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Everything posted by irons

  1. I just took the time to take a closer look at your builds and I have to say they look really good. I might would chance 1 or 2 skills but all in all nice job.
  2. I'm basically looking for a few likeminded players to form a group and in the longer run a raid. So what should you bring to the party: 18+ expierence in other MMO's plan on rushing to max level speak english or german focus on PvE be open for a little bit PvP TS/Mumble or whatever For those who don't know me: I have played MMO's for quite a few years (around 7 years) I have played kind of semi professional (made around 600€ a month through sales) I'm going to play a DK Tank and I will mainly focus on PvE but I will also play PvP This whole thing would be semi hardcore which means personal life goes first but we should still target to be at the top. In the first run I would like to find 1 Healer and 2 Dps/Support so that we could form a dungeon group, but like I mentioned in the beginning it would be nice if we could get enough people together to form a raid.
  3. Yeah right, I haven't got the time or let's be honest I just didn't wanted to take a closer look are your or his post
  4. That's not an option because he wants to play with the guys from ShoddyCast (AD).
  5. Wildstar doesn't have the same suscription model as ESO, in wildstar you can pay your monthly fee with ingame money same as in Eve Online.
  6. You are right the start Hp is 100 also for orcs (because you haven't unlocked the passive at the start of the game). But saying it is percent based doesn't make any sense because why don't you than say that about all abilities. Like that spell deals 7 dmg at lvl 1 so it's 7%, but we know that those abilities scale with your level and not with your HP, so it doesn't make sense that that 1 abilitiy now should scale with your HP.
  7. it works also on white hits, because staff attacks count as spell projectiles
  8. It includes active abilities but only those which are projectiles so for piercing javelin it works but for mage's fury not. swaping bars takes as long as the animation takes which is about a sec. Spells are countered by Spell Resistance and therefore ignore armor. Arrows are physical attacks and therefore are countered by armor.
  9. What? Surge doesn't increase weapon dmg by 3% of your health it increases it by 3. It's just a flat number which will increase and has nothing to do with your hp. Why do you compare weapon dmg with Hp in the first place that just doesn't make any sense at all and pls explain how 65 weapon dmg = 3.5% by 1070HP. I guess Weapon dmg will be the dmg of your normal attack without a crit. Spell dmg will increase the dmg of your spells(magicka), while weapon dmg will increase the dmg of your weapon abilities (stamina).
  10. They don't stack because they aren't the same DoT's but both will tick. The burning caused by this abilities due the passive won't stack but renew.
  11. The advantage of having 2 different weapon sets is that you have access to more skills.For example my PvE build has1 bar with S&S which focuses on single target tanking and the 2 bar with 2h focuses on crowd control and AoE to deal with spawns.
  12. The thing is also if you just get points for killing (killing blow) than you have a kill stealing system. If you lose points when dying than that just make Zergs more attractive.
  13. I don't think that just dealing dmg will give you anything but who knows. The reason why I say that it highly unlikely is that in most games like this they don't go with a system like you describe it. They might could go with a hybrid system where 1 get's the kill and the others get assists like in some Moba games. So for example for killing you gain 10 points and for assiting 5. But even than AoE would be best. The most important thing if you want to become Emperor is TIME but without an AoE build you would need even more time. I don't care of becoming Emperor that's why I can run a build which will help my allience to win the war instead of just farming points for myself.
  14. We don't really know how much and how support really counts but we know that we can gain points through it.But what we know is the more people you assist and the more enemies you attack and deal enough dmg ( x%) the more points you will get.AoE is king because you can gain more kills and normally the overall dmg is higher than from single target abilities.The leader board will feature different things, most points, most points DK, ....So their could be a dmg leader/healing ranking maybe that's what you heart.The thing is everyone who isn't able to spend 80+ hours a week and completely focuses on PvP won't become Emperor.For us "normal" people the only chance to become Emperor is at the start of the game where maybe not as many people jump into PvP or to be extremly lucky and find a campaign without hardcore players.However I think and hope that there will be many campaigns which won't see an Emperor for months.
  15. Because of their reward system, if you contribute on killing someone you get rewarded.small example:very skillful players attacks a mine which is protected by 5 enemy players and succeeds.another player attacks mine with a 10 man group uses his AoE and gets the same reward as the skillful player but it took him only a small part of the time which the other player needed.We know most points will come from killing players. It's easier and faster to get those kills when you run in a zerg and use AoE attacks and support. That means that skill doesn't matter at that point and that it is only down to time.
  16. Becoming Emperor has nothing to do with skill. It's just the amount of time someone is able to put in the game + having an AoE heavy build.
  17. I just wanted to clear it out, because many think they could just use 1 ability instead of there normal attack to spam dmg, which will only be possible for a very limited time before they run out of magicka/stamina.
  18. I don't think that anyone will be able to spam attacks that's also something Zenimax said.Skills will cost from 200 up to 400+ with a ressource pool of 1600 or less and a base reg of just 3% in combat it simply isn't possible to "spam" abilities.Plus they have soft caps on reg and on ressource pools to prevent it.
  19. You should probably differ Keep attacking and Keep defending.
  20. My view:survibility1. heavy2. light3. mediumdmg1. medium2. light3. heavyA rogue type char will lose 1 vs 1 against a Tank/Bruzer.
  21. They have lots of softcaps in ESO and I hope that those are at least visible.Otherwise most players will gimp themselfs.
  22. I think so and I guess that potions will also work.
  23. You will dish out more dmg with medium armor than with heavy.heavy armor:3.5% more powermedium armor:21% higher crit rate10% higher attack speedand you have more stamina regBut abilities like Molten Weapons and Momentum will increase your dmg.
  24. As far as I know Immoveable protects you against effects like, knockback, stuns, off balance, disoriented but doesn't help you against roots or slows.
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