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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Viewed, and liked, but it has to hit 300 unique views before every reload the same person does actually counts.
  2. Played LoL last night, really fun but hard tbh, since I'm new to it and suck, lmao.Will try HoN sometime.
  3. Never heard of it, but seems good. And free, so we go with that?
  4. Thanks. HoN eh, I'll check that out later. Which is most popular within Elder Scrolls though, I wonder.
  5. Are these games worth downloading? Getting bored of FPS...
  6. Found out the old TS3 server that I gave TRR (and used in Legacy of Legends) that got hacked now belongs to these guys...: http://www.the-wrecking-crew.co.uk/ (i.e. the one in the forum header for TRR). Lmao.Anyway, if we aren't going to buy a server/can't find one (Blue's I suppose). We could get someone to host a TS3 server from their own IP. I can't because my port forwarding just isn't working for me, as usual. That would give us a 32 (I think) slot server, but can be expanded to 512 if we register ElderSouls.com for a non-profile license.OR - last resort - we can get a new Ventrilo or TeamSpeak 3 server every 30 days for free. Bad news: Something like 5 or 10 slots. (* facepalm*)
  7. Same as Snuggles. I only listed ones that I will play with you guys, leaning towards BF3 though.But anyway, for communication, besides IRC - we need a TS3/Vent server. (Note Vent sound quality is slightly better, but TS3 is just awesome ) Or does TRR already have one?
  8. From the names said above, I can get BGS and probably Aliath. Some others too, if that's what ye want.
  9. Eh, why not. Notes: Honestly probably only going to play PS3, mainly BF3. My computer is damn slow, so I try to avoid PC gaming. Just signing up for a laugh tbh, getting bored of gaming.
  10. Re-read clan history while waiting for a DL to finish. Good read. :D

    1. Jake


      Where do I go to read that? I could use something to read.

    2. Fergal
  11. So BF3 Premium cost around €50, so I really can not be arsed paying that much money for a few map packs. Even though premium was released ages ago, my mate decided he's going to buy it. Is game sharing safe for BF3? Or maybe if I just take the map packs and leave the premium?Saw one guy post on BF3 forums that he couldn't play multiplayer on his account after getting premium off his friend, but most said it worked fine, so I'm not quite sure.Basically, should I be okay or just buy it? (Yes, only €50, but I don't have a lot of money atm, lol.)
  12. Really? Well, that's just stupid. It's not going to get people to buy P2P, just stop them from playing... for the most part anyway, lol.RS is gone to shit now, lol.
  13. Fergal


    Eh, I'm a big CoD fan, always have been, but BF3 is just so much better! Who needs killstreaks when you have vehicles! And besides, I'm thrown my controller at the wall so many more times with CoD... xD
  14. Just for the sake of having the awards... if you get time, I don't really care. :P1200+ Total LevelECRTModCouncilHigh Council1k+ PostsThanks.
  15. Fergal


    I partly guessed, good to see you guys are still around though. What time are people in the IRC mostly? Might pop in sometimes, but I don't feel like waiting all day for someone to come on because of timezones, ha.Oh and BF3 > CoD.
  16. Fergal


    So whats up guys. Just popping in, oh and the TRR forums page is broken (http://eldersouls.com/index.php?c=49,53,54,84) - says "Sorry, we couldn't find that!".So, how are things here anyway? Got bored and decided to post.
  17. "wrong with Blexun"? Lol.I love how Blakelington said we couldn't be classed as a clan - admirably we had little activity that time, but more than TRR, and I never saw him once after posting his app, lmao.But yeah, I remember those logs, BGS went on about them for ages, lol.
  18. Damn Brad, that's a beastly connection, lmao. I have a terrible connection of something like 1mb/s because of these stupid lying bastards, lol. But from where I'm living, David's would be the highest I could get. Lol.
  19. What's up Tyn, so you're back? :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fergal


      I only lurk on the forums now, not even part of TRR anymore. BF3 owns RS so yeah... xD

    3. Tynisa


      Haha i can imagine, i played LoL for so long, like so long, became quite good, but all the usual people i playh with have left it for a bit, so i've had to quit for now.

      Come back to RS for a bit, its kinda funny.

    4. Fergal


      Same thing happened to me with Call of Duty, but I turned to BF3 instead. Found one of the most active clans on PS3 and joined since pretty much none of my friends play it. Lol.

  20. So, Skyrim is going online or something? Lol, that is seriously going to be epic. Me buy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jake


      I wish the MMO would come to consoles. I realize that the PC is clearly the best, but I just can't afford it.

    3. Fergal


      I just hope my PC will be able to run it. Mine sucks. Lol.

    4. Jake


      The best game my PC can run is Portal 2, and that's when it feels like it. I should try to make some money to upgrade.

  21. Meh, too much effort to load RuneScape, takes ages on my shitty computer, lmao. I might sometime though.
  22. I had seriously forgot about Emily, couldn't remember why Jeremy was so depressed. I mean, there was many stages that he was seriously suicidal from what happened with Emily and her parents (he said he couldn't go through with it, so he was getting some irl friends to do it for him; at which point, Jackwootton swore to hunt them down if they did it, lmao). I think the females is what destroyed LoL so much, lol, Lorena for one and then Jeremy just being incapable of leading because of Emily.
  23. Not American - but you should be proud bro, I know a lot of us aren't as brave to serve your country like that.
  24. Yeah, he does that to get his $$. But I vaguely remember something about him thinking he was going to die, hmm.
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