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Everything posted by irons

  1. I wasn't able to nail down all the informations I got to show of my Jekyll&Hyde build which basically is a pure Healer and a pure DPS in just 1 build. But in the meantime here is a Healer build: First of all Healing is quite cost effective in this game. Because you don't really need to spam any heal like you would spam a Dps skill. Secondly the regeneration in this game is way lower than we expected. At lvl 15 I had a Mag Reg of 29 it would have been 30 or 31 if it would have been softcaped. This 29 means that every 2 sec I reg 29 points of Mag at that point I had around 500 Mag and cheap spells cost around 80 mag other cost over 100. The Sorc is able to manage that with skills like Overload which has a morph which restores magicka for every normal attack and Dark Exchange. And reduction of Spell costs which seem not to have a softcap. Grand Healing Regeneration Blessing of Protection Encase Bound Armor Overload Grand Healing Regeneration Blessing of Protection Annulment Dark Exchange Overload Annulment is more powerful than it looks like because most attacks are spells. It is used to buy yourself enough time to channel Dark Exchange. Dark Exchange is more useful on a Healer than on a DPS char because your main Heal Grand Healing last for 3-4 secs which gives you enough time to cast it in between. Bound Armor gets removed when you switch your hotbar while Annulment stays active, that's the reason why Bound Armor is only on your main bar the advantage of Bound Armor is that it doesn't cost you anything to maintain it and that it adds a nice HP reg bonus. Also with it the Armor trait which grants you +x% Spell Res and Armor becomes more effective. Overload is on both of your bars because with it your base attack becomes actually useful and regs magicka. I choose Encase as my fifth skill because in dungeons you often fight big groups of mobs and a AoE immobilize, which can be traited so it also deals dmg, is quite nice to have.
  2. Actually I think I allready have a better build.
  3. Breton Sorc 7 light Destruction Staff Mage's Fury Crystal Shard (with chance to be an instant cast for 50% mag) Entropy Bound Armor (Morph increased armor) Twillight (Morph for extra Magicka reg) Overload (Morph restore magicka with basic attacks) second bar same as first just instead of twilight Dark Exchange and for PvP Negate magic The idea is quite simple a Breton Sorc has high spell resi, high magicka reg and quite a lot of cost reduce. With this you gain an extra 20% Hp reg a big armor buff some extra passive dmg through your pet. Entropy is a dot which also is a HoT for you. Crystal Shard's hits really hard plus is a knockdown + heals you for 6% of your max HP. And Fury is your spam attack.
  4. Damn it just found out that shadowplay most likely won't work for ESO. Would have been perfect cause it only takes up 1/10 of the space a fraps video needs plus it has better quality.
  5. Oh come on don't panic just yet. You weren't able to log into Beta Forum for some time back than it said the exact same thing but than they changed it and everything worked just fine.
  6. I guess my Dk build will look like this: Armor 7h weapon 1h&S Puncture Low Slash Fiery Grip Spiked Armor Obsidian Shield
  7. If you have a gforce grafic card 660 up than I would use shadowplay. Which is free saves videos at higher quality and takes way less storage.
  8. great I hoped Thal would also get a key.
  9. 17 which is max lvl for this weekend so adjust your builds :-)
  10. I suppose your NB would be full Dps right?If you want you can join mucle and me for this beta weekend. We plan on playing most of the weekend and run a dungeon.
  11. That's a really tough question because we know that there are soft caps and unless their is a fantastic tooltip you will need to wait a few weeks after launch to find out.
  12. Is anyone of you guys able to log in to the beta forums?
  13. I won't send out any keys until tomorrow because people might get their keys a bit later. I will pick 2 people randomly from those who wrote me.
  14. I have 2 keys too spare so those who don't get one until tommorow can write me and I give them away.
  15. I think everyone who signed up got one. I got 3 keys.
  16. physical dmg (melee) needs to be stronger than range magic attacks. So they would just need to balance bow and magic dmg.
  17. 2. Enchantments aren't limited to the typ of armor so you can but the same enchantments on a heavy armor helm as on a light helm. 3. It's the same system like in Skyrim.
  18. For a Buriser it really depends how you wanna balance Dps and survibility. You could go with 2h and DW, or you can use 1h&S you could even use a bow, but you should stay with physical weapons. I would go with 2H and 5M armor pieces. That way you have a much higher Stamina reg and more dmg than in full heavy but you still keep some survibility. For race I would go with Redguard, because they have the best stamina reg of all races. Stats I would go with 30 stamina and the rest into HP. Enchantments HP reg and where possible increased weapon dmg plus if needed stamina reg (takes away from HP reg) 2h some heavy dmg enchantment 1h&S some more defensive enchantments like Life Steal & Shield. Skill wise it really depends on what you want, you will need a few survival abilities but the rest is your choise. For Example: 2H: Critical Charge Reverse Slash Momentum Obsidian Shield Immoveable 1h&S: Fiery Grip Puncture Ash Cloud Dark Talons Molten Weapons Your main weapon set would be the 2H but you will use Molten Weapons to boost your weapon dmg and puncture to reduce the armor of your target, Ash cloud gives you more survibility. Basically that's the same build i posted for my Dk the only difference is that here you would use 5m and 2H instead of 7H.
  19. The job of a Bruiser is to set the opponent under pressure. He is basically a mix out of a Tank and a pure Dps.Bruiser can be used on Battlefields in different ways.For example he can run around the battlefield and protect weaker allies like casters, so if someone starts to attack your healer the Bruiser jumps in.Or you can play the opposite role where you attack enimies in order to force them to deal with you.My DK PvP build is more or less a Bruiser build the only thing you would have to chance is that you would want more dmg. Which could be reached through dropping some of the Hp reg for stamina reg. You could also go with medium armor instead of heavy armor for more dmg.But that's more or less fine tuning ones the game launches.
  20. It's a nice build but the "problem" with is that you are forced to fight close range and that you would want to go with mainly if not full light armor. The first bar offers you great survivability but very little dmg, so you basically will use your survival skills and than switch to Dual Wield. Flurry doesn't offer a morpg which lowers the armor but that's good because it wouldn't help you much, because you would want to focus on spell dmg. You should focus more on Dps with your second bar. With a build like that you would want to focus on taking down rogues and ones people release what's your build is about the will focus on others.
  21. Like muscle said, the DK is best suited as Tank or Tanky Bruiser. If you accept that and play the DK in the right way you get a extremly strong char but if you try to work around it you are better off with a different class.
  22. Depends on your target. If you are going to target Casters than weapon dmg is better. If you want to go after rogues than spell dmg is better.
  23. Best ultimate really depends:My favourites are Dragonknight Standard and Negate MagicAs for anti rogue class, pretty much any Tank will be a nightmare to deal with.That's why I expect that rogues will more or less ignore Tanks and just focus on Caster and Tanks will probably do the same.
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