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Everything posted by Blake

  1. The real winner here is firemaking. I'm just promoting FMoRS's candidate.Could this be "The" Firemaking Update?
  2. And another year closer to the uprising...
  3. Hmm? Oh yeah. Hai. Hello. How's it going. Glad to see you back. Excuse me, I'm busy.
  4. Oh. My. Fucking. God. I can't breathe. Give me like a minute.Okay. I narrowed down who all of you should, and are going, to vote for. I need this, guys.Brandy-A circus firebreather and a recovering drunk? Kind of lame. Don't vote for her. She is only firemaking as a result of her being a drunk, kind of like Illini.Kicha-Not really for a firemaker who is clumsy. She seems like an uncoordinated loser, kind of like Illini.Ashe-Obsessed with ashes? If you ignore my suggestion, at least don't ignore this one. DO NOT VOTE FOR ASHE. Ashes are my least favorite part of firemaking. They are just pasty white piles of a useless substance, kind of like Illini.Nova-Likes to firemake, but refuses to get her hands sooty? Also, she's rich. Sounds like a bitch. I'm not gonna support voting for somebody who doesn't want to get black junk all over her hands, kind of like Illini.Mayerda-Only likes the cozy parts of firemaking and also a cooker? Horrible. Her intentions are hidden, so I'm guessing slut, kind of like Illini.Sera-She wants to out do Vulcan. YYYEEESSS. I never liked him. When I needed him, he would wonder in the woods and it would take me like 30 minutes to find him. When I did, I couldn't get his armor and he would only sell me tinderboxes. I think Sera is our best choice. She sounds awesome and is our best choice, kind of like David.
  5. I haven't posted a recent picture in a long time, so here you go. On a camel, like a boss. Under a bridge, like a boss. On a mountain, like a boss. Senior photos, like a boss. I'm leaving. Thanks for looking at my photos.
  6. Wow. You fail. That is all.
  7. Na, this topic wasn't a fail. What was a fail is the message in your signature is messed up.Our clan isn't even named TRR anymore.
  8. In honor of you getting MotM, I've written this piece for you.*ahem*His name is BradNot just a fad.He's breaking bad.MotM. I bet he's glad.His Rsn is Bwad.Such a scottish lad.God bless his Dad.U mad?In the nadz.Lookin' rad,Just a tad.In his pad.He's not sad.His name is Brad.That's all I had.
  9. Hey Coffee. Nice to see you back. Good luck with the quest cape.
  10. I loiter sometimes hoping to catch somebody, but I'm usually unlucky. I'm Blake in TS3. I don't use Skype, so meh.
  11. Or you can go on our IRC and use Runescript.#Rebelz. Because we care.
  12. Nothing.By the way, the quote in your signature is totally about this.
  13. I think this adds to your ignored record.
  14. I've read David and Skoal's history on the subject, but never before Green's and Nob's. Really enjoyed giving it a read through.Meh I'm a firm believer that David is actually Green, giving TRR yet another go. Then again, "David" is just pretending to be the founder.
  15. I was hoping for MotY, but shit, just look at that bot. Next year I guess. D:Yeah I've been at the tower for hours, and still enjoying it. Got the updgraded medallion and the new crossbow unlocked so far. Ultimately going for all the achievements so I can visit the top of the tower Whatever that means.
  16. Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turned into a door. Then you found out that's where ALL doors come from, and you get initiated into a murder club that makes doors. The stronger you punch, the better the door. So there are like super strong murderers who punch people into Venetian doors and shit.Discuss.
  17. Blake


    Had to toss a negative rep his way
  18. I hate all my top 10 equally, so where you are doesn't matter.
  19. Fap fap fap fap fap.Too bad I have classes all day today. I guess I'll give it a go tonight.
  20. Blake


    The sad thing is you pretty much hit the nail on the head.
  21. Mostly lulz at the expense of others and some friends I've made over the years.
  22. I didn't want to go, but I couldn't of anyway. Had to catch the last bus home. Nice event though.
  23. Welcome to TRR. Hope to see you in IRC or in game. =/
  24. At higher levels there are better alternatives, but like he said, this is a f2p money making method with no skills involved. Probably good for lower levels.I wouldn't do it myself cause that would involve too much running. Nice quick guide though.
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