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Everything posted by irons

  1. a few of the templer abilities have speer animations, that's the only thing which comes close to it.
  2. And if anybody doesn't want to be part of that stupid competition and needs a key just write me. You just have to take part in the beta this weekend, so if you just log in you get that monkey.
  3. [*]Khenarthi’s Roost [*]Auridon [*]Stros M’Kai [*]Betnikh [*]Glenumbra [*]Bleakrock Isle [*]Bal Foyen [*]Stonefalls [*]Cyrodiil
  4. That patch notes were for internal testers not beta testers like us. There won't be char wipes and we won't have access to higher lvl zones.
  5. + With the amount of keys around here you just have to ask for one.
  6. really i got 3 ) they seem to like me more than you But if you had access to the beta before you still should be able to play this weekend.
  7. The strange thing was it didn't seemed that it would be just because they stress test their servers. They really had some serious troubles but it's a good thing that this happend in beta so they hopefully can fix it till release. One reasons for their problem could have been that they didn't had an US and European server they just used one for all, like they will this weekend.
  8. Not really a good example because doping is forbidden and using UI mods not. And saying it's a massive disadantage not to use them is also quite arguable. It's nice to see buffs and debuff timers and see real number and % but if you play the game long enough you won't really need it. You will see when the target reached the 20% mark you will know all buff and debuff animations on your screen and so on. For example i was able to see when crystal morph triggered ( glowing hands) even so i was using lightning form and overload at that time which made it way harder but you get used to it.
  9. But in the end it still worked. Trust me i had loading screens which sometimes lastets me over an hour. Somtimes i was stuck in a cricle: Wanted to leave dungeon was stuck in loading screen. Ended game was stuck in character load. Than loaded world ended up in the dungeon again and so on. Still in the end it allways worked. Basically the statement: "So I made the following conclusion, that when the Cyrodill is full and your character is there you can't log in." Is just wrong, it didn't even really have something to do with cyrodiil because the same thing could have happen to you in pve but you were allways able to get in again.
  10. those addons are fine they don't interrupted an enemy player automatically which could be added later on which than would kind of suck because it takes away from the game.
  11. actually there were ways out you just had to open and close the client sometimes it worked the first time sometimes you had to do it 2 or 3 times in the end it allways worked.
  12. The armor scales up, if you are refering to esohead than let me tell you that they have quite a few wrong values in their system.
  13. Fighters guild is way easier to lvl. When dio and me were farming we reached i think lvl 6 for the fighters guild but you have to kill a few 1000 mobs to do so.
  14. Mage guild: You lvl that through finding lore books Fighter guild: You gain points for killing undead and deadra Undaunted: You lvl through running dungeons Having skills on your bar doesn't help you lvl the tree
  15. if you want to craft imperial armor you need the racial style book. However with the imperial edition you have the option to gives every armor piece an imperial look, but than that item becomes soulbound.
  16. blacksmithing needs like all professions skill points
  17. The racial passives have changed quite a bit over time. Currently it's hard to say if more spell power or +x% dmg is better. I personally would go with Altmer but others swear on Dunmer.
  18. The rank has nothing to do with PvP it's just veteran rank 10. Ones you are lvl 50 you start to lvl your veteran rank.
  19. First of all in the last beta it didn't matter what armor you wear you allways had the same amount armor same goes for attribute points. My PvE sorc was close to 1k mana and my lvl 50 pvp char had 1200 a little bit more than normal because of the race passive. Next thing in this beta there was often a delay of 5s which makes it unplayable with any class. The sorc is actually really good for PvP if you build him the right way. He might not be strong in 1vs1 fights but most fights are zerg vs zerg and there the Sorc is great. And if you really want to play a Sorc for 1vs1 than i would suggest you playing a Scout. Which uses sword and shield + bow with medium armor and uses lightning form and bolt escape for the mobility.
  20. Abilties which don't have a cooldown like summons disappear unless you have them on both of your hotbars.
  21. irons

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  22. Not really no that's the point. The ESO community seems to get crazy about everything Zenimax releases, I have never seen such a negative community like this one. On most games there is this hype train and if someone says something bad about the game people will attack that person for doing so. But with ESO it's allmost the other way around.
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