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Everything posted by irons

  1. As a Redguard I fight because I seek the challenge.
  2. Back in my raiding times as a DPS we had a saying."Hirn aus damage an" which means "brain off dmg on"
  3. That kind of reminds me of a scenario I actually could see in PvP.A Nightblade Assassine/Archer is camping in Cyrodil to ambush players who come along.Than a Dragonknight runs by and the Nightblade just ignores him.
  4. You are absolutely right.We are allready quite limited with the number of skills we can use to further reduce the number of skills through picking skills which do the same thing is a waste.
  5. It would be okay if you have 2 weapon slots + 5 slots for actives.But even than I would prefer the current system
  6. You don't need to use any weapon skills at all you could just use class only skills. That rumor came up quite early and was a simply misinterpretation of someone who had the gw2 system in mind.
  7. It was 1800 I have watched the same video in a better quality.It depends on quite a few things if the reg is better than an increase of the stat because you have keep in mind that your normal reg is % based which means more stamina points also means that you reg more points per sec.
  8. Some racials are better for 1 style than the other but I think when the bring the numbers at the same level that it is pretty good balanced. They are strong but not op.
  9. Oh btw it's a really good build.In an 1vs1 my DK would kick your ass but for beeing Emperor that build will be definitive one of the strongest builds out there.
  10. Okay you really have to tell me where you are getting this skill.Rapid Maneuve
  11. Pc my highend power machine needs something to do.
  12. The amulett not just had a flat power bonus it was a 3% bonus
  13. Okay I have to do that out of my memory so don't kill me if I'm wrong :-).Every Item can only have 1 enchant if you entchant it again you remove the other entchant.But your gear has stats it self some items had 2 stats and 1 entchant on them, plus we know thta highend gear can have extra stats from set boni.You have 7 armor pieces and 3 accessory slots.On an amulett was a increase of power.Every armor can be entchantet with every stat.Entchantments:Life Steel: deals 10 magic dmg and heals you for 8.Shield(I guess): Increases dmg blockec and reduces stamina cost for blockI will continue ones I remember more stuff
  14. I have only seen potions which heal you for fix amount of points. 1 healed you for 435 points and another one healed for x points over time.The cooldown on potions was 30secs.And there was a quick slot menu in a circle form where you could put that staff.
  15. I don't know how much it is out of combat never checked it. I just know that it's 3% in combat because a dev mentioned it ones and in the beta leaks we have see it also was 3%.As far as I know if the opponent is dead and you don't have a dot on than it's immediate.And if not I guess you have to take no dmg for a couple of seconds (not get attacked).
  16. The combat reg of all ressources is 3% per sec
  17. Yeah those 2 where total off. I'm currently not able to log in cause I idiot updated my client but I remember that others skills from classes and weapons weren't nearly as expensive as 800 points.
  18. 1k stamina is not much???If you take a closer look at the video you will see that they guy hadHP: 1823Mg: 1205St: 1143He might didn't spent points on stamina but he had stamina points on his gear.I know that there was somewhere a skill which costs over 700 stamina but I guess that was a wrong number because there are skills which cost around 100 points which are way stronger than that one.
  19. 1: If you want another self heal use inhale. It heals for every opponent around you plus it's an AoE dmg skill as well. 2: you don't really need any slows for a DK because every time you deal fire dmg you slow your target. 3: If you want to be Emperer you need lot's of AoE something your build lacks. 4: Battle Standard is a must have ultimate for a DK in PvP. 5: You should consider using Fiery Reach, because with it you can pull players down from keep walls. 6: Skills against beast won't help you in the beginning because their number in PvP will be to small
  20. If you just plan on using soultrap to refill your soulgems than you can drop it.There is a passiv which can be unlock when you finnish your main story (of your faction) which casts soultrap on your weapons.
  21. Don't like that only guild stores of guilds which hold a keep are accessable for non guild members.
  22. Both seem to be fine. However in your first build you use Soul Siphon, what kind of skill is that?
  23. power is a stat which increases your dmg and your healing.A lvl 50 char has around 150 power and the abilities scale with your level, so it actually should be a decent amount. But keep in mind that the numbers will chance until launch.
  24. We don't know but it seems a bit OP. But if it's working you could maybe use this combo to keep Sun Shield up which means you wouldn't take any dmg at all.
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