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Everything posted by Blake

  1. To be honest though, what have they done since then? This is a legit question because I have no idea.
  2. Battlefront 3 has joined the Lochness Monster, Bigfoot, a representative democracy, and Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy 2 as things I'll probably never see in my life time. Also, I wouldn't discredit the Star Wars sequilogy just yet. Just like what they did with Marvel, Disney is keeping the business separate, even though they own them (because why mess with a good thing?). And if how The Avengers turned out is any indication, the new Star Wars won't fail because of Disney interference. I'll might fail on its own merits, but that is another topic entirely. Also, I'm pretty sure Star Wars was defaced with the introduction of Jar Jar Binks. Anything just as bad or worse done to it now is just parading the dead body around for others to see.
  3. You know I never did get back my clan battlefield privelages. Like what the fuck.
  4. Oh, young Tristan. You have much to learn. Likes aren't something to be clicked needlessly. Oh no, far from it. Likes are gifts; miracles that only the lucky can collect. If you try to fish for them, you shall fail. Not saying you are fishing for them of course. Just saying likes are rare, and as with all rare things, encouraging the mass collection of such isn't necessarily in our best interests. What is that? You want to know how you can increase your chances to obtain these likes? Well normally I wouldn't devulge such information, but this convoluted conundrum as whetted my appetite. Blake's Guide to Internet Karma [*]Mention your genitals. This is guranteed to work 45% of the time. Penis. [*]Write in a manner that is serious/satirical/jokingly/incomprehensible. [*]Inside jokes are a dependable source for likes. So can you believe Henry was an Asian? [*]Length is important, but not to the point it is hard to look at. Use a lot of spaces inbetween small paragraphs. [*]Make lists. And there you have it, young Tristan. That will put you on the path towards likes, 100% satisfaction guaranteed!* Of course if you are a female, there is only one thing you need to do. Constantly call attention to the fact you are a girl, say stupid things, and mention your breasts and/or genitals. Eldersouls isn't responsible for any likes you don't recieve while following this advice. Eldersouls isn't responsible for any injuries, public embarassment, or the like that may result in mentioning your genitals. Eldersouls isn't approved by the USDA. Use responsibility.
  5. I'm a fan of hand to hand combat, even if it isn't always viable (without doing the gauntlet glitch, but I digress). I did enjoy your video. However, you really need to patch your game. They added more hand to hand to hand finishing moves.
  6. Well you must understand two things. [*]I made my character a tank, so sneaking wasn't really my forte. [*]I only got to level 3, so if sneaking from the face was possible, I probably wouldn't have been able to do so that early in the game. So in a word, I don't know.
  7. Yeah, that is it. I understand what you are asking, just it can't be answered at this time. You'll either have to wait until they do beta tests with higher leveled characters or until the game comes out. =/
  8. When I was on beta, I focused on making my character a tank, focusing on the tanky aspects of Dragonnight and going with Sword/Shield and Heavy Armor. Regardless, I know little about how much damage a tank can do since I only got my character to level 3 before beta ended. I will say that I did notice how some of the tanky abilities also reflected some damage back at the opponent. Those type of abilities add up, I'd assume. Then again, if you are a tank for a large group, dealing damage isn't really a priority. If you are tanking with a group it might (note I'm talking from my ass) be beneficial to just focus on CC, Interupts, etc rather than damage. If you are going solo, you can modify your ability bar for a more damage orientied style, or maybe just try to outlast the enemy. Again, very limited beta knowledge here.
  9. Heard no mention of it, but you make a display name when you set up a beta account. And your characters can have different names (I believe) If I had to guess, I'd guess clean slate.
  10. Basically, they invited more people than usual to participate in the beta just so they can test how the servers ran with the increased load, how the login servers would respond and react when multiple people logged in at once, etc. A few times they forceably kicked people off just to test the login servers. Besides gathering that data, we all just did the tutorial and quested/messed around on the first area you reach after the tutorial, which is Bleakrock.
  11. Stress test is over. Servers were surprisingly stable, given the amount of people on there. Sneak attacking with a Restoration staff didn't appear to do any extra damage. And we were all forced to the Ebonheart Pact, so I can't tell you anything outside of Dark Elves.
  12. They are having a 3 hour long stress test tonight. All participants get a free vanity pet (think it's a monkey). So I can't actually log in and play until then. Cheers.
  13. Finally got an ESO beta key. And it begins...

    1. David


      Okay, now you actually HAVE to write things. I need my fix and apparently will never get a key.

  14. 7 More Websites Probably Not Worth Your Time?

  15. Steam has finally resolved my ticket. Although it took them 11 days, they were actuallly useful, unlike Yahoo!

  16. Lake View Manor is only obtainable if you have downloaded Hearthfire, which is the cheapest of the Skyrim DLC's. After that, you must become Thane of Falkreath and purchase the land for 5,000 septims. And then, my lad, WE BUILD!!!!
  17. Re-opened because a couple people told me 6 hours wasn't long enough.
  18. Hey Star Trip, long time no see! Hope to see more of you around here. And I just created a League topic to hopefully round up the League players. http://eldersouls.com/topic/4497-the-offical-so-i-herd-u-pl4y-lol-topic/
  19. I know League of Legends is a semi-popular game around here, so rather than figure out who plays, feel free to include your summoner name, favorite champ/position, server, and whater you see fit. Who knows? Maybe playing League together will be a common occurence. Or maybe we'll realize how bad Saucy is at Cho'gath and we'll never talk to each other again. Summoner name: Blexun Server: 'Murica Usual Positions: Support>Top>Mid Usual Champions: Leona, Thresh, Twisted Fate, Singed, Yorick, Kassadin, Kha'Zix, Fiddlesticks Most Hated Champions: Lux and Nami supports Champions that give me cancer: Teemo
  20. Blake

    Tiara 1

    I think your girlfriend is starving. Or maybe already dead.
  21. Yes! Here is a simple 4 step guide to doing that. [*]Get a job from both Vex and Delvin. If you want to do this fast, I recommend the numbers and the burgulary jobs. Also, if you get one in Riften, decline it and ask for another one. This is because the Thieve's Guild already has a " foot hold" in Riften, so doing more jobs in there is just a waste of time. [*]After doing 4 small jobs in a town, Delvin will direct you to a bigger job. These bigger jobs will have you talk to a powerful member of one of the holds and it'll start a new quest in your quest journal [*]Finish the bigger job that Delvin gave you. This will unlock a new merchant, a new thieve's guild member, and/or a new fence with more money to barter with you. [*]After you do all the big jobs Delvin gives you, talk to Tonilia inside the Thieve's Guild for one last quest. And there you go. Besides the new members, shops, and new fences, you also get...
  22. I mean it is only $15. That is like 2 hours of work under minimumd wage (in America). Then again, those Premium Elder Souls accounts don't buy themselves.
  23. For some reason, MMOs always draws me to Medium Armor wearing bow types. And since I can't hand to hand, I'll go with that. Maybe a little dual wielding for close engages.
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