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Everything posted by Blake

  1. No idea. If you right click and click "Large" that was the original size.
  2. Despite it's lack of MMO's, I say it is pretty accurate. I got Portal 2, which I enjoyed greatly.

    © Silver Oak Casino

  3. Why the hell is The Joker the front and center on the Gods Among Us package? Also, I find the game title change for the Middle East edition very interesting. Also, dat SWTOR expansion. Great article.
  4. Even though I've been demoted, I'm still writing my review on Poker Night 2 when it comes out. DO YOU FEEL BAD DAVID?

    1. David


      I'll move you back when you check in to the staff thread / create an article. Otherwise Mod isn't even a demotion.

    2. Blake


      It feels like it David. It really does.

    3. Jake


      Is it really that hard, Blake? All you have to do is check into the staff thread, and you have your position back.

  5. 1. Some of the text was a bit of an eyesore, but they need some way to distinguish between netural NPC's, NPC's that are aggressive no matter what, and NPC's that you can't attