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Everything posted by MstrMonopoly

  1. I'm sorry David, but it appears you just did not have the requisite intelligence to fully grasp the complexities of a masterwork like Inception. Maybe try Pee-Wee's Playhouse, that's more your style anyway.
  2. the intro to Neon Genesis Evangelion is the best of any goofy Japanese show
  3. I have never played any Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Call of Duty, FIFA, or Grand Theft Auto game for more than 15 minutes.
  4. We're fat, stupid, lazy, and complain a lot.
  5. i need to get back into this game it's good for your social life right
  6. nah 4chan is great you just have to know the right boards. /sp/, /mu/, and /r9k/ are the funniest and /b/ is probably the worst
  7. Nah, but I worked a part-time job pretty much all summer, and mooched off my parents for all expenses so I have quite a bit of $$ saved up now.
  8. Welcome to the NHK is my all-time favorite anime. I don't watch much though, have only seen the basics of Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Azumanga Daioh.
  9. I'll be able to donate like $50 or so next month. Remind me of that fact if I go AWOL again.
  10. It really is just a matter of time before simulated sex becomes better than actual sex.But I'll be following this development pretty closely. Could be good.
  11. There was no reply. We need to start building this again. Take pictures of funny quotes or screenshots from IRC or the CC, and post them in this thread!
  12. I sort of want to play this. They would have to match me up with another max combat dude, which is good.
  13. Boss Hunted: General Graardor Number of Rebelz Present: 5 Rebelz In Attendance: MstrMonopoly, Peanut 1, Blexun, Kosher, Resurr3ction Total Kills: 58 Drops Godsword Shard 3 Dragon Dagger (p++) Event Reflection MstrMonopoly asked if anyone wanted to do Bandos. Peanut 1 and Kosher responded in the affirmative. So did Resurr3ction, who was going to the GWD for the first time. Blexun joined in later. At first, Peanut, Kosher, and I were in some nice world but then two dummies crashed us. So we hot-hopped to w39, where Bandos hit like 580 on Kosher so he ROL'd. So me and Peanut duoed for a couple kills until Blexun showed up and ineffectually slapped Bandos with his flaccid whip. Then Kosher came back and we were a four man. Around this time we got both splits Finally, Resurr3ction found out how to get to Bandos and he showed up with a whip and some sick-ass lobs. We five-manned for a while until Resurr3ction's lobs ran out. Around this time he got a torstol seed which was our best drop by far, which is sad. Then Blexun left to go to something, probably gay in nature. Then I ran out of food. Anyway, good trip in theory, what with the 58 kills and all, but the loot was unsatisfactory. That's ok, we had fun!~~~~ dat lewt
  14. I already bought one, because why not.
  15. But you're coming back eventually, right? Right?
  16. I could represent us, although no guarantee that I'll be that good.
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