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Everything posted by irons

  1. Why lightning entchantment? The passive of the Sorc does only effect your lightning spells.
  2. so your pets don't disappear if you have them on both bars? that's something i didn't tested
  3. That might be ture in PvP (don't know) but in PvE I'm pretty sure that is shorter than Immoveable.
  4. Best dmg stat? That's relative easy it's crit.
  5. You only loose stuff which doesn't have a cooldown, like Bound Armor, Twilight and so on every other buffs stays active.Tested it myself.
  6. If you have useless abilities on your hotbar you have made something wrong.The reg in this game is no way as fast as you think it is.Just a small example at lvl 15 with magicka of around 500 and some passives I hit max Magicka Reg by 29.Which means that you get 29 points every 2secs.Defensive Skills cost at that level around 150 (with reduced skill costs)Offensive skills cost 80 - 130.Those who are blowing there magicka too early will than be unable to fight.Oh btw CC break costs around half of your Stamina bar and dodging isn't much cheaper.
  7. It deals the same base damage as a Destruction Staff but gets dmg boost from passives so it deals more dmg and it also heals.
  8. The Resto Staff has one weakness which is that it's attack seems not to work at close range but I guess that's a bug. Otherwise I agree with you
  9. No it's the perfect PvP skill. It reduces Armor and SpellRes by 75%, yes it also reduces your armor but you won't have much armor any way because you rely more on stuff like Evasion and Shadowcloak.
  10. Mark Target is extremly strong in PvP it reduces the Armor and SpellRes of your enemy and you by 75% which means even a DK will have low armor. This in combination with the really strong crits in this game makes the NB to a real threat.However there are counters to it for example could people start to stack Crit Res and use defensive abilities like Dmg Shields and Evasion.@ Theory pls try to avoid double posts.
  11. It's not that magicka abilities are better than stamina ones, it's just that class abilities are stronger than others.
  12. Your information's are a couple of months old just watch the character progression video and you will see that the split it up.
  13. Both abilities cost nearly the same I even think Immoveable is cheaper than CC break.CC break makes you immune for 4s, immoveable for 8 plus the amount of Armor and SpellRes is quite nice too.Immoveable is pro active CC is counter acitve.Many builds will use a defensive skill either way therefore the whole CC immunity is just a bonus for them so I wouldn't say it's a waste.
  14. Not really the bonus was quite small if I remember correctly it was 48 at lvl 10 or 12 and the time was also shorter. Spiked Armor was their around 240-280.
  15. I'm sorry but you clearly haven't played ESO. Just let us take a look at Bound Armor the skill is nice to add some survibility to a mage but the amount of armor it adds is too low even with the right morpgh and Pets don't support tanking at all. The thing is their is only 1 true Tank in the game and that's the DK all other classes are way off. Yes you can create Tank builds with all classes but that doesn't mean that they will be any good. For example I could build a DK Archer. The build would work but would it be good? Not really Would it be able to compete with other Archer builds? Hell no So to make it short for those who wanna play a Tank and are really serious about it than there is no way around the DK.
  16. disorient lasts depending on the skill over 10s that's why dmg breaks it.
  17. A templer tank will work just fine even so a Dk would be better which is fair because let's be honest the only thing a Dk is really good at is tanking.From what we know what should/needs a Tank.He needs 1 taunt (puncture)He needs 1 or more defensive skills preferable one which scales with the armor trait which increases Armor&SpellResiHe needs 1 AoE CC.He needs enough stamina for blocking dodging and interupting.And some support like Obsidian Shield or Ash Cloud are very nice to have because most enemies also have range attacks which mean CC alone just helps a little bit.
  18. No not if they haven't a optimized group for their build and even than a DK or Templer would still be way better.
  19. If there would be an Elder Souls guild I would be willing to be an Officer for it.You can join guilds from other factions but it still would be best to focus on one Faction.My vote would be Daggerfall.
  20. There are only 2 classes which really can tank and that's DK(the best Tank by far) and the Templer.Lightning Form is more of oh shit button than a tanking ability because the duration is to low compared to the costs of the skill.
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