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Posts posted by Musclemagic

  1. Thal:

    Based on how much much greater the damage/healing per resource point is on over-time spells, I'm going to just go ahead and say that they don't stack. I could be wrong though, it's just a guess. If I am wrong I'd instantly change my character plans to a NB in Light w/ Resto+Destro.



    I like the idea behind this build. I'd try to balance stam/magicka  bit more by taking Immovable probably on even both of your bars. You're also very mixed right now between weapon power + spell power, which isn't a good idea. I'd recommend going SP.


    It's too early to say whether a build like this will really be effective or not, it depends on too many things, but this is something similar to what I initially wanted to play as so I like what you're going for. :)



    On your first bar: 100% magicka in medium armor = bad news bears. First, you won't have enough magic penetration for those spells to be effective. With just 1 piece of light (that you don't even use the active for, and it doesn't benefit your white hits or anything, I'd just pass on this 1 piece).


    It... idk, your build is confusing. You're obviously going for something very unique and I just don't see it working out.

    Mark Target most likely (IMO) will not affect any of the other spells on your bar, so that would be a waste.


    You're going for white-damage, yet your spell-power being low means your 1st bar's worthless besides Haste/Teleport Strike because the damage abilities will be really low, not worth casting imo. You don't have a way to keep guys on you, like a snare. I see that you have Siphoning Strikes + Haste which will be good for your Magicka, but firstly you'll have too much Stamina, and secondly- if you are actually relying on white damage then this is the opposite of what you want to do in this case. I'd highly suggest swapping out those spell-power based abilities for something that isn't based on the SP.

  2. What irons said is spot on.


    Personally, all of my DPS builds are 7/7 light armor and destruction staff users for one reason: -42% enemy magic resistance. (The problem is that some builds just don't work with this setup, like this one.)


    Yes, medium armor gets +crit/+attack speed, but -42% enemy magic resistance is huge. I think that even against heavy/light targets the magic damage from light armor wearers will still be decent while a melee user will be but a minor hindrance for heavy armor users.


    I think that a light armor / Destro staff is a good choice if you play it right. Do I think that a medium/heavy armor + Destro staff is a good choice though? Not at all.


    As a DK you'd want to mix at least a couple pieces of medium or heavy into your light armor still, not just because you'll have a terrible time against melee but also because you want to have Stamina cost abilities.


    I'd ask why you don't want to be a Sorc? Sorc or even Templar is better than DK for light/destro. If you want to be a DK your best bet is tanking (or at least wearing heavy+melee with low-cost skills) if you're trying to min/max.


    I think something like this is reasonable but due to the range on fire abilities it's still only half sexy. You still end up having to "tank" almost because that's just the nature of DK. There's not even room on the bars for the fire spells because it just messes up any destro staff user's playstyle too much.


    5 light 1 heavy 1 medium, destro/resto, spell-power DK (Dark Elf would be best, but if that's not an option Altmer's good.)


    Weakness to Elements (incrs weapon dmg)

    Spiked Armor (since you need +armor as a light armor wearer)

    Dragon Blood



    Resto for the passive heals - or - 1H&S for the armor and blocking

    Molten Weapons

    Obsidian Shield

    Spiked Armor




    Ult - DK Standard


    With this exact build, you could go all weapon damage without much spell repercussions. Your Destro Staff would do quite a bit with Weakness up, your Resto Staff would heal for quite a bit passively.


    idk, it's a really really hard build-idea to make work very well... at least in my eyes.

  3. Thanks irons.


    As far as Ults go, like irons said it really depends on situations. I won't go into too much detail but this is basically the breakdown that I see:


    Nova, DK Standard, Storm Atronarch, and Soul Shred are probably the best for most AOE situations.


    Magma Armor, Negate Magic, Nova or Rite of Passage for defense.


    Dragon Leap, Death Stroke, Overload, and Consuming Darkness are all good for specific things, Dragon Leap is one of my favorites for breaching keeps and knocking people off keep walls.


    I also really like Highborn and Hitskin because they're extremely simple.

    Summon Bear/Ancestral Guardian are amazing for PVE. Battlecry/Berserker Rage/Powercharge are really good.


    Eye of Fear and Dragonskin I'm undecided on, they will either be really good... or not ever worth taking IMO.


    Meteor and Soul Strike seem good for Spell Power builds that want a Dragon Leap that they don't need to be in the frey with, or a nice single-target damage/snare.


