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Everything posted by Terravilla

  1. Honestly, I don't find Megan Fox that attractive.
  2. I work every friday, starting at 5:00 pacific time. Oh well.
  3. Wouldn't know..I've never used Ebay or Craig's list. I just go to stores locally..
  4. I did David. And what do you mean Blake? That's in photoshop...not word..
  5. There isn't supposed to be any white in the background...I made sure there was no background in photoshop, but now it's got white back there and I dunno why.
  6. OMG Justin Beiber is in TRR!We should use this for recruiting.
  7. Definetly. This looks awesome. It seems like there's lot of maintenance required though, so we're really gonna need to keep activity up.
  8. This will be interesting. I'll be here to help as much as I'm able.
  9. Hey, you're the one who accepted it.
  10. Yeah it's me, you know me already, so just accept this whydontcha? K thanks.
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