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Everything posted by MstrMonopoly

  1. MstrMonopoly


    Hey Quinn, it's good to have you around. Already met you in IRC, you seem like a cool dude.
  2. I said you could use it only to invite people to the clan if I wasn't on.:/ Should probably change the pass.
  3. That's why I'm majoring in Blexun Studies.
  4. Whoa, obviously. Woah is incorrect.
  5. Shoulda named yourself "MstrMonopoly" tbh.
  6. Tbh, why bot? Half the fun in this game is being proud of your grinding.I guess it's different for pures. No one actually wants to train a pure.
  7. I played it a lot back like 3-4 years ago. Forgot all about it though, just remember it was a fuckton of fun.
  8. As far as looks go, I like girls with big doe eyes and slender frames. I don't care so much if a girl is a little overweight as long as their face is 8/10+ though. I prefer if girls are tall but that's not a dealbreaker. I like brunettes more than blondes and blondes more than redheads. I don't typically care about race but if a girl is Asian and acts anything like my mom I would never date them.As far as breasts go, shape is a lot more important than size. I tell my girlfriend that all the time, she's a little self-conscious about the size of hers (she's 5' 4'' with 32Bs, they're honestly not even that small). In terms of personality, I mostly like girls who are funny. Being super-nice isn't a requirement but if I'm in a shit mood the girl can't make me feel worse about it). I like girls who are "try-hards" and passionate about something. Another thing I like is if a girl is intelligent in a bookish way. If you've read a lot of books you'll understand how I talk IRL a lot more.
  9. Just got it. Probably my least favorite 99 so far.
  10. Oh god, same here. Internet has been on and off most of the time. Computer is also broken'd. I'll be back in full by the 8th.
  11. Oh yeah, this quest was almost ridiculously fun.
  12. Anybody but Tyler the Creator. Kanye's probably my favorite in the game now.
  13. Congratulations to one of our newest members of the Council, Heated_Deus, for winning Member of the Month! Deus has been a terrific Council and also a great guy (he got my vote, at least), and really deserved to run away with the vote. Keep up the good work and remember to keep pwning.
  14. Gtfo Crazy, look at the timestamps.Anyway, about to announce the winner!
  15. The next Bonus XP Weekend will begin at 12:00 BST (midday) on the 9th of September 2011 and will end at 12:00 BST (midday) on the 12th of September 2011. Whether it’s stocking up on rune essence, collecting potion ingredients, planning the perfect Dungeoneering party set-up with your friends or just looking forward to a relaxing weekend of Fishing, now is the time to prepare so you’re ready to make the most progress possible. Once the Bonus XP Weekend begins on Friday the 9th of September, the XP modifier will come into effect for all members. The modifier will begin at x2.7 the rate of XP you would earn from standard training activities, and will drop to a new multiplier every 30 minutes of game time. The table below should help with any preparations you want to make: Game time (mins) XP Multiplier Up to 30 x 2.7 30-60 x 2.55 60-90 x 2.4 90-120 x 2.25 120-150 x 2.1 150-180 x 2.0 180-210 x 1.9 210-240 x 1.8 240-270 x 1.7 270-300 x 1.6 300-330 x 1.5 330-360 x 1.45 360-390 x 1.4 390-420 x 1.35 420-450 x 1.3 450-480 x 1.25 480-510 x 1.2 510-540 x 1.175 540-570 x 1.15 570-600 x 1.125 600+ x 1.1 The ‘XP’ button will change to ‘XP+’ when the weekend begins, tracking how much XP you rack up over the course of the weekend. It will also have a tooltip to show you what your current XP modifier is. As before, Summoning XP will be boosted by a set percentage of 10% over the course of the three days; all other skills will follow the schedule noted in the table above. For further details of which actions will and will not be modified by the Bonus XP Weekend, and for more information in general, please read the Three Cheers blog. Mod Fetzki Head of RuneScape