    I LOVE Barrier as a healer/support character (the passive you get from it is nice as well.) and War Horn is also a top-notch group support ability. I think in any well-functioning group for PVP there should be at least 1 person with War Horn and 1 person with Barrier.


    Dawnbreaker's probably only good for Daedra PVE.

  4. Here are a few build ideas I've been thinking about. They don't seem to have many really negative sides to them.


    Orc Heavy Templar (32 HP / 8MP / 8St)

    S&S – VS Melee(s)


    Low Slash


    Puncturing Strikes

    Restoring Aura

    S&S – VS Caster(s)

    Shield Charge

    Low Slash



    Restoring Aura

    Ult- Berserker Rage


    Breton Heavy Sorc (32 HP / 16 MP / 0 St)

    Resto- Tank / Solo

    Familiar – Unstable

    Twilight – Matriarch

    Conjured Ward –

    Lightning Form – Thundering Presence

    Dark Exchange –

    Resto- Heal / Support / Escape / Group

    Encase –

    Blessing of Protection –

    Grand Healing –

    Bolt Escape – Ball of Lightning

    Dark Exchange –

    Ult- Storm Atronarch – Charged Atronarch


    Khajiit Medium NB (31 HP / 12 MP / 6 St)

    DW – AOE DPS / VS Caster(s)

    Teleport Strike – Fan of Knives

    Whirlwind –

    Drain Power –

    Blur –

    Evasion –

    Bow – Kite / CC / VS Melee(s)

    Poison Arrow –

    Scatter Shot –

    Aspect of Terror –

    Haste –

    Summon Shade –

    Ult – Death Stroke – Soul Havest

  5. Race high elve,because of shoddycast-dragon knight-5 medium 2 heavy.


    -Evasion:gain 15% dodge chance fer 17s

    -snipe:long range/high damage

    -dragon blood:self heal  27%, 40% increase health regen for 20 seconds.Great morph

    -poison arrow:Interrupt 3 sec/dot

    -Immovable: 8s immune knock back+stun, 17 armor & spell resist

    ult-magma armor 


    2 bar


    -fiery grip: you should know by now

    -searing strike:large spammable dot

    -lava whip:19 damage + stun

    -ash cloud:30% miss,70% dodge

    -spiked armor:also should know

    ult drafon knight standard


    These can be used in any order you want/balancing issues maybe,but high elf passive will help with mana & 5 medium with stamina.I can add points where they are needed. I was thinking the first bar should maybe have a destruction staff. Don't really know what i am doing,but these are the skills that caught my eye.


    option first bar

    fire destruction staff

    -Evasion or entrophy

    -hidden blade

    -Force shock 

    -weakness to elements



    idk,i guess two peices of light instead of heavy if i use this.


    There's two major things wrong with this build.


    1) Your bow bar is almost all stamina cost. Your DW bar is almost all magicka cost.

    Unless you plan on swapping bars every 4-5 seconds in every fight (which is a huge waste), you won't have very good resource balance which is a big part of the good from the bad players (especially DKs who aren't strong in resources.)


    2) Your first bar is all Weapon-Tree Damage, your second bar is all Class-Tree Damage. Meaning you have two purebread bars...where you would either enchant with all + Weapon Power or all + Spell Power to increase the damage of either one of those bars. If you did this then the other bar would suck. If you balanced Weapon/Spell Power then both bars would be weak.


    Your bow bar would work nicely, because your 1 MP ability is re-usable in sticky situations, but a lot of the time you won't need to use any MP for this bar (like when you're sniping.) So you should probably at least take something like Molten Weapons and Obsidian Shield on your secondary bar to have as an MP dump.


    Also, I'd definitely go Redguard instead of Altmer for a high Stam cost DK.


    I get the feeling that you like Range more than Close combat, so I'll make a main bar with Bow and secondary bar with DW. So, I'll ad more survival to your Range bar and then add more utility to your second bar.


    Redguard DK - Medium/Heavy

    Bow- Main Bar



    Poison Arrow

    Dark Talons

    Reflective Scale

    1H&Shield- Secondary Bar

    Molten Weapons

    Obsidian Shield



    Defensive Posture


    For your bow bar you can just DPS (either AOE or single-target) and then depending on if you're fighting melees you would use Dark Talons or if you're fighting casters you would use Reflective Scale to use Magicka Points (MP) while you are DPSing with your Stamina(St).


