfinished content in a beta 4 months prior to release just shows some general lack of understanding. Sorry if that sounded too harsh :). For the trailer itself, it's visually less appealing than the progression or character creation ones, but it still looks good enough for my tastes, and it did deliver at showing the scale of world PvP. Also 10 points for showing DC as the protagonists of the trailer, seems they realize that it may end up being the underdog and want to promote it a bit.


    If DC's going to be the underdog... Maybe that's why they gave them such epic racials. XD

  7. Muscle you seem to have a pretty strong grasp of what is viable and I've decided I'd like to roll a Breton Templar but my preference would be to have an awesome melee DPS/Tank build that is focused on personal survival (I'm more of a selfish solo player). MOSt of your builds focus on range it would seem.

    Could you suggest a build as I'm unclear on what would be ideal as far as skill and stat distribution is concerned.

    Thanks mate


    Do you know what you want to focus on more--Tank or DPS?


    Are you set on Breton or do you just want to be in the Daggerfall alliance? As a tankish/melee-range DPS I'd suggest Redguard instead. It's the same alliance so it wouldn't change anything for you at all.


    I know you plan on being solo, but you might find that you're in groups a lot anyway..


    It's easier as a NB to do this build because of their ability to stunlock, but it might work like this pretty well:


    Redguard Templar, 5 Medium 2 Heavy, DW+Bow, I'd go high HP with some St without putting any in MP.


    Restoring Aura



    Puncturing Strikes


    *War Horn


    Restoring Aura


    If you want more of a tankish templar, this would be better, but it's more for groups where there are heals going off around you and other people to DPS for you:

    Orc- 7(8 with shield) heavy, S&S + 2H

    S&S- weak VS spell damage

    -Sun Shield or Blinding Light -- depending on if you're in a group or not. Blinding Light would be really good combined with Defensive Posture, people would be going off-balance all the time VS you so they'd be vulnerable to power attacks. Sun Shield would be good just for your own survival, but this build relies on group members to work well already so I'd really recommend just using Blinding Light right here.

    -Shield Charge


    -Rune Focus

    -Defensive Posture

    2H- C-C-C-Combo! Caster killer combo.

    -Eclipse - Cast 1st

    -Backlash - They can't interrupt this because of eclipse- the interrupts are all single-target, but Hidden Blade and Poison Arrow would work since they're not "spells" I don't think, but since this is a caster-killer bar I don't think you'd be using it against someone with Bow or DW anyway.

    -Critical Charge - They can't keep you out of the 22m range because they're using an AOE (can't single target CC because of Eclipse) CC over 22m away, but I think the only ones that can do this is are Volley (morphed for a root) and Spear Shards.

    -Uppercut - Again, can't interrupt.

    -Reverse Slash - They're stunned right now, so do a couple power attacks and then finish them with a Reverse Slash.

    Whatever health they have left, Backlash will take care of it.

    They could always CC you with a PBAOE once you crit-charge, since there's a 1-sec opening--but I doubt that most people will be able to, especially if you factor in server latency, there's pretty much no way to respond to this attack. I think it will do at least 60% of the average light-armor person's health.


    Sorry, as much as I want to work on the bow bar and such--I have to leave this unfinished, I'm falling asleep.


    Let me know what you're thinking and I can clean things up more tomorrow to give you clearer ideas.

  8. Thanks mate. I know sometimes i am pain in the ass :-). Obviously i have to drop some of constraints. I get it regarding pvp. On the other side its obvious that can't have pve fire dps and viable pvp build. I have to chose between templar and nightblade. In next couple of days i have to figure it out. Then i will ask u for advice.  


    If you are on the fence we can help you decide; What's something you can't live without? Armor and weapon types you're thinking about, ranged or close, PVE or PVP focus and what role you want to play in PVE or PVP--either personal survival, group support, raw killing power, etc--please be specific with this.


    Honestly, once you can answer those questions, it will be easy to choose the best race/class/weapon/armor.

  9. I can't see picture , i can't see limitations. Thats my problem obviously . I never liked long range caster. Never liked pure warrior. Never liked stealthy guys. If u say that dk can't push DPS numbers then i am there with templar and certain types of nightblade.    


    The problem's pretty simple: No matter what class you choose, you won't be able to survive up-close in cloth unless you're stealth based for 1v1 fights only.


    As a Templar caster, in cloth, you'd want to stay in the back -- at least you can heal. As a NB DPS in cloth, you're best off being Destro w/ ranged and you'll still be able to heal with drains. As a Sorce in light armor you'll want to have your pets tank for you in PVE and in PVP you have a lot of ways to stay out of the fray.


