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Everything posted by MstrMonopoly

  1. The best event reflections should make me feel sad that I couldn't attend, and that's exactly what these are doing.
  2. Boss hunting should always be at least slightly more profitable than skilling due to the risk involved.Unless someone finds some way to make skilling risky.
  3. The new/old content bars still don't work for Active Topics. They look great on the main forum though.
  4. Blexun picked them to win, but he's a huge homer too.
  5. That's why soloing Kree is usually a bad idea unless you have a steel titan.
  6. I love the header changes. The old images were sort of unwieldy.
  7. Lol, we were just talking like 2 weeks ago about how cool it would be to have you back.And yes I missed you.
  8. Nah, I remember at first everyone hated it but I think it's grown on 99% of the RS community by now.
  9. Hey Devin, welcome to TRR. I'm a huge sports fan myself (mostly baseball), it's great to see another fan in the clan.
  10. This part I agree on - your skilling levels should enable you to boss hunt better. With the exception of Herblore and Dungeoneering skilling is somewhat useless while monster hunting.
  11. Couldn't agree more. Tbh I don't care about the bots as I almost never skill for profit, but if I did I might be a bit angrier.
  12. I don't see them winning more than like 6 games this season.How does Michigan look though?
  13. Side note - if you think there should be any additional benefits to purchasing a subscription, I encourage you to post your ideas in this thread.
  14. Maybe like in 2005. After abyssal demons and especially since GWD came out, monster hunting's always been a better moneymaker. I was pretty noob in terms of levels before GWD though.
  15. lol skilling.There are still ways to make really good cash through Hunter and Summoning (non-combat), but those lean on boss hunting. If boss hunting tanks too much, those money methods will dry up.
  16. With falling prices for many of the exclusive GWD/boss drops, has your game-plan for making money changed? I sure did - dragon claws fell so much that now I'm pretty much just in "get Nex gear" mode.
  17. I know where that is! Pretty graphic.
  18. TRR[] Recruit 10 members by September 1Get crackin'
  19. There are a lot of contenders that I could put here.* OK Computer* Kid A* Radio City* Yankee Hotel Foxtrot* The Beach Boys Today!* Sunflower* Pinkerton* DoolittleBut in reality, the best album of all time is Pet Sounds. if you listen to the album carefully, it tells a beautiful romance story. It starts off with the innocent beauty of Wouldn't It Be Nice, goes through the pure love songs of God Only Knows and Don't Talk and the acidic breakup song Here Today, and finally closes with the mournful regret of Caroline No (the dog barking after the train leaving the station always gets me).How about you guys? What's your favorite album and why?
  20. Got any others for us Stuart?
  21. Who do you guys have for the Super Bowl?I've got Jets-Eagles, with the Jets taking it all.
  22. Depending on traffic, I MIGHT not be able to make it at exactly 8. I'll be there for sure by 8:30.
  23. Hail and well met friend Tex.I'm MstrMonopoly, but most people call me Mstr, Mono, or Paul. Some people call me fake Paul too. Come pop in our IRC (#rebelz) some time for general chillin'? I'll be there.
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