    When things get too heavy you can switch to your S&S bar to take less damage and be able to spam Obsidian Shield for absorption (which should synergize nicely with your increased mitigation.) Molten Weapons is just really nice, since it will also increase your weapon damage on your main bar if you keep it active before fights and such.


    Less weapon swapping is more damage, better resource management is better everything, having an AOE attack is definitely important, survival and group support is important.


    But, here's the underlying problem; Even though I think that it's possible to be decent with this, I think that it would be better to be a Nightblade with the exact same build-idea. NB is just designed a bit better for your build-type I think.


    In the end, it's whatever you want, but hopefully some of the ideas behind my suggestions (even if you don't like the suggestions themselves) end up helping you with your decisions.


    :) Welcome to the forums BTW!



    Edit: Definitely check out this thread, http://eldersouls.com/topic/4622-building-your-character-elitist-builds/

    The 1st post is a pretty decent guide to character design IMO. XD

  6. Are you going to be healing through Resto Staff or healing through Templar abilities?


    If you're healing through Resto Staff then Weapon Power may be the enchant you desire. Weapon Power would increase bow damage as well, so you might not want to swap armor just for the enchants.


    If you're Templar healing, then you want Spell Power, in which case your bow won't do much damage. But, you could use Templar Abilities to do damage and a Destro staff to supplement them just fine?


    I forget your build plan, so I can't give specific advice. 


    You might find that there are magic properties on certain armors and armor sets that have bonuses towards your different goals though, and that would give cause for separate sets for separate situations.


    I certainly would suggest wearing Light for group healing and wearing Medium for Bow DPS though, despite your enchants. I'd suggest that even if it was just for the passives, even if the armor didn't have different attributes.

  7. You are right the start Hp is 100 also for orcs (because you haven't unlocked the passive at the start of the game).

    But saying it is percent based doesn't make any sense because why don't you than say that about all abilities. Like that spell deals 7 dmg at lvl 1 so it's 7%, but we know that those abilities scale with your level and not with your HP, so it doesn't make sense that that 1 abilitiy now should scale with your HP.


    Because X damage per hit is incalculable DPS (since we don't know attack frames, and we weren't talking about DOTs), I compared it to HP instead. True, it doesn't actually make a difference to say that instead of just saying X damage/Hit, so I guess it was a wasted thought. I guess I still personally would rather have at least something to compare it with though-no matter how unimportant it is.


    While taking +3 damage per hit isn't going to be +3% at higher levels, since it doesn't scale, it's still interesting to think about.

  8. What?


    Surge doesn't increase weapon dmg by 3% of your health it increases it by 3. It's just a flat number which will increase and has nothing to do with your hp.


    Why do you compare weapon dmg with Hp in the first place that just doesn't make any sense at all and pls explain how 65 weapon dmg = 3.5% by 1070HP.




    I guess Weapon dmg will be the dmg of your normal attack without a crit.

    Spell dmg will increase the dmg of your spells(magicka), while weapon dmg will increase the dmg of your weapon abilities (stamina).

    What's the standard HP at level 1? I thought it was 100 for everything besides Orc, so I did 3/100 = 3%. I'm not confident that it is 100 though, it was just a fun little guesswork post.


    As far as those numbers go... I have no idea where I got them, LMAO, what in the literal fuck?? I can't figure it out!

  9. That Weapon Damage  ------ 100 is interesting. If it is weapon damage, then the weapon damage of the level 35 DK would be about 3.5% of his own health and the sorce would be around 9.7%.


    This would mean that at level 1 it would be hitting for around 3-4 or 9-10 depending on if you're using a destro staff or a 1h and how much +weapon damage you have.


    A Sorc using surge at level 1 would increase their DPS by 3% of their health it looks like, meaning that it could almost double their DPS if they're using a 1h or increase it by about 33% with a destro staff.


    1H damage is likely similar to Resto. 2H/DW are probably pretty similar, and comparable to Bow/Destro, which are probably pretty similar to each other..


    The thing is, that "weapon damage" in the video is also a multiplier for weapon-abilities. That's the confusing part to me... Is "weapon power" a multiplier and "weapon damage" just the weapon damage? Then what is "spell damage*?


    This makes me think that Weapon Power and Weapon Damage are the same thing, Spell Power and Spell Damage are the same thing, and that those are just multipliers that increase spells that aren't weapon-based for spell-power and weapon-power increases both weapon damage and weapon-ability power.


