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Everything posted by Terravilla

  1. Terravilla


    Um...no..And if you knew the bible at all, you'd see it says: "false idols." which means don't worship any other gods besides God himself. So if you wanted to kneel in front of a statue of Jesus and pray to God, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
  2. To be Honest, KFC's popcorn chicken is actually pretty good. And I'm a white person...
  3. Terravilla


    Derp. Yeah, the Crusades. The Catholic Church wasn't the brightest in the middle ages. But I'm not talking about the middle ages, I'm talking about now. And that still doesn't change the fact that Catholicism is directly related to Judaism...I've been Catholic all my life, and I'm proud to say so.
  4. Terravilla


    Err...you realize Christianity is a direct evolution of Judaism? Jesus Christ himself was a Jew, and the very first Christians were all Hebrew/Jews.
  5. It's all about In'n out. If you don't live in California, you've never had a good burger, In n out shits all over five guys; it's that good.Also, Wendy's jr. bacon cheeseburgers are like a mini, flavor-filled orgasm in my mouth.
  6. Ah, didn't see that dev blog before. In that case, yeah you're most likely right.
  7. Terravilla

    AL Declares

    That's pretty short notice, don't you think?
  8. Lol, thanks. I'm working on some other ones too.

  9. I would survive.I'll cover myself in Blexun. Everyone knows Blexuns are immune to nuclear weapons.
  10. Do I get a shiny medal for being an mvp?
  11. That first war was utter destruction. We lost what, three people? I gotta say, this war gave me renewed hope for TRR. It seems that just maybe we might be on our way back up.Keep up the great work guys. I'm proud of you all.
  12. Sorry I had to leave right before this started...I always enjoy free exp.
  13. Terravilla

    AL Declares

    Lol, TRR pulling 40 people.
  14. They're definetly not fake, because I pulled these straight off the Runescape website.
  15. The screenshots Blexun posted look an awful lot like the image of the city posted in the behind the scenes article.
  16. Since Jagex has now announced the rework of the GE, thought I'd post this up for everyone to take a look at. Also, here's the concept art for the new spirit tree you can see in the GE:
  17. Oh gotcha, I thought you wanted everything gone. Nevermind then.
  18. Guess now we know what your mystery city is for Blexun.And these graphical improvement updates are starting to turn into my favorite updates now. They're really starting to update all of runescape, and fairly quickly too. It looks so much better; which for some reason, makes the game a hell of alot more fun to play for me.
  19. Yeah sure, I'll start on some ideas tomorrow
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