  16. One of the biggest quests we have ever made, a new prayer potion, new loyalty rewards and a Bonus XP Weekend all join together to make a stupendous line-up for September. Talking of history, we’re even opening up RuneScape Classic for the last ever time! New Prayer Potion We’re adding a brand-new, tradable potion to the game this month, featuring the elusive fellstalk herb and morchella mushroom; so rare and desirable that the herbs themselves are only available from high-level farmers. You’ll need 94 Herblore and 91 Farming if you’re going to grow and make this potion; a potion that can restore roughly 1.25x the prayer points of a super prayer potion, but gradually over the course of 5 minutes. You’ll still find your stash of super prayer potions useful next time you find yourselves needing the immediate aid of the gods, though, as they can provide an instant boost in the heat of battle. Bonus XP Weekend If you find yourself talking to your pet rock and wondering, “How on Gielinor am I going to raise my levels for all the high-level content that JAGEX keep launching?â€Â, then wonder no more! This month we are holding our 4th “Bonus XP Weekendâ€Â, where members stand to earn up to 2.7x their normal XP rate in almost all the content in the game! It’s a perfect time to train your skills: whether it’s increasing your favourite stats; finally reaching that level goal you set yourself; or simply training those skills that you’ve let slip over the last few months, Bonus XP Weekend has something for everyone. Prices on the Grand Exchange can do crazy things over the days leading up to a Bonus XP Weekend, so it may well be a great time to throw those spare raw materials onto the market and make a quick stack of gold. For further details on the Bonus XP weekend, click here. Final Classic Re-opening Have you ever sat listening to the old and wizened seers in your clan councils or local fishing spot as they chew gummily on their stewed lobster and go on and on about the “good old daysâ€Â, telling you stories of certs, sleeping bags and 3-hit combat? Do they look wistfully at areas just beyond the Paterdomus temple saying “I remember when all this was just seaâ€Â? Strange tales indeed, but there was a time when their ramblings were true! If you’re a member and you’re keen to find out more about the early days of RuneScape and the game that started it all off, then take a nostalgic trip to RuneScape Classic. For the last time this month we are reopening the gates to our true roots and humble beginnings. RuneScape Classic is a very basic and old-school version of RuneScape, but does contain 50 of our original quests and the whole game as it was back in 2003. Don’t forget that if you’re keen to unlock the classic cape this will be your final ever opportunity to do this. Ritual of the Mahjarrat In RuneScape, you’ll hear people use the word “epic†quite often. “My godsword is epicâ€Â, or “I had the most epic fight in the Wildyâ€Â, or even, “My new iron helmet is the epitome of all that is epicâ€Â. Of course, “epic†is often in the eye of the beholder; it’s only epic if you haven’t done it before. Sometimes we have to wait for something truly epic to come along, and it has. Concluding a storyline over 10 years old and involving many of the game’s major plotlines, the Ritual of the Mahjarrat is a huge, dimension-spanning quest; one of the largest we have ever created. Every 500 years, the planets align and harsh choices must be made by the Mahjarrat; a race of powerful, ambitious beings left on Gielinor after the cruel God Wars, thousands of years ago. Their continued existence relies on an extreme form of rebirth; a new beginning that requires one of their number to be sacrificed for the greater good. Things rarely involve simple choices, however, with loyalties split between Zaros and Zamorak and individuals wielding some of the most powerful weapons to ever exist on RuneScape. Whatever the outcome, it will shape the future...forever. Explore the lost plane of Kethsi; form unexpected alliances; engage in huge battles; and witness the true power of RuneScape’s cruellest villain. Rewards include huge XP lamps, access to a new reward dungeon, equipment, a new spell, ranging gear, and new gear for the feet slot. Requirements to start Ritual of the Mahjarrat: [*]The Temple at Senntisten [*]While Guthix Sleeps [*]Hazeel Cult [*]Enakhra's Lament [*]The Slug Menace [*]Fairy Tale III - Battle at Ork's Rift [*]Rocking Out [*]A Tail of Two Cats [*]Level 76 Crafting [*]Level 77 Agility [*]Level 76 Mining New Loyalty Rewards This month we are also releasing the second batch of rewards for our loyalty programme, featuring 4 new costumes, 6 new emotes, 3 re-colours and 15 new auras (including tier 2 auras). These new rewards cover a range of new gameplay and cosmetic options, including: [*]Fist Palm emote [*]Ghost emote [*]Ninja disappear emote [*]Inspiration aura (raises your special attack bar while dealing damage) [*]Vampyrism aura (raises life points while dealing damage) [*]Penance aura (raises prayer points while taking damage) If you haven’t already, you can find details of how to sign up to the Loyalty Programme here. Finally, remember that our 15% discount on 3 months of standard-rate credit card membership is still available. With all this great content on the horizon, now is a great time to subscribe. Click here to do so. Have fun! Mod Mark