    On the other hand, as a DK in light armor you'll be useless unless you're in the fray, where you can tank some--sure--just like a Templar or a NB can tank/heal somewhat. But the difference is that they'd do something like Aspect of Terror --> Cripple to keep someone further away, while you'll be forced to keep them within your range and just keep on tanking. In groups there will be DK and NB up front who are holding people where they're at and either tanking or stealthing.. don't you think that if you are there, in the front, with light armor on..you'll just get picked off in a heartbeat? You have no escape abilities unless you count Dark Talons or Stonefist, but then you still wouldn't be able to DPS them at the same time.


    Maybe you'd be able to keep people further than melee range, and up to 8m away, enabling you to Dark Talons-Dragon Breath-Lava Whip and keep doing Destro-staff attacks at the same time. I'd also keep Spiked Armor and Obsidian Shield on your bar.


    This gives you no chasing power, finishing power, or escaping power like you get with NB and Sorce, but you do probably have plenty enough protection from casters due to both Light Armor and Scaled Armor. So all you need to really worry about is melee, and hopefully you have somewhat enough for physical damage through Spiked and Obsidian. Spiked wouldn't be enough on it's own, otherwise taking Fiery Grip instead of Obsidian would be nice, it would just make it so you need to Dark Talons sooner though.


    It might be tricky to play this build, having to keep guys so close yet off of you... but I think it might be able to work at least somewhat if you really want it to. The only difference between this and sorce though is that you have to be a bit closer and you don't have as much killing or surviving power when the time needs.


    I'd also make your 2nd bar a far-ranged bar with just survival DK abilities and then Destro Staff abilities.. You also should really find a way to use Reflective Scale with this bar, because with your short-range bar the long-ranged casters will just eat you alive in caster vs caster where you don't have a random melee in the middle to beat up--who also has to have no gap-closer or CC of their own (which are cheaper than either of yours--meaning he'll stick to you like hot-glue on upholstery.


    I just don't see how it would work... it's not how the class is supposed to work.


    After reading what you want to be, I'd still suggest you be a DK, because they're the only non-stealth up-close class that really works how you're saying--you'd still be using spells rather than typical melee like in most games, so it's not really pure-warrior...




    Here's an idea: Use S&S with 3-4 light and 2-3 other heavy pieces. (I've always wondered if there are light/med/heavy shields in this game...but that's not on-topic.)


    Take Defensive Posture and block a lot while your DoTs are ticking. That way you still rely on your fire damage, you can mitigate enough to be up front, you're not the typical melee or the typical tank or anything..


    idk though mate, I feel like if I make a lot of builds and post them that you won't like any of them--you'll just need to figure it out on your own since you want something so peculiar.


    I do think that your fire DPS build works well in PVE where you have controlled environments with predictable party members and such as well..but if you want to PVP, idk what to tell you.

  10. I don't have anything against weapon damage and abilities just i have magic based damage in pve and i guessed it will be pretty difficult to adjust resources with gear and armor.  But please if its not problem give me idea what would be Bruiser build and how that may look like - bars, armor, ench ... 


    If you plan on using this PVE build as your main build, I would venture to say that you would not be able to PVP very well because your MP/ST/HP ratios are too messed up to make your PVE build viable in PVP.


    Also, you'd basically have to restart leveling everything anyway. A light armor DK in PVP will get wrecked, no matter how they're built because they need to be in melee range to do anything. You'd need to completely re-level a different armor--as well as 2 new weapons, have completely new enchants on that gear (of course) and completely different playstyles.


    I still don't understand why you won't go Sorce, I think it's a much better fit for you. As a sorce you could PVE just as well and convert to a PVP build with relative ease.


    EDIT: Can I ask why you want to play a DK? They are meant for tanking, I'm sorry but if you are in to min/maxing then you will just be pulling your hair out with your ideas as a DK.


    The fire abilities are strong, yes, but they are close-range. You can use them as a nice damage source still, but if you're in light armor in the thick of things--even as a DK you'll get a lot of poop on your chest. You've got to kite the melees if you're in light armor.


    Although, Spiked Armor and Ash Cloud might be enough to counter this, if you can keep them up more with light armor on than you can with heavy or medium then you could still do a bit more damage--take less damage from both physical and spell damage. Reflective Scale for fighting other casters. Fiery Grip of course.


    Those 4 abilities leave you with 1 ability for damage. Molten Weapons would give your PVP group a lot more benefit than any of your single-target or aoe damage abilities, and it would be less MP intensive, so I think that woul be a good choice.


    But, then you'd just be tanking...which you don't want to do.


    Another option for PVP would just be to take a resto staff and heal while you're in light armor, this is probably the best option to pair with your PVE build because you won't need to change much in the way of gear.

