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Everything posted by irons
I agree if you don't have a gap closer in PvP as a melee fighter you are useless.
Ash field works in a PvE scenario where you stand in front of a boss and keep him at you with puncture.I don't agree with you on the point that ash filed is kind of useless without a gap closer but I agree with that Ash field is best used in combination with other abilities.For example when your healer has 2 mobs on him he could run to you and you could use Dark Talon followed up with ash field to save him.My PvE Boss DK build will look something like this:2h:CleaveCritical ChargeInfernoMomentumImmoveableMagma ArmorS&S:PunctureLow slashash fielddark talonspiked armormagma armorThe 2h is your AoE set up with cleave and inferno (which deals dmg, inflicts burning (200%) and slows)S&S: you have low slash which reduces the damage of the boss which means everyone takes less dmg and slows, ash field which again saves the group from a lot of dmg and can even save them for 4s of all dmg if someone uses the synergy effect. Dark Talon is a AoE dmg + AoE immobilize and puncture makes sure that the boss hits you.
I won't talk about the other builds because I'm kind of focused on the DK. But your DK build is one of the worst I have seen so far. For example you put spiked armor, obsidian shield and immoveable on one bar. Having 3 of those skills is a complete waste something you said yourself. Flurry is a bad skill for a Tank because it's a channel which means that you can't react while using it. You use your second hotbar only for your buffs which also means that you have to switch often between the 2 which is a dmg loss and you also loose out ont the sword/shield passives . Next thing you have no AoE. Than why did you go with Breton instead of Orc or Redguard, which both are better tank races in that 1 alliance. It might sound harsh but many on here see your builds and think "yeah he makes great builds I wanna use that build" which is fine but not when you come up with a build like this.
Even low cost skills will cost more magicka/stamina than you can reg, but with the right build you can use a fairly high number of actives before you ran out of magicka/stamina. Normal attacks will allways deal significant less dmg than abilities because even if they have relative low costs normal attacks cost way less.
If we take a look at the quakecon video, it's fair to say that basic attacks deal way less dmg than abilities.
Comprehensive Document w/ All Known Skill Lines
irons replied to David's topic in Elder Scrolls Online Discussion
I think morphs will often be somthing basic like: more dmg or more defence more targets or more heal that sort of support or that sort of support reduce cost/increase duration or improve effect. and so on -
Does anyone know a good Dagerfall guild (Pc-Europe). I would be looking for a medium size guild with around 50 people semi hardcore too hardcoe with a PvX focus.
Comprehensive Document w/ All Known Skill Lines
irons replied to David's topic in Elder Scrolls Online Discussion
It's complicated after some interview you think you can respend your points and after some not.But what will surey work is that you can spend another point for the other morph. -
I also think that's what that skill currently does. I had in mind that it would reflect the next attack but I think that skill might change again until launch.The thing is the blocking cost is allready reduced by 46% too passives while blocking is improved by 10% and for projectiles and for range attacks it's improved by another 15%. So i might just switch it for Dark Talon (more CC) or for Inferno (more Dmg).
The thing is a pure DPS most likely wouldn't have any resistances and therefore you wouldn't lose anything.
I think that while DW will deal more dmg overtime that 2H is just more bursty. Than I get AoE on a passive with it and the most important point it has a gab closer + I love Momentum. Yeah I'm also not to sure about obsidian shield the 5% stamina is nice plus I get more ultimate points but I guess that's something I will have to test when the game launches. For PvE I either swap Shield Charge or Low Slash for Puncture and Reverse Slash for Cleave
Regarding this, I guess that resistance does the same thing like armor but only to 1 source of dmg.Meaning that if a 100 armor reduces the dmg by 5% a 100 fire resistance reduces fire dmg by 5%.The balance comes in that you get way more points of resistance than armor.I looked up that a lvl 50 light armor char has around 550 armor but a nord gets as a racial for example 750 frost resistance alone.
That's something many are wondering. My personal guess would be 5+ pieces, but who knows.
That would really suprise me. It clearly says resistances. Spiked Armor is the only dmg reduction skill which says resist XX% dmg all others say reduces incomming dmg or absorbs XX dmg.
I used to have Dragon Blood in my builds but I allways over read that it only heals for 25% of your missing health, that's why i kicked it out. Dark Talon is nice but with Inferno I can use my magicka better and it also is my slow on that hotbar through the passive warmth. Plus with that build I want either to kill my opponent or make him to run away. I don't think that spell restistance is needed, as a DK I allready have more spell resist than others plus from what we know armor also helps agianst magic dmg. Plus the dmg reduction works also against magic dmg. So I really think that I will be fine without adding spell resist.
