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Posts posted by Musclemagic


    Veiled Strike

    [*]Requirement: Stealth

    [*]Deals 22 magic damage and unbalances enemy.

    [*]Stuns enemy for 4 seconds.


    It no longer requires stealth, but only gives the disorient and stun if used from stealth.

    Can be used as a (great) damaging spell all the time.





    [*]Target's armor -40% for 12 seconds.

    can be morphed to also reduce spell resistance by 40% or give yourself a armor bonus for a short time (6/7 sec)



    Do you know if the armor bonus on the 2nd Puncture morph was a % or if it was a flat #?


    If it's a flat # I can see potential for using it on a light-armor user.

  2. Although I'm not going to play on PC after June (or whenever they launch console version), and I wouldn't have time to be an officer for PC, I could definitely help with recruiting and would love to be involved in strategy (both pvp and pve) conversations with officers.


    I don't think cross-faction would be a good idea, and although David doesn't want to lead it-I think that simply making an Elder Souls guild would be really good, we have a great foundation group and a great website for it to take off on.... plus, how awesome will it be to own the fuck out of TF? Think about it anyway, David. It looks like there's enough interest from a great group of guys, we just need you to give us a go-ahead and maybe see who's willing to be the leader, then start a poll for us to vote on the candidates.


    /nudge/nudge/nudge, so how about it, David? :) It would be really fun.


    PS- No worries about EU/AUS/US/Whatever we can all play together with our main-characters no matter what realms we started on. There's pretty low latency no matter who's hosting the group, too. It's amazing. We should probably join a campaign from whichever server has the most amount of members though just to make meet-times most effective and such.

  3. Only answers that are public knowledge will be posted, not things that you could only know through beta access/private intel.


    Someone might happen to have seen some answers that were publicly released by ZOS. By PMing the answers to the asker we keep things tidy. We don't want this forum to get too long, or it would be hard to find FAQ's. Duh!


    I'll start:

    1) What are the morphs on Sparks?

    2) What are the morphs on Puncture?


    Keep posting new questions if you have any, even if it doesn't appear like there are answers.

  4. Breton Sorc

    7 light

    Destruction Staff


    Mage's Fury

    Crystal Shard (with chance to be an instant cast for 50% mag)


    Bound Armor (Morph increased armor)

    Twillight (Morph for extra Magicka reg)

    Overload (Morph restore magicka with basic attacks)


    second bar same as first just instead of twilight Dark Exchange and for PvP Negate magic


    The idea is quite simple a Breton Sorc has high spell resi, high magicka reg and quite a lot of cost reduce.

    With this you gain an extra 20% Hp reg a big armor buff some extra passive dmg through your pet.

    Entropy is a dot which also is a HoT for you.

    Crystal Shard's hits really hard plus is a knockdown + heals you for 6% of your max HP.

    And Fury is your spam attack.


    OP, haha

  5. I wonder if there is any chance of a meele sorcerer being effective?


    Can you have 2 or more Deadric Summonings simultaneously?


    I thought of an Heavy Armor build, and tanking the damage while your pet(s)? deal damage from behind


    Maybe with dual wield or 2h for more damage. But do the weapon based skills do enough damage? as you would rely only on oets and buffs from the Sorcerer tree


    I'm guessing that a Shield would do better than 2h or DW. You won't be doing much damage anyway, so you might want to gives yourself some extra tankiness and let your pets do more work.


    Something like this maybe:


    7 heavy, 1h/S

    Shield Charge

    Low Slash



    Conjured Ward



    No problems there for a nice solo build.

  6. irons, thal, areodon, and myself... Jizzworthy weekend.


    edit: Of course I'd like to play with all of you, but it's just one weekend. :P Be sure to add me and message me on there though! Character name is Musclemagic

  7. Crafting's probably minor in comparison to regular item stats. Once we know those we'll have a much better base for endgame. But yeah, all item stats/profession perks/morphs/wolf&vamp.. so many things we don't know that we need to know in order to get some real number crunching going on.


    I'm glad we've had enough time to come up with really balanced/working builds though. Low-level beta playing doesn't compare to being able to think about the endgame from the leaks IMO.

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