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Everything posted by Terravilla

  1. Moved to Gaming sub-forum.
  2. People are idiots. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just don't specifically say a website URL, because you will get muted for it. It happened to me once.
  3. Ohai. I'm back from vacation, somebody fill me in on what's been going on this past week...forums seem to have changed a bit.
  4. The bots will always be there, this update didn't change that. I just think it looks really nice.I'm glad to see that Jagex is really starting to make some big improvements to the graphics of the game.
  5. I don't really get the whole stock market looking thing...
  6. I much prefer the medals underneath the avatar. David is right, it saves alot of space in the signature.
  7. The clan camp, south of falador. talk to one of the npc's there.
  8. Pause at 00:38, you can see three gold caped rangers. Hmm...the exact same number we had...How weird.
  9. Yeah, I'll be on vacation in Thizzneyla Disneyland for a week. I'm bringing my laptop with me, so I'll check in on the forums every once in a while, but I probably won't really be in-game much. Kthx.
  10. I decided your current sig wasn't baller enough. Have fun.
  11. Hayden Panettiere: Oh, and also, this one. hey gurl hey:
  12. Great work in the war today guys, I'm proud of you all.

  13. I don't know if I'm gonna be home for this...I'll try though.
  14. I dunno, I think it's pretty hot.
  15. Terravilla


    Mary is a saint, not a god.
  16. Terravilla

    AL Declares

    Yeah, Both Monopoly and Kaiden are absolutely right.Also, I have screenies of Sargon complaining if you want those...he even sent me a pm. I have that screenie too.
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