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Everything posted by MstrMonopoly

  1. Pretty neat vids.Btw, it's forums, with an "m". You make that mistake a lot, lol.
  2. This is Nelson. He'll pay you back... eventually.
  3. Argh, so sorry I missed the event. Parents being parents.
  4. When none of the other people were on, he was like "FINE I'LL DO IT", then yelled at the Council for being inactive. Good times.
  5. See you, come back and make more events
  6. Thanks Really not your fault, didn't explain it or anything in the guides section.
  7. Yeah, I got it next month for sure. Damn the vacation taking away the events :DAlso, I've KBDd with David I think. He also led F2P clan wars a lot "back in the day".
  8. Muscle, this forum is for user-created content, not video guides. Please combine guides that aren't yours into one big list.
  9. Well, he'd be doing that all the time anyway, right
  10. It's also good that I stacked up on herbs before this BXP weekend in anticipation of training it myself. Might sell depending on prices.
  11. My girlfriend actually lectures me on turtle facts. A bit wacky but I wuv it.
  12. Don't thank me; that idea was all David.
  13. Biggus's is literally the only house I've ever been to for a party. Looking forward to pwning you noobs in the ring.
  14. At 97 fletch now, it's really easy compared to most 99s. Relaxing or really fast, depending on how you do it. I recommend watching videos as you fletch to relieve boredom.
  15. Not even great items, either. You could easily make even more if you'd gotten some Helms.
  16. Sweet, I'll chop like 600 logs and 400 ores or something like that.
  17. Was on vacation, do we have the mining plot yet?
  18. One time he tried to tell me that Firemaking was the best skill. Then I was like lolwtf no it's fletching.
  19. The rewards are really freakin' rare. Droprate like 1/1000 or something like that.
  20. Look for the less dangerous relatives of the Blexun like Blexen and Bloxon.
  21. No point in alching something for less money.Also, for training mage in F2P you want to do some superheating.
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