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Everything posted by MstrMonopoly

  1. Thanks for fixing the arcade, I WTF'd a couple times.
  2. Noooooooooooooo.Come back soon
  3. Request granted, of course. Take whoever you want, there's no hard deadline for any sort of Publication.
  4. Hey Coty, what's up? Glad to have you in the Rebs and looking forward to get to know you.
  5. No-lifer :blink:Just kidding. Great week.
  6. To answer your question? Me.
  7. We should also probably go into the deeper parts of the Wilderness if we want to pile enemies effectively, given our wide range of levels.
  8. My dream mansion has 5 rooms. An altar, a portal room (for Canifis tele only), a room for the glory amulet, a barrows fixer, and the training (kitchen) room. I'm not too interested in actually planning out a house.
  9. Thanks for providing the details, T_Ranger.Currently, we're just using myself or Henry as war leader, but if you show talent and experience at leading wars at practices, we will consider you for the job.
  10. It would help if some people were rangers/binders. You can come in whatever gear you want btw
  11. Takes a long, long time to get those robes, lol.
  12. You can now essentially pay $5.99 to get a 10% xp boost for a week. The most hardcore of hardcore are likely to abuse this.
  13. Heh, I'm hoping just a temporary Hurricane dip.
  14. You could also trawl 4chan's /mu/ board for new albums, it's where I developed a lot of my taste.
  15. I'm not digging this whole Refer-A-Friend system.
  16. I would like to welcome you into our clan; congratulations on being accepted into the RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our friends chat is 'TheRebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Friends Chat: TheRebelz Clan Chat Owner: Traaginen IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR, we all look forward to getting to know you!
  17. I would like to welcome you into our clan; congratulations on being accepted into the RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our friends chat is 'TheRebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Friends Chat: TheRebelz Clan Chat Owner: Traaginen IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR, we all look forward to getting to know you!
  18. I mean, people with 99 agility already have almost unlimited sprint, and no one kites for that long.
  19. David showing up to three straight events.Apocalypse coming.
  20. Nothing happened in my neighborhood except rain
  21. We should get that countdown for events as well as wars.
  22. Hey dude, hope to see a whole bunch of you in the future
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