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Everything posted by irons

  1. If you attack someone and your Pet attacks him head on you will deal dmg to the enemy and heal your Pet. The base attack is similiar to the Destruction Staff but you deal less dmg and therefore heal for a little bit.
  2. It's really funny that you completely miss understand my build. So I will try do explain you that build: First it isn't a Dps build your target is in no way to dish out huge amounts of dmg. Your target is to annoy people to keep them for doing what they are supposed to do. That means if you are able to force someone to attack you, you win. I mentioned it in my build but you seem to ingnore it. The "main" attack of my build will be my "normal" attacks. That's why it isn't a problem for me to you have lot's of magicka skills on my S&S bar because I will just use them very thoughtful. A few other things: What you don't seem to understand is that you use DK Standard not for the dmg but for the healing reduction. Jumping over walls with DragonLeap sounds great but when you don't have a whole group with you will just die. It's a nice skill but absolutely useless for my sort of build. Kiting? You really think that anyone would be able to just kite my with this build? This build is not kiteable. You have Immoveable which ignores most CC's and you have Fiery Grip which helps you against the rest of CC. And keep in mind if someone would just play hit and run with me I ignore it because I'm tanky as hell and my target is to be attacked. Spell Resistance? You really think that Defensive Posture would change anything? Pls think about and you will quickly realize that it won't. And like I explained twice the DK has quite a lot of Spell Resistance. If you don't believe me just watch at 1:00 you see that the DK in heavy armor has more Spell Resistance than Armor.
  3. You can but that's the interrupt (hold right click left).
  4. No the base attack is a range spell which deals dmg and heals nearby allies.
  5. Not really the DK has a passive which grants you Spell Resistance, this spell resistance gets increased by Immoveable and than gets increased by the heavy armor passive. So you will have quite a high Spell Resistance plus you have Obsidian Shield and of course a very high HP reg. And based on the goal of this build you win when you are able to force an caster to attack you. Dragon Leap is a really bad ulitmate for this build. First you don't need another charge. 2. you don't want to knockback people you wanna keep them close. 3. Dragonknight Standard is one of the best PvP ultimates. The thing with immoveable is that it needs to be at your main bar because of the short cooldown. Ash Cloud is one of my favourite abilities for example if you cast it around a healer than 30% of his heals won't get through. However to get the best out of it you need to have an immobilize otherwise your opponent just walks out of the field yeah he is slowed but still. Defensive Posture is in my opinion not needed for this build. Just think about it you allready have lot's of passives which improves blocking or reduces the costs of it. It's a bit of an overkill.
  6. Yeah those buff could be really useful. We allready know that there will be softcaps so I will need to find a sweetspot for my build.
  7. Oh btw what do you guys think will be improved with the base stats: stamina: dmg(numbers) hp: armor magicka: dmg ???
  8. Okay Okay, I post my build First of all I no longer plan on using 5 pieces medium armor, because of the changes made to the game besides that my build hasn't changed too much. Armor: 7h Stats: 30 points stamina, rest HP Entchantments: HP reg, power and stamina reg if needed. S&S Life Steal and Shield (dmg Shield) 2h some dmg entchantment with proc (to take advantage of the passive) race: Redguard 2H: Critical Charge Reverse Slash Momentum Immoveable Obsidian Shield Magma Armor S&S: Fiery Grip Low Slash/Puncture Dark Talons Ash Cloud Molten Weapons/Inhale Dragonknight Standard Who are your enemies, as a DK in heavy armor you don't really have to fear any sort of physical dmg build. Caster however can deal more dmg than you. Therefore this build has Spell Resistance from the DK passive, Immoveable and the boost from heavy armor. That should be enough so that you don't really have to fear anyone. Especially because those nasty casters don't like physical dmg and that's what you are going to dish out. Obsidian Shield has a number of reasons in this build. First it absorbs all sort of dmg, that means it helps you against spell and weapon dmg plus while obsidian shield is active you don't receive any sort of dmg. And with your high HP reg you actually heal your self up again. It can also be used to counter spike attacks on you. Than Obsidian shield is a powerful support ability because it helps your whole group. And the most import reason for Obsidian shield is the stamina reg which you will need. The second bar is a little bit more tricky. Your main gap closer will be Fiery Grip in some cases you might want it to change to shield charge however Fiery Grip has quite a few advantages. Immoveable protects you for most forms of CC but I would guess that slows and immobilize still works on you. In many games your charge get's reduced if you are crippled. Fiery Grip counters that completely. Low Slash or Puncture is a decission which depends on your role if you want to reduce the dmg of an enemy go with low Slash if you wanna reduce the armor of a target go with puncture. That's also something I have to take a closer look at ones the games launches because I'm not sure how important it will be to reduce the armor of a healer if it's uneffective I will just drop it. The Dark Talon and Ash Cloud combo should be pretty much self explaining. The last skill is Molten weapons, it's another support ability and it helps you with your stamina reg or you use Inhale as a Self heal instead. If you take a closer look at my bars you will see that my first 1 is really stamina heavy and that second is more magicka heavy. The playstyle with the first bar is simple you use your self buffs to beef up and hit your enemy mostly with normal hits. When he get's low you start using Reverse Slash. That means that you don't really need much stamina for the most time except the amount which is needed to keep up your buffs. The second bar uses your magicka pool. However you also will use your abilities whith a lot of thought. Your basic combat style will be to hit your enemy with normal attacks and to use pash (hold right click left) to interrupt and annoy him.
