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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Can't make it. I'm in my Geology lab until 7 something on Wednesdays.
  2. I meant the 99's he plan to get. And by suck, I mean suck to get, not suck to have, lol.
  3. God, your 99's suck. Good luck, lol.
  4. Blake


    tl;drI could never write a novel, unless it was about myself. I'm more of a short story person.
  5. Nice goals. Any other quest you are planning to do besides RotM? And if you've done King of the Dwarves, you can go to the Lava Flow Mines, which is more or less like ivy in the sense there is no banking involved. You just have to find the right place to mine every 7 or so minutes.Well good luck. I'm a big fan of firemaking so I'll be watching this topic.
  6. Your firemaking is 92. You aren't on my shit list.Well welcome to the clan. Hope to see you in IRC or in game sometime.
  7. Blake


    It's like low 50's to low 60's in North Carolina at the moment, no snow. We don't usually get snow, just cold winter. It is usually this cold though. The snow actually stopped me from going to New York, so yeah, I hate it.
  8. Here is a section from the case filing of the lawsuit. Demand J seems a bit unreal. Honestly, Jagex illegally obtained PayPal information of people breaking their rules. I think I read somewhere the bot is illegal to use. I would just like to see the whole thing get dropped entirely.
  9. I tried to download it, but I get some error message when I try to launch it.
  10. Y u no can haz firemaking yet?Gratz on the 99 prayer.
  11. I THOUGHT I WAS IN CHARGE OF THIS!!!Oh. Didn't you say our anniversary was in January or something?
  12. My mother said I don't have many friends cause I'm not to social so if you want to be my friend just say you want to be my friend then we can be friends and my mother will be happy.
  13. Planning an event, holding the event, and changing the time on the same day isn't a good idea. I'm about to get on the bus and I'll be there on time, probably only for conquest though.
  14. And if you trained in wildy arena, you'd be even higher. None the less, this isn't the topic for this discussion.
  15. I was actually making a joke that she is 70 agility and still trains in brimhaven agility arena. Aren't I hilarious?
  16. PRO TIP: Give up life for Rs. You shall accomplish your goals in no time.Seriously though, from what I read in IRC and clan chat, it's going along alright. Good luck and keep on trucking.
  17. The hacker was probably training in wildy agility course for you.Well nothing was taken so good job. For extra security, I always have my password and pin number the exact same. I mean, no hacker would ever guess that. Also, to make my pin easier to remember, I pick four numbers that are in a sequence, starting with three. Full proof.
  18. I'm reading between the lines Like he has a choice.good progress so far Coty
  19. Lol'd. Yeah don't do this.
  20. Hope to hear some good stories. Good luck with the goals, especially the quest cape.
  21. Reminds me of that one event where we all had level 3's and we raced to see who could get all their skills to 10 first.As long as you are honest about it, good luck. I don't see you doing this for long though. AND DON'T NEGLECT YOUR MAINS.Edit: Just wondering, why are you not allowed to grant aid?
  22. If I owned a bot, I would tell everybody it will be back up soon too. Having said that, I believe they will be back. I'm sure this update got rid some of the shittier ones though.
  23. Skyrim is gonna deplete my monthly cash. Worth it?

    1. Crazycow73
    2. David


      Skyrim. Hmmm. /me starts making right-handed motions towards something unseen on webcam.

    3. I God-Apollo
  24. Runefest shirts? Psssh....My new line of TRR shirts is where the money is at And just in case you aren't David or Timber and you want a shirt..... $30 a pop, kids.
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