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Everything posted by irons

  1. For PvE Dungeons. DS: Searing Strike Fiery Breath Inferno Weakness of Elements Obsidian Shield Dragonknight Standard The second bar doesn't really matter too much there you could go for support or control or so. *just an Example Obsidian Shield Molten Weapons Ash Cloud Inferno Petrify The reason why you don't see a gap closer in this build is that you most likely are going to stay close to your group so that you can use your synergies. That's why mobs will either run towards your group are pulled in by your tank or get stuned. Why Obsidian Shield? It protects you and also your allies from all sort of dmg, so unlike Spike Armor which only helps against physical dmg obsidian shield holds all dmg away from you.
  2. If you want i will sit down tommorow and create a build for you
  3. The classical logical mistake is to compare 2 things which look the same like 9% with 3% but when those actually refer to 2 different things.
  4. None of this says that the DPS of a heavy armor Templer will be best. It just says that it will be one of the strongest heavy armor builds with which I agree.
  5. I'm sorry I just wanted to put out that you can't compare +9% reg with 3% less magicka cost because we don't have the numbers to actually know what's better.When you wrote it looked like a fact to me not an opinion.
  6. While I don't agree with musclemagic that a Staff and a melee weapon together doesn't work. I agree with him that with the changes now you either should focus on physical dmg or magic dmg.
  7. You compare apples with oranges a classical logical mistake. We can't actually say what's better. But both races should be fairly good healers.
  8. Do you mind to explain why you think that way? There have been quite a few chances to abilities and mechanics that's why older builds are no longer as good as they used to be. In the latest video we say that they character sheet had spell damage and weapon dmg seperate while before there was just 1 attribute for both (power).
  9. For a healer the best races are Highelfs or Bretons. Weapon is a clear choise you want to have at least 1 Restoration Staff. For classes there are multiple viable choises. Templer is the only class which has additional healing skills. But for my healer twink I plan on using a Sorccerer.
  10. Personally I lost interest because of the lack of information for the last couple of weeks.
  11. Entropy used to give you magicka. I don't check the damn spreadsheet every day.
  12. It doesn't increase your damage (not in a direct way). However more magicka allows you do use your abilities more often. That's why you might should focus on magicka regeneration.
  13. It's relative simple first most games use a degressive system when it comes to stats. Secondly 26/750 = 0.03466666 a number like that wouldn't be choosen if you have a linear system, their you would either use 3% per 100 points or so. Most likely you will start somewhere around 5% per 100 points and ones you hit a certain cap it will be degressive. The reason why many games use a system like that is, that with such a system they are able to prevent extrem builds.
  14. 750 = 26% would mean that armor and resistances are degressive
  15. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArII4nGY0Yf3dGlrY2IzSzlFZXhrZ3V5MDRwb2lmMEE&usp=sharing#gid=0 But I often wonder where you get your numbers from: Musclemagic, on 10 Nov 2013 - 8:19 PM, said: Where did you get those numbers?
  16. For me Sorcs make pretty good Healers and that's why my twink will be a Sorc Breton Healer.
  17. Where did you get those numbers?
  18. Not out of first but that's what I was told by someone who has or had beta access, and it fits with an interview from nick konk.It's part of creating a good build which supports both of your bars.
  19. From what we know only skills without a duration disappear when we switch weapons and that's it.
  20. It's not just that. 1. doesn't add to the game it actually takes something away from the game 2. it's additional work to programm 3. it put's high pressure on the server
  21. Yes it will.I'm not aware if any game out there which did it different.It would require lot's of programming work + increased work for the server.Just think about how many dot's buffs 1 player could have on him, the server would have to constantly check the source of the buff/dot and if the source still has the skill on it's bar even for 1 player it cause server problems now think about a few hundret player. + AoE effects would ave to disappear and appear. It's just crazy.
  22. Where did you get that from? It's highly unlikely that you can play together.
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