  9. Tank and Bruizer builds which focus on weapon dmg and weapon abilities to deal dmg.
  10. I can only see a handful of viable DK builds for PvP and none of them really fits what you want.The problem is that you might be able to find a decent build, which fits your needs but that other classes will just be better at it.
  11. That's not a big deal the auido files are long recorded they just have to implement them in game, that's a relative small task.
  12. It's great sign that there are at least 2 months between console and Pc launch because that shows that they but their effort into the Pc version and will use the 2 months to port it on consoles.
  13. Really I haven't seen any new leaks for quite some time now and I allways keep an eye on more than questionable russian sites.
  14. I don't believe that the 10% magicka reg will make it in the game. It's too much compared to all the other passives which grant you a reg boni.I expect that they will also add ranks and that you than will be able to get a 5% bonus per skill.
  15. My personal guess is also April that's why I'm sceptical that it really will release in February.
  16. Yeah would be nice.But if the information I got is corret than we will only have to wait till mid february to finally play the damn game.How is your Templer build going to look like?
  17. Actually I'm not )My PvP build will only be slightly less tanky than my PvE build.You don't even need an active to mess up some one you can just use your bash which will interrupt your opponent.
  18. I don't think that it will be a problem that tanks will win most 1 vs 1 simply because there won't be many 1 vs 1 fights in Cyrodiil.
  19. In some games you actually can. For example I remember that in GW2 there was a Guardian "Commander" Build in which a group of 5 was able to take on smaller zergs. Plus it really depends on the over all numbers like fighting 60 people with 50 is possible fighting 20 with 10 than isn't.Basically I would say the longer a normal fight in PvP takes the harder it will be to take on groups which are bigger than yours.Because if you are able to quickly kill players when you focus fire them a smaller but more organzied group is able to turn the battle. But if that isn't possible or uneffective than it will be extremly difficult to win the battle.
  20. I expect them to have limits on how many people are effected by AoE's just think about buffs or the DK passive where he gets stamina back if an ability effects another player. In a big fight he would gain 100% stamina back.
  21. The build I posted was a pure PvE Dungeon build if you wanna play PvP i recommend to either completely change the build or to go with another class.Tanks will be extremly strong 1vs1 chars but most fights in PvP won't be 1 vs 1 fights. I would expect that in most fights groups would try to ignore the tank and kill his allies first.Tanks will also have quite some spell resistance:For example the DK gets passive spell resistance gains armor and spell resistance from immoveable and gets a bonus to spell resistance from heavy armor.The weakness of Tanks will be that the won't deal that much dmg and that they don't have as much ressources as others.My Target as a Tank in PvP will be to deal enough dmg so that it will be hard to just ingnore me and to mess other players up.Than for me a PvP build is great when other players say that it is extremly annoying to deal with me.
  22. CAPS PLS !!!!!! Armor: 7 light 1. No gap closer because in dungeons there is not really a need for it (just my expectation) 2. The bonus dmg comes on cost of 1s less dmg plus it increases your weapon dmg and your main source of dmg is magic dmg which means it won't be as helpful as for a physcial fighter Searing Strike is your single target ability fiery breath your AoE attack Inferno should have a range of around 5m (same as searing strike) it's mainly used because it allows you to deal extra dmg while you use your "active" abilities like Searing Strike and Fiery Breath. The reason why I have a couple of spells on both bars is simple: 1. The First bar is your main bar when ever possible you wanna use that one 2. Is just for situations where your group needs support or control or what ever and therefore can be changed for what ever is needed. 3. To use one ability and switch back to your other bar is kind of a waste normally you will use your second bar at least or a couple of seconds. I think molten weapon will be around 10% (more likely less than that) for the caster and around 5% for your allies. But keep in mind that molten weapon won't be that useful for casters (weapon dmg).
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