  11. Meh, either way we have 2 months for the PC kids to play the release version, and us Ps4 kiddies will get the month 1 and 2 patches on release (hopefully it would be silly to have to play through the same glitches that they fixed in the months prior release.


    EDIT: If I just learn that the PC accounts will not be transferable to PS4, I will be comfortable just waiting until PS4's release. But, until this is verified, I plan on having to buy both in order not to lose an edge on PS4. :(

  12. I imagine they'll lift it whenever there's an open beta. The PS4 is supposed to have an exclusive (or maybe just the first) open beta event, and I imagine that will take place a month or so before the official release.


    That's just speculation, though; don't quote me.


    I kind of feel like they threw out the PS4 exclusive over XB1, at same time as PC, open beta  at the same time as they threw out the same launch days.


    If, however, they do launch open-beta for PC and PS4 at same time, I would be so happy! I wouldn't need to buy it on PC, unless accounts were transferable--but I doubt they will be.

  13. This was clarified by a ZOS employee. It's a Fighter's Guild ability - Silver Bullets. There's no actual cross-bow you can equip.


    I really don't understand why PC/PS4 transfers would be a deal breaker for you. Honestly, that's something that I'd definitely want should I ever get a PS4. If people are willing to buy the game twice, more power to them. It really won't affect anything after the first week anyway.


    I doubt it's an option though.


    Ahh, yeah, I was right then. Did they change the name to bullets from bolts?


    Console-only players will be starting from level 1. PC players converting to consoles will start at level 50. You don't see the problem? :P


    EDIT: All the gold, items, supplies, and play-time that they'll manage to get in within 2 months is huge for a PvP game that's almost completely based on time-invested.

  14. I want to know if, despite the difference of release dates; Will PS4 + XB1 users still get same-day patches as PC/Mac? And, also, will accounts be transferable from PC to PS4 or XB1?If accounts are transferable from PC to PS4/XB1, I will definitely not buy this game at all because that means the PS4/XB1 users are absolutely screwed who start fresh on there.


    If, however, they are not transferable, I will play casually on PC until it comes out on PS4, and then I'll play hard.


    I am praying/begging/hoping/wishing that they don't make the accounts transferable like they did with D3 from PS3 to PS4--what a sack of garbage that would be for the console-only gamers.


    I also want to know what that hand crossbow is... Probably Silver Bolts that banished the target? Or, maybe bows/xbows just have the same skill tree..and he was spinning it just for the cinematic.. or maybe even there are no xbows, and all of it was for the cinematic. Hmmm...

  15. You're right, of course. Aren't there just placeholder pages up now, though? Perhaps February is when specific SKU details are set up.


    Yeah, I mean they have price-confirmed so at least that's something.


    I remember at the biggest chain of game-stores in Australia they had preorders for Diablo 3 for 80$ about 2.5 years before it was released -- and they were saying it would be released in a few months.  XD

  16. If they nerf it, I would still keep the same build. I would probably take Cleansing Ritual instead of Purge, but it isn't that much different. And, I really like Siege Shield so I'd keep that still.


    Edit: Maybe I'd take Bone Shield instead of Siege Shield, too, in that case. Bone Shield might serve me better as a light-armor target.


    Although, it depends on a lot of things as to which two support spells I could take there. I don't want something that I need to keep active to get benefits from--I wanted those 2 to be really passive with purpose only once in a while.. I guess I could always through Restoring Aura on there as well, and I like Eclipse.


    But, this is all only if they heavily nerf the regen passive for pvp support.

  17. Well, most games have been releasing their release date only about 2 months before release lately..so this wouldn't be too surprising just from that aspect. I guess they do have preorders, price-confirmed ones at that, I was just thinking that with no release date they're unofficial but that's not really the case.


    But, like you said, they haven't released much information--their pace of information being released hasn't changed at all. This, to me, says they're still a ways off...but it could also mean that there's a rush of information coming.


    I guess we just don't know, but if Gamestop inventory-slots opened up in mid-Feb, then I guess that's at least an option we shouldn't discount... Even with ZS saying that it'll be out in spring.


    idk, because they're supposed to do open-beta on PS4 and PC about 3 weeks before release like normal and then 2 weeks before release on xb1..


    They've said multiple times that everything, including patches+patch dates and such will be the same for both consoles and PC, so this at least gives me some peace of mind that they won't pull a twat move and release early on PC like every other game...


    All I know is that for me, the later in Spring it comes out, the better. I have a busy schedule lately. :(

  18. Are those fingers really that bad, or is that just a bad-looking picture?


    It seriously looks like you've got 1 mallet finger, 1 jersey finger, and 1 boutonniere rupture.. which would mean, your hand is out of commission for at least 6 weeks.


    ps- This thread is awesome. Count me in for a recipient of questions!