Armor reduces all sort of Dmg. Resistances are just more effective at reducing a special sort of dmg. You can dodge range attacks. The active which gives you dodge will work on all single target attacks and I guess even on AoE. Magic attacks allready have a huge advantage in that game, the aren't block able. You can only block protectiles.
"Elitist Builds" really??? ------------------------------- This build might be weak to CC but maybe spell resistance counters some of that effect? No spell resistance won't help you against CC but you can use your stamina to break stuns ------------------------------- I'm not to sure about the stats. My main focus is to have enough resources so I don't ran out of stamina/magicka in the middle of fights. Class: Dragonknight Race: Redguard Armor: Heavy Weapons: Main: 2Handed Sword Off: Sword & Shield Stats: HP: 20 ST: 20 MA: 9 Entchaments: Armor: Power on pieces were possible (currently known 2) HP reg on the rest (8) Weapons: 2Handed: Lifesteel or Power Sword: Lifesteal or Power Shield: Shield (dmg Shield) HotBar 1: (2Handed) Reverse Slash Critical Charge Inferno Momentum Immvoveable Ultimate: Magma Armor HotBar 2: (Sword/Shield) Low Slash Shield Charge Ash Cloud Defensive Posture Obsidian Shield Ultimate: Battler Standard The idea of this build is that with the high HP reg plus the dmg reduction through heavy armor, Obsidian Shield and immoveable that you will be tanky as hell while hitting really hard. Both Hotbars have there gab closer and their stamina based spam dps skill. Inferno on Hotbar1 is used to snare people and take good use of your magicka.
@rally what you wrote wasn't wrong. they said that it would cost stamina but in a later (or newer) interview they said that it wouldn't cost stamina. Weapons have different entchantment options than armor the 7 points could be at level 50 short example let's say you have 1500 HP than you gain 45HP/s (while in combat) +7% would than be 48,15 = 48HP/s and +7 would be 52 HP/s
1. No more because you also have your weapons 2. Don't know how much points but yes it's a straight swap. 3. Dark Exchange gives you 23% Health & Magicka and costs 23% Stamina per sec. 6. Not really but there is an animation lock so if you use a 3 light hit combo you have to wait until you are finished. 9. Yes 10. Yes 12. Looks that way and it actually would be better than a 7% increase 17. There is no stamina cost at least in the last interview they said that isn't but it takes a bit until you have switched your weapons (animation lock again) 18. They should stay active
I would be interested in creating a HP reg build for my DK.
My guess is that all fire ablities have a chance to inflict bruning and that this burning deals 3% more dmg than normally.
Ones we know you much power/crit a char can have and what influence those have it's easy to calculate what's the optimum.What I would like to know is the crit dmg, what means 1% more power for you dmg/healing and whta bonus to you gain from stealth attacks.
I'm kind of bussy today but I will try to put everything we know in the intro. I hope they just chance it so that it will be a flat 25%. To you know what immoveable or obsidian shield cost at lvl 50?
This thread is about what stats you wanna have on your gear for your build. This first post will contain all the info we have on stats and gear and will be edited ones we get new informations. ------------------------------------------- Stats: While leveling you will gain Stat Points which you can spend on either Health,Magicka or Stamina. You will have a total of 49 points to spend and you aren't able to spend more than 30 on one of these. At level 1 your Health/Magicka/Stamina is at 100 points each. At level 50 your Health/Magicka/Stamina is at around 1000 points each. Your base in combat regeneration is 3% ------------------------------------------- Gear: You have 7 Armor slots and 3 Accessory slots. ------------------------------------------- Enchantments: You can entchant all Armor types (Heavy, Medium, Light) with the same entchanments but there seems to be a limitation of how you can entchantment your gloves. (like we have seen in other ES games). Available Entchaments are: Armor: Health/Magicka/Stamina: flat stat Health/Magicka/Stamina reg: flat stat Armor: flat stat Ressistances: flat stat Power: %based bonus Crit: improved blocking: cost less and increases the amount of dmg blocked dodge: dodging cost less sprint: you run faster and sprinting costs less stamina stealth: increases stealth range Weapons: Life Leech: dmg + health gain Heartening: gives you a shield Enrages: increases power Fire/Ice/Lightning: dmg procs sources: http://teso.mmorpg-life.com/eso-interview-with-maria-aliprando/
It seems I really have over read that part with missing health all the time :-) We probably should open a new Thread when we start to discuss stats.