    I don't think we know enough about the stats to try to guess #'s yet.. but we know he's not affected by Surge right now in this video because he has no "active buffs" on right now (bottom of his menu screen).


    I reckon that weapon hits will do about 50% of the total damage if you are using spells to DPS as well. So, if you are using a destro staff, and spells to do damage, you'll do almost 4x the damage as someone in 1h/shield who's doing like 50% the weapon damage and like 10% the spell damage.


    This means that surge and weakness to elements probably combine to double the damage of the normal attacks, so if we figure out what this # looks like (3 x 1.4 = 4.2) it would seem that we're only hitting for about 4 damage with light attacks at level 1 (so this is. Watching videos it looks like power attacks do about 50% more damage than light attacks.


    So, if you look at Force Shock doing 7 damage for 35 MP then you can do about 21 damage off the bat with it and then cast it again once every 10 seconds or so... that continued damage is only .7 DPS though, so while it might be good for bursting the actual DPS is low that the white damage will definitely catch up.


    If heavy attacks are doing 6.3 dmg (4.2x1.5=) then it's at least comparable during the continuous DPS--but I reckon it's about as easy/fast as light attacks rather than heavy, so probably better to compare the 7 damage to the 4.2 regular damage. Just note that the 4.2 is continuous while the 7 is only burst.


    (I got 4.2 as the standard base damage for destro staff by assuming that Surge+Weakness would about double the damage on white hits, so I calculated the damage and just didn't double it to figure out what normal hits would probably be like... These are all huge guesses, of course, but since we don't have any other info to go off of... /shrug. :P)

  10. I get the feeling that for PVE tanking we'll want two 1H&S bars in order to deal with the most amount of situations...although I guess since you can change skills before each fight it doesn't matter.


    Edit: It might be the best option for tanks in PVP though.

  11. Yeah mate, PC is definitely still better, especially if you've got a sweet setup. I wasn't trying to say that consoles are necessarily better. I meant that the differences are getting smaller, and that consoles also have their benefits. I'm pretty biased because I love my console a lot, and I've had a lot of problems with my gaming rigs in the past, but I personally feel like the whole "PC master race" thing is kind of old school thinking with these sweet new gen consoles out.


    It's strange to me that you don't think being able to voice-chat with anyone you're playing with is a bonus; fast coordination is the key to winning in almost every multiplayer game. It's the #2 reason why I'm switching to console (#1 is for the ability to play on my couch, or in bed with my Vita. XD)


    I'd disagree about the DRM, people just didn't want it to be exclusively DRM but I feel like the majority of people I've met on PS4 have been downloading their games rather than buying physical disks. There are a lot of games and content that are digital only, that are really popular on there as well. I wouldn't count consoles out of digital sales at all.


    Yeah, that's true, consoles have plenty of hacks as well. I personally don't usually enjoy mods unless they're DLC fromt he publishers anyway, so mods aren't a big deal to me, but I understand how that's a big deal to a lot of people.


    Handheld consoles are different, yes, but right now the Wii U, XBox Ouya, and PS Vita are all capable of playing full-graphic games from your console, remotely, which makes a lot of a difference for me. Even if there's one for the PC coming out (I forget what it's called) controllers on PC only work well with a handful of games. PC games would have to start being designed for controllers rather than for mouse/keyboard. Every PS4 game that's not indy is going to have this remote-play capability, I think that it's the future of gaming--cloud gaming to handhelds. PC is boarding the ship while consoles are already sailing.


    .... I've always wanted a mechanical keyboard. :'( Haha

    .... Instead I think I'll get a Scuf controller when those come out! ^.^ I also need a new headset, my beats are good sounding for music but the surround isn't the greatest for distance/location detection.


    I got such a sweet setup with my new 55" panasonic plasma, response time's like 12ms or something.. I know that's not great compared to gaming monitors but the colors are fantastic and I think there's only 1 TV with a faster response time that I know of.


