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Posts posted by Musclemagic

  1. Yeah, the thing in question's the Explorer Pack. I didn't question if the Imperial Edition stuff would be available--since it was mostly in beta anyway--but the Explorer Pack doesn't appear to be available during early-release. "The Explorer’s Pack bonus at the time the game releases, which includes: Scuttler vanity pet, four bonus treasure maps, and the ability to play as any of the nine races in any Alliance."


    EDIT: Okay, I found it-- you do get access to playing any class in any alliance during early-access, but you don't have your treasure maps or vanity pet... Good thing nobody's in a rush to get that! Haha

    • Upvote 1

    [*]Receive +50% damage from fire sources.

    [*]Breaks down into 4 stages of hunger depending on the last time the player has fed.

    [*]Stage 1: 30 minutes; no additional effects.

    [*]Stage 2: 60 minutes; -25% health regeneration, -20% mana cost for vampire skills.

    [*]Stage 3: 90 minutes; -50% health regeneration, -40% mana cost for vampire skills.

    [*]Stage 4: 120 minutes; -75% health regeneration, -60% mana cost for vampire skills.


    do we know how you fed as a vampire?if you use drain essence u reset the stages?do you really get 60% less magika cost on vampire skills if you dont fed? thx



    You have 2 options from this: 1) Don't feed and use the -60% cost to do more ultimates and pop in/out of mist form to cast heals on you. 2) Feed every 30 minutes and use a high health regeneration build to tank in Mist Form. Huge EHP... will probably be very effective pusher in PvP.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Digital Imperial Edition Pre-order's the obvious choice. It saves the first 15 hours of your gold, get you places faster, and allows you to level all the way to 50 at a substantially increased pace! :)

    It saves a lot of time and effort. The $20 is easily justified from a consumer's point of view. I just hope they don't continue to apply this "pay-for-advantage" shit to the cash-shop when that comes out.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I'm really keen on this idea and I think whoever enters this contest are the people who have to pool the money for it, while the rest of the community gets to vote on who gets it (this way it's like a raffle)! I'm going to make all of my options include nudity, 'cause I know y'all are freaks! ;) Of course, other members would be welcome to contribute toward the prize as well if they feel graciously inclined to do so.


    For standard edition (digital please)-

    I'd make naked snow angels in my back yard. There's about a foot of snow, and it's been around -10* at night here lately (-23.3*C).


    For Digital Emperial Edition-

    In the broad daylight, I would go to the area of town with the most foot-traffic... Proceed to one of the docks... Strip off my clothes...

    And jump into the lake. (Remember, it's cold out there! The lake would definitely be frozen but it's a river/lake combo.)


    For Physical Emperial Edition (because it'd require the physical one anyway)-

    I'd tie my (very attractive+good body) girlfriend up... [David will stop paying me if I don't censor this. Sorry, Blake]... Or trying to anyway, she is pretty picky! Either way it'll be entertaining, haha

    • Upvote 1
  5. $20...

    ...For access to passive abilities that nobody paying the standard fees will ever get without paying real money.

    ...For the 15+ hours (for a very fast player) it will take to initially grind the 47,000 gold to buy a horse equivalent to the free Imperial horse.

    ...For the X amount of hours you'll save by having the "substantial" experience gains you get from ring of Mara.

    ...For the amount of sheer time you'll save by early access to a horse.


    You cannot tell me this doesn't give you an advantage.


    Our definitions of P2W might differ, but mine is simply "paying money to give yourself a clear advantage over people who don't pay."


    Now, some of you might not be very competitive. Some of you might not have your eyes set on Emperor, or one of the first few to complete a dungeon... But those people do exist. And for those people, if they were to get a regular edition of the game, they would be entirely out of the competition before they even started. Hence, this is already a pay-to-win game from the start.


    This doesn't pose much of a problem, because it's only an initial $20. This is a small fee for most of us, especially the hardcore people I talked about in the previous paragraph. The problem that many of us are having is the principle behind this initial model. If they decide to apply this same type of pay-for-advantage model to the real-money-shop then they will FORCE hardcore players to pay for those benefits.


    I know that most of us aren't the hardcore player that's competitive enough to care, but there are a lot of those people out there. Out of respect for them, and the gaming industry as a whole, I hope you all can see why this is a sad money-grubbing tactic for a game that's already pay-to-play, buy-to-play, and pay-for-support such as alliance transfers and ring-partner swaps.