  17. Every month we ask you to send in your artwork submissions so we can include them in our Gallery. Each gallery usually has a theme to help inspire your entries and of course, this month we’ve focused on celebrating RuneFest! The RuneFest Gallery Competition closes on the 14th September and whilst we've some great entries so far we know that you all have more up your sleeve! The top entries from this competition will be prominently displayed on professional canvas prints at RuneFest for all to see! So, if you've ever considered yourself a bit of an artist then don't be shy, send in your entries now to [email protected]! Your artwork can be anything, from an oil painting or a 3D model through to sculpted clay! Whatever your art style, we want to see it so send us your artwork today! Mod Crow Community Team
  18. Dark, feral shapes have been seen stalking the outskirts of Burgh de Rott with terrible, unnatural swiftness, and rumours abound that Vanstrom Klause himself is at large once more. Veliaf and the rest of the Myreque have taken note of these ill signs and fear an imminent attack. Safalaan has been pre-occupied of late and, outnumbered and ill-equipped as they are, the Myreque must turn to you for assistance once again. To do this, you must enter the baroque streets of Darkmeyer; the vampyre city. With help from an unexpected source, you must infiltrate the upper echelons of vampyric society to locate the last remaining blisterwood tree, which lies heavily guarded in the city’s dark heart and whose branches are the bane of even the most powerful Vyrewatch. Once you have done so, you’ll be able to create weapons that will end this looming threat before all is lost, and will put the Myreque in a better position to end their war once and for all. You may defeat the foe that lurks in the shadows, and the rewards may be great, including experience tomes, new weapons and an item that teleports its bearer to the Barrows, among other places, but will the end really justify the means? How to start Speak to Veliaf in Burgh de Rott. Requirements [*]Legacy of Seergaze [*]Legends' Quest [*]76 Woodcutting [*]70 Fletching [*]70 Magic [*]67 Slayer [*]64 Crafting [*]63 Agility [*]63 Farming Mod Ana In other news... [*]The silver sickle (both ordinary and blessed), the Rod of Ivandis and the Ivandis Flail have been improved to make them more effective against vampyres. [*]You’ll notice new atmospheric sounds as you descend into many of the major dungeon networks, particularly those beneath Edgeville, Lumbridge and Varrock. Listen out for burning torches, flowing water, dripping stalactites and ambient sounds that develop as you delve deeper. [*]For the first time, we're releasing a walkthrough for today's quest. This will be available the day after the release at the bottom of the quest page. [*]The list of spells available through the Borrowed Power spell now includes the following: High Alchemy, Bones to Peaches, Teleport to House, Vulnerability, and Magic Dart.
  19. That must have taken... forever. Looks pretty sweet to me.
  20. The main thing is you have to show up to the events you create. If you can't do that, you should leave the ET.
  21. It's that time of month again! Vote for who you think has been TRR's Member of the Month by PMing me (MstrMonopoly) with your vote in the subject line. Ineligible members list: [*]Traaginen [*]Illini [*]Crazycow73 [*]Elite 120 [*]Henry [*]Harleystock [*]Reina T [*]Shampooninja [*]Aliath [*]Blue speed [*]Blexun [*]Judobreaker [*]Jakerout [*]Lord Caspen [*]Drags [*]MstrMonopoly [*]Ozzy [*]Morkid [*]Bgs1977 [*]Fergal [*]Muzic [*]Lorena [*]Nelson [*]Terravilla [*]Star Trip [*]Ruge Shield [*]Zeus [*]iWyz [*]Kaiden [*]Pinoy [*]Tynisa [*]Blakelington [*]T_Ranger101
  22. Tbh the only real benefit is the Summoning Plot we get on t5 or something. Oh and the dance floor on t3.
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