    Anyway, for me it's all about ESO. It's definitely designed for consoles, 6 button layout and everything. It's the kind of game that I can play for days without sleeping or eating, and it'll be more comfortable for me in my blanket on the couch. I hate to say it, but I think it's the last game I'll ever try to play competitively...so it better be good. Haha

  12. Good answer. Sounds pretty accurate with the 8 sec. maybe 10 sec. Since Redguards is only 20% power but works for 15 sec. And the orc ult has a extra bonus then only damage increase.And you cant start with a ult ofc, so cant do the OP 100 health regen in level 1 since you need to increase your racial skill though the passives first. And what Iv heard so far, is that the ultimate hotbar doesnt switch between weapon swap, so you can only carry 1 ultimate at a time unfortunatly. But Not 100% sure yet


    Yeah, I keep hearing both that you can and can't have 2 ults. I reckon that it'll only be 1.


    If the regen scales (or gets affected by spell power maybe?) then it should still be good though, even if it is best at lower levels.


    I feel like the Khajiit ult is really weak.. at least the guardian ones for Wood/Dark Elf is really good sounding for PVE.


    My guess is that fears aren't breakable unless dispelled.


    But seriously, this is why the PC Gaming Master race is just simply amazing, with this and Steam sales etc you make back so much money of how much extra you would have spent on the PC as opposed to a console. And those Humble Bundles are just ridiculous!


    Why the "PC Gaming Master Race" isn't really better anymore:

    [*]Streamlined voice-chat on console means no more typing ever again.

    [*]On console it's a much more level playing field due to similar equipment.

    [*]It's more comfortable to play with a controller (I can lay my sexy ass all over the couch and play forever without hurting my back like I used to on PC where you have to bring your keyboard and such with you) (and if you use a controller on the PC you're instantly gimped in PVP on PC).

    [*]Consoles are cheaper initially, yet you will always get 60fps at medium-high settings for most new games. Unless you're a complete graphics-whore, then there's no point in paying for a PC just for better graphics...but that's just my opinion, because I don't really care about graphics a whole lot.

    [*]Consoles are more universal and socially acceptable because most people will either have a Playstation or an Xbox if they're a console gamer (meaning you can just bring your controller over [heck, even some of your games] to your friend's house and you can instantly play on their TV (generally even both of you at the same time to some extent, which is very rare on PC games.) Or, if you have multiple controllers you can play with any person who come over to your house.

    [*]There are also handheld consoles, which are now synchronized to either Playstation Network or XBox Live, that you can either remotely-play your consoles through (yeah, I can bring my game with me to the toilet! MUAHAHA!) or you can simply play other games no matter where you are -- at any time. Yes, there are laptops but it's not like you can really get away with pulling out your laptop and playing in the back of a cab or something.

    [*]Playstation Network and XBox Live give many completely free games every month (that you get to keep indefinitely) to members. Yeah, you're paying $4 a month to get them, but I think that the random games from this are about equal to getting a humble-bundle once a month (there are plenty of main titles, not just cheap games, that they give away monthly.)

    [*]It's only a tad more expensive to go into a used-game store and pick up older games like the ones on this amazon list (which are as good as new). You can also resell these older games for almost as much as you bought the used-ones for if you sell them for store-credit or if you sell them on Craigslist.

    [*]Currently, over 50% of new-gen games for consoles are digital as well. Meaning that in a few years there will be plenty of epic digital sales on consoles too! :)

    [*]It's just as easy to find clans through forums and such now, which was the only reason I didn't used to play on consoles.

    [*]There are less hacks and bots on consoles. This also means less mods, but I think this trade-off is fine (scary to say this on an ES forum, ES communities love their mods. XD)

    [*]PS4/XB1 have so many nice apps, you can watch crunchyroll or netflix through any TV on them..tons of other easy-access social media things as well. It's basically like a PC now when it comes to versatility. Heck, you could even pull up the web browser and watch porn just as easily.

    [*]It also records everything, all the time, so you can instantly save gameplay without having to start up Fraps and have dual monitors and stuff. This gen has pretty sweet editing software as well.

    [*]Voice commands are pretty amazing on XB1/PS4. Plus, virtual reality looks like it will be coming out for consoles (ps4 helmet things from Sony) just as early as on PC (Oculus Rift).

    I'll admit there are still some drawbacks, like... .... wait for it... I can't think of any drawbacks to playing on a console anymore at all? :S


    I love my PS4... she's got some super nice tits.

  14. I don't think that just dealing dmg will give you anything but who knows.



    The reason why I say that it highly unlikely is that in most games like this they don't go with a system like you describe it.


    They might could go with a hybrid system where 1 get's the kill and the others get assists like in some Moba games.