    This would, of course, be different if the game was free-to-play, because then it makes sense that they'd need the money in order to continue to create content. However, this huge title does not need to do this on top of the already (in this day) very hefty price to pay the game.


    Thanks for reading my post. Even if you disagree with me I hope you can see where I'm coming from.

    • Upvote 1
  6. This sums it pretty much up for me


    "It seems almost like a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenarioâ€. If you offer great exclusives people will complain that not everyone gets them, if you offer lame exclusives people will accuse you of exploiting or nickel-and-diming your customers."



    ESO isn't the first MMO with a p2p system which had a premium edition with a mount.

    One of those I remember was RIFT and there the community wasn't upset with it.


    I really have the feeling that a big part of the ESO community is a extremly whiny croud.


    Rift is f2p, so people who aren't paying for things have no room to complain.


    Most MMOs do not have a problem with releasing collector's editions without game-breaking content within them. ESO would have been fine with a physical-only collector's edition with the statue, book, and map-poster. The Mudcrap vanity pet is fine, because it's vanity.


    Here's my stance, and I'd never go back on this ideal: Paying extra to have an advantage in a b2p+p2p game is complete bullshit and you know it.

  7. I strongly oppose pay-to-win. There is a huge benefit to having a horse and mara rings at start of game. I only care about imperials if they have the strongest racials for a specific build, but if their racials suck then it doesn't matter to me. That ring and horse though...it forces us to pay an extra $20 already.


    If their cash shop looks like it's trending towards shit like this then I'll never play more than the first month.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I wish they'd give Eldersouls a Q&A like this.


    Oh well, here's what I found the most interesting:

    "Siphoning Attacks – when you activate your attacks leech health

    Spear Shards / Blessed Shards – allows activation to recover stamina (good for those hungry tanks)"

    Blood Fountain - (Did he mean Blood Funnel on Blood Altar?)


    That could make siphoning attacks/haste really amazing for almost all NB builds. Spear Shards with +stamina...mmm, there will be better options IMO. Blood Fountain's probably a morph of Blood Altar, it sounds pretty cool whatever it'll be! :)


    He said Anchors only scale up to 4 players, but in their Anchor video they had 5 people. Maybe they just didn't want to die to it in the video?


    5-6 hours if you plow through the main quest? This must be wrong.


    Only 16 instanced dungeons? I hope that means 32 including veteran dungeons. In vanilla WOW there were 32 dungeons and only a few of those were heroics. ESO does have the non-instanced dungeons, but this probably doesn't give you the same feel that a true dungeon does.

  9. This isn't even something worth discussing. Min/maxing is the only reasonable way to find the strongest builds... What else are you going to do? Guess and check every build without even trying to min/max first?


    The fact that some builds can be stronger than others means that it's also a fact that there will be one build that is the strongest against the most amount of common situations. Our goal should be to find the builds that fit this bill the best, which will obviously vary based on what your personal goals are as well. (If you like soloing more than groups, you'd most likely have a much different build.)



    We can argue that D3/POE/D2/any other game where you only have a smaller selection of skills...it actually ends up with a much bigger difference between the individuals, like Eol said, but it also makes it more apparent when a build is stronger than another--which then quickly turns into the FOTM and is then either patched or copied to the point where the new FOTM is the anti-FOTM.


    As Eol also said, just pray that people don't start to copy you! :P A way to minimize this would be to min/max a healer or a tank where most people will want to be more of a DPS variant.

  10. Hi, i would like to add some Questions of my own :tongue:


    1. Whats the Multiplier for Crit Damage?

    2. Whats the Multiplier for Sneak Attacks, is it different in pvp and pve?

    3. Does Sneak Attack Bonus Damage only applies to Physical Damage?

    4. Can you crit ontop of Sneak Damage Bonus?

    5. Does Damagereduction from Armor applies to Spells?

    6. Does Damagereduction from Armor applies to Stavesdamage?(guess so)

    7. Is there a Difference for Damagereduction for the Damagetypes Magical and Elemental(Poison/Disease?) ?

    8. With the way the Cyrodil Buff works do Ratings of Items(Damage/armor) have great effect in PvP? They mentioned only wider skillselection as an Advantage, not stats.

    9. Do some Regen Bonus ignore Softcaps? Like if i stack Orc with Heavy Armor and Enchants that increase Healthregen will all 3 be affected by Diminishing Returns?

    10. Does a Khajiit crap in the Woods?


    thanks in Advance :wub:


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