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Everything posted by irons

  1. This sums it pretty much up for me "It seems almost like a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenarioâ€. If you offer great exclusives people will complain that not everyone gets them, if you offer lame exclusives people will accuse you of exploiting or nickel-and-diming your customers." ESO isn't the first MMO with a p2p system which had a premium edition with a mount. One of those I remember was RIFT and there the community wasn't upset with it. I really have the feeling that a big part of the ESO community is a extremly whiny croud.
  2. The only ice based skills are destruction staff attacks with a frost staff and for poison there are only a few sources for it for example the enchantment life steal inflicts disease dmg
  3. nearby normally means 4-5m which is the base range of melee skills
  4. if you refer to the cost in the doc. than let me tell you those are wrong. The base cost of this skill is higher. At lvl 15 it was 132 which means it's base cost is 66 which than means this skill costs 528 magicka at lvl 50.
  5. What you don't seem to understand is that it doesn't matter if the tank has the aggro of the other mobs as long as he is able to hold them at one place.
  6. For me a Tank also needs AoE CC to keep the mobs in place so that it is easier for the AoE nuker to kill them off.Don't forget he has 2 bars.Other than that I agree1 Tank/CC1 Single Target Dps1 AoE Dps1 HealerFor trash mobs the single target Dps should also have AoE and the Aoe Dps should also have some single target dps for bosses.
  7. Lightning Form gives you a huge Def boost but it doesn't make you a Tank.Tanking in this game is about control and not just about survival.Lightning Form is also very costly even in full light armor it will eat most if not all of your Magicka reg.
  8. while you are disorient you can't attack however dmg breaks the effect.Negate magic:MORPHSAbsorption Field - Gain 12+% maximum health and magicka when dispel occursSuppression Field - Allies in the area gain 200 spell resistance.
  9. She looks really good for her age but you have to keep in mind that good makeup makes a huge difference.
  10. 5-6 hours seems about right. I'm not sure if he also counts the tutorial into this but other than that there was 1 short quest at lvl 4 or so and than the next one at lvl 10 which you couldn't do. And keep in mind that the main Story in Skyrim isn't longer. At Pax Prime they said that there would be 16 dungeons and 6 master dungeons at launch. But that's a while back maybe the have added a few more master dungeons.
  11. I never have been a guild leader before which is why I would prefer someone else to do it. But if really no one wants to why not? @Areodon if I'm going to be guild leader than I want you by my side allways wsp me "you are just a human".
  12. I think that Sorc will be the most popular class in ESO
  13. A passive which grants you a 10% boni at rank 1 doesn't allways give you a 20% boni at rank 2.Sometimes you end up with 15% instead of 20%.
  14. ones the game launches we could split it up but at the current state it's pretty much all theorycrafting
  15. Zenimax have released a new post about voice acting in ESO Kate Beckinsale for example plays Queen Ayrenn. http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en/news/post/2014/01/23/esos-voice-cast-announced
  16. pls post that question in the DK thread http://eldersouls.com/topic/4712-the-dragonknight-thread/
  17. + x Magicka on Armor increases the dmg/healing on your Spells. But it's not a huge difference.Weapon dmg only effects weapon abilities.Btw stuff like Pets from Sorc don't reduce max magicka they just reserve x magicka.
  18. Do you lvl skills and weapons which are on your alternative hotbar even if you never use it?
  19. But pls no ridiculous events. All those halloween and Christmas events can stay far away from me.
  20. I would go with a Sorc as Healer/Dps and a DK tanky DPS. The Sorc can be a full healer on one bar and a full Dps with his other bar while using the same gear + he has nice CC. The DK would be a melee DPS with some tanky skills on his bar and i would say go with medium armor for more dmg later for dungeons you should switch to heavy armor but until then you are more than fine with medium armor.
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