    So for example for killing you gain 10 points and for assiting 5. But even than AoE would be best.





    The most important thing if you want to become Emperor is TIME but without an AoE build you would need even more time.



    I don't care of becoming Emperor that's why I can run a build which will help my allience to win the war instead of just farming points for myself.


    That's a good idea, I think that would work well. (The double points for killing blows, regular points for assists or healing someone who's killed someone.)


    I hope it's something like that, I also hope that deaths count against you in some way (other than time spent away from the battle) like if you were to lose points for dying and then whoever ended up having the most points wins maybe?


    Yeah, haha, I plan on abusing whatever systems I have to in order to get Emperor ASAP.

  15. That's highly unlikely.

    How is it worse than your prediction?


    K/D ratio implies the most skill, because then it's not just who's in the fray the most--it's who's winning the most, despite their odds.


    Edit: It will probably end up being something stupid anyway, like who does the most damage to keeps or to siege weapons, depending on whether they're attacking or defending.

  16. Its probably just a mistake. But is Orcs ultimate (Berserker Rage) a passive, since there is no time on it as there is on redguards power Charge = 15 sec. And do anybody know if you have to use your ultimate hotbar slot for the racial ultimate to use it ?


    I reckon it will be anywhere between a 3 and 15 second duration (my guess would be around 8s because of how good it is).

    I chose those estimates because Dragonskin (Breton Ult) is 3s and Highborn/Hitskin/Ancestral Guardian/Guardian Animal Thing are all 15s. Eye of Fear is 5s but it's a fear and +5% dmg from all sources.


    The Nord racial is unknown duration ATM as well...but I reckon that it is also around 8 seconds.


    Of course...idk, because those regeneration ultimates are pretty badass as well... +100 Health Regen @ lvl 1 for 15s?? = 15s of invincibility if you're not getting 1-shot.. but I doubt it scales too well.


    Meh, idk... I hope it's a full 15s of awesome to match most the other racials, because the regen really is a huge buff. I know I'll definitely be taking the racial ult for one of my bars if I go Altmer or Argonian...


    ATM I'm planning an altmer sorc. Using Highborn and then spamming Bolt Escape = awesome sounding.

  17. I believe it will be purely based off of killing blows only, to bridge the gap between AOE and Single-Target. AOE will spread more hurt to more people, but single-target should be able to keep up in actual death blows. This also would mean that healers would want to have the ability on their healing bar to dish some final #'s for single-target as well.


    If this is correct, then things like Mage's Fury or Whirlwind, Assassin's Blade or Reverse Slash, and even something like Silver Bolts, Death Stroke, Soul Strike, and Silver Bolts would be good because they either have a low chance (or rarely usable) but have a good chance of getting the final blow to something because of how high the numbers will be. The next best would be big-hitters such as Uppercut, Crystal Shard, Snipe, etc. Then probably AOE damage like Lightning Splash, Fiery Breath, Volley, Spear Shards,  and , and then finally the big hitting spammables like Lava Whip/Piercing Javelin/Stonefist.


    I think the worst things will be relying on white damage and non-AOE DOTs like searing strike/agony/cripple/sun fire.



    But, this is all assuming that killing blows matter... and, depending on how many people AOEs end up hitting (both due to how many people are in the area and how many maximum people can be affected),  AOEs could (like irons says) definitely be the best--whoever stacks spell power, and has enough resource regen to keep up those AOEs, could definitely even be the person who gets the most KBs (and of course, like irons said, will have the highest total damage by a landslide.)

  18. Because of their reward system, if you contribute on killing someone you get rewarded.small example:very skillful players attacks a mine which is protected by 5 enemy players and succeeds.another player attacks mine with a 10 man group uses his AoE and gets the same reward as the skillful player but it took him only a small part of the time which the other player needed.We know most points will come from killing players. It's easier and faster to get those kills when you run in a zerg and use AoE attacks and support.That means that skill doesn't matter at that point and that it is only down to time.


    Are you sure this is how it will work (where all that really matters is "assisting in as many kills as possible")? What do you reckon for healing--would it count like .5x for every member of your team that you heal during a fight or something?


    Edit: I feel like I've heard an interview where Konk says that they add up total damage and healing and whoever's highest is crowned. Is this what you meant by whoever has the most AOE--since that'll probably result in the most amount of numbers?


    I'd get my guild to spam equilibrium around me while I cast Regeneration/Grand Healing. Haha

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