  19. I'm reposting this from DK thread to Templar thread.


    Yeah would be nice.

    But if the information I got is corret than we will only have to wait till mid february to finally play the damn game.

    How is your Templer build going to look like?


    5 light 2 heavy(chest+legs) breton, Resto/Destro, 66%HP(max) & 33%MP from leveling and then MP Regen enchants as necessary and then fill the rest with Spell Power.



    -Rune Focus



    -Siege Shield



    Rapid Maneuver



    Restoring Aura

    Solar Flare



    Bar#1 is just for spamming, Rushed Ceremony x 3 targets is actually the best healing/mana ratio in the game it looks like--but Power might end up being divided between the 3 targets, so we'll have to see about that morph later after testing.

    Rune Focus for the area healing bonus (+30% healing to those in area) and the self-protection. Immovable for the self protection and anti-CC. Purge for daedric curses and such, siege shield is just awesome, and then barrier supplements this build perfect as well--which is amazing because those 3 things also give +10% MP regen each (unless ultimates don't count as an "ability slotted", in which case 20% is still nice and I'd still use Barrier.)


    With Maneuver + Immovable + Restoring Aura + Magelight, my group and I will be able to quickly/easily get places on foot. I'll definitely need to activate Restoring Aura all the time in order to keep immovable and maneuver up with any sprinting time left, if any sprinting time's available even then.

    Solar Flare into a Meteor combo is hopefully all the DPS I'll need to do every once in a while. Obviously, other then that I'll have Bar#1 active while in combat.

  20. Aoe spell damage in general is short range , covering small area and with mild intensity in comparison to most games i played. That is for sure game changing factor. On purpose or imbalance devs are dealing with, is to be seen. Can u please explain me what impulse does other than magic damage - what formulation "100 % chance to apply" means from your perspective? From my perspective it looks like prep for next spell which will actually do burning effect. If i am right it is more or less counterbalance to ash cloud kind of spells ( miss chance). If I am right from Pve perspective it is extremely situational and more or less worthless considering resource mechanics.


    It depends on what kind of destro staff it is- fire, shock, or cold. I think fire/burning is extra damage (burning applied from weapons with fire enchantment--but in this case it's fire staff regular), shock/concussion is a momentary incapacitate (short duration), and cold/chilled is probably a snare between 40% and 60% for around 5-6 seconds is my guess, based on other spells. I think it has to be more than 40 because tri-focus rank 2 is already a 40% slow..from before anyway..now it's rank 1/2 @ 35% slow but I doubt it would go up double--if at all--so probably just 35% with extended duration, but the duration couldn't double or it'd be too long as well so I believe that it will go up to 40% like it was before (like most the full-rank passives are going back to how they were before when maxed out) and have a slightly longer timer of just 4 seconds like before...

    And, that's just from a heavy attack snaring the target...so I think Impulse will definitely be over 40% and over 4s duration. Again, guessing around 50-60% and 5-6 seconds to fit with similar spells, it might be AOE but it's short ranged.


    I agree that it's a bad spell unless maybe if you're a fire-destroy DK who wants a ton of AOE damage could incorporate this extra burning DOT.. but for PVP, I guess the concussion could be good (especially if it's a silence--which would be cool) but something like Bolt Escape is a much better thing for actual PBAOE+evacuation if you're a typical caster... meh.


    Too early to guess all this though.

  21. Actually I'm not :))My PvP build will only be slightly less tanky than my PvE build.You don't even need an active to mess up some one you can just use your bash which will interrupt your opponent.


    Aahh!! Cool, I'm glad to hear this! I was worried you were going to try to be less of a hindrance, BAHAHA!   :P


    It sucks you're going to be on PC man, it would be fun to play together. Tank/Heal carry right here. :P

  22. Aoe spells that were not looked at:Caltrops - Usefull when the zerg is at a keepgate or something similar

    Unstable Familiar /w Volatile Familiar morph - just "send" in to die for cc and dmg

    Mage's Fury - Only if the aoe dmg still aplies

    Impulse - Depends on the effect of Chilled/Concussion


    Because we don't know the effects (impulse) or the radius (including Daedric Curse) on these abilities, it's not worth talking about them yet probably. - At least in terms of numbers. Buildcrafting with them is still awesome, lol, I think caltrops will work very similarly to Daedric Mines.


    That Volatile Familiar idea is pretty epic though, haha, it's like a fire-golem in D2 where you just summon it from town and then when a melee class kills it the explosion would kill them. lmao

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