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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Holy shit, that's awesome.
  2. Okay, think F2P Dung is the thing I do on RS now, instead of good ol' lobbyscaping! :D

  3. Kinda surprised you care so much, lol.
  4. No offence, but c'mon? Blue went to the trouble of helping you and all you did was delete it because it wasn't you. How it shows you aren't capable of making reflections, I don't even know, since you have loads made already.. O_oAnyway, why is Blue_speed a "Special Guest"?
  5. Still nothing to do with me, lol. Blue Speed.

  6. Ugh. What does it have to do with me? >.<

  7. I told you I had you added already when you changed your name. Updated.
  8. I haven't got it yet () but it seems pretty good, I like the new things I'm hearing about like Survival Mode and the Support kill street for example. =PCan't wait. xD
  9. Midnight my time, on a school night... nty! =P
  10. What else am I gonna add? Just taking orders from teh leaders! xD
  11. Once I get one of these from 10 or so members, I'll post them. On 5 now (I might add one, so I guess 6 ).
  12. Welcome to The Rebelz! So, another Tyler joins TRR. xDHope you enjoy it here.
  13. Nice double post Crazy. ;)I've already added him, topic closed.
  14. Finally! xD Good to see you finally applied, always nice to see fresh high level'd faces around here. ^^
  15. [url= Click on the SECOND/MIDDLE button on the bottom-right hand corner. Then click the button to join and type in "The Rebelz". Oh and we don't use the Friends Chat much.
  16. This is not an application, lol, moved to appropriate forum.Most people on this list can add you to the Clan Chat: http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leadersIn the meantime, just join the CC as a Guest and wait for a high ranked member to log on.
  17. Yes, of course; but what I meant was I bet some of them never heard of IRC, so throwing in the Clan Chat as well always helps. ^^
  18. I know, and IRC has the advantage of be allowed to paste direct links, no bullshit like "example dot c0m [slash] forums".I just think a lot of people on those Forums probably are the kind that just sit in CC ect, considering they aren't looking for a real clan on RSC.
  19. Welcome back. <3Now get Council. +1 for re-joining.
  20. You know, when I saw the thread title, I was sure it was going to be a thread about you trolling me, but no. I see how it is. Whos Mad Now > You. OH. Change the topic title? I see how it is.
  21. So, since fansites are becoming shit for recruiting, I decided to spam RS Official Forums with recruiting. There are A LOT of topics there. I also made a recruitment thread of course.I have one more reserved posts. So we were thinking that if we had "Member Testimonials" as the last post.So post here whatever good you have to say about the clan, make it as lulzy as you wish! :)The Thread: http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/c=64QcRDXwMYc/forums.ws?87,88,730,63350410
  22. Oh lol, I get it now. Wasn't sure.
  23. Would slayer be any good? Idk, I was never really into making cash when I was P2P, I just liked having fun and training cmb. =P
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