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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Blake

    Howdy all

    Probably one of the most sought after names, hope you are the first ones to get it. Doesn't beat The Litterbox: Where the Elite Khajiit Meet in the Heat. I'll probably be Aldmeri Dominion, but I hope to see you on the forums regardless.
  2. The whole following the Shadowmarks thing is a very cool idea and really lore friendly, but with the Internet and the information it provides, people will just be skipping to the end. Having Indecent Exposure as a crime counters my hobbies, so no dice. Love the idea of the prison and bail mechanic, though maybe some warnings when it comes to prison sentences for new players. Fame and Infamy will be a good idea only if there is some repeatable way to gain Fame or Infamy. That way if somebody who is too infamous wants to get Fame for some unlock-able or something in game, they aren't completely screwed. I guess something that would be cool that I just came up with in 2 minutes is secret routes, pathways, escape, etc that can only be accessed and/or discovered if through the Thieves' Guild.
  3. I guess it will always be on? Not sure how I like that though, because I like having the option to turn off trackers to keep my mini-map from getting too cluttered. I also question the use of Night Eye. Similar to the console games, I would just turn up the brightness on my TV if the dungeon was too dark. Not a bad idea, of course. Unlike Mr Prime here, I don't have a problem with it being a quest line.
  4. Don't tease me, David-senpai. If you went to Shroud Hearth Barrow, then either the wiki is wrong or you read it wrong. But you seem like a smart person, so obviously the wiki was mistaken. If you set Forbidden Legends as your active quest, it should point you to the correct places. Which amulet parts do you have?
  5. Like one of the people above me, I'm running ESO on a sub-par system. So I can't really tell if the animations are bad or if they are a result of running the game on Potato Quality.
  6. Praise be!!! Did you log in easily? Usually I can't even play until beta is half-way over.
  7. That laughing duck gif never fails to make me laugh.

    1. David


      I swear he's laughing more every time I see it.

    2. Jake


      I guess you could say it quacks you up.

  8. Musclemagic and Areodon, fighting the good fight. Great work all of you.
  9. I never watched a lot of Dragonball, but from I remember, this was probably my favorite episode/scene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKpDJNshjZY
  10. Are you referring to the "Suggest Careers" portion? I mean your personality pretty much does dictate what you do, lol.
  11. Took one of these in freshman year because I had trouble picking a major. Recently re-did mine and got the same results I did when I took it in freshman year. Was I expecting different results? No idea. But ISTP fits me to a fucking T. Anyway, give the test a shot and post what you get.
  12. Blake

    Moving Items

    All I wanted to do was put some books on my nightstand...
  13. If he's a Nazi over the whole Naughty-or-Nice thing, then yeah, I can see this.
  14. Blake

    Xbox One GIF

    Spoiler alert.
  15. Blake

    Laughing Duck

    I dont know why, but I'm laughing.
  16. This is the only explanation that I'm okay with, and even then, it is a little sketch. Billy gets that new expensive bike he always wanted and Daddy is mad becaue they can't afford it. He blames Mom and Daddy gets angry. I hate it when Dad drinks on Christmas.
  17. Pretty much this. Like Elf or Tim Allen's Santa Claus.
  18. 1. Yes you can create your own guilds. This is why you see many ESO websites with a guild section for creating and setting them up. Here is a Facebook post by Zenimax giving notice to some guild websites. 2 & 3. Even though a guild is associated with a faction, guilds can be cross-faction. However, guild members of different factions can not be associated with a Cyrodil campaign the other faction is in. So your guild members from other factions can't spy for you or whatever. Note that people of different factions can't talk to each other, so honestly I don't see the point of cross faction guilds. A lot of questions about guilds and what have you right here; scroll down to the Event Q&A section 4. I would assume so in PvP situations, but nowhere near to the extent that you'll be able to play with each other if you are of the same faction.
  19. A little late for this, but here we go. So think about the movies where Santa is real and yet some kids and parents don't believe in him. When Santa delivers presents every year to the people's houses....what do the parents think happened? Do they think somebody broke into their house and dropped shit off? Does each parent think the other one takes care of Christmas each year? I just don't understand.
  20. We find it weird that you have a best friend and a second best friend. Who even does that?
  21. I'll be on my computer until a little before 12, then I'll get tired and go to bed. Good times.
  22. The Elder Souls staff would like to formally wish all of you a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! I got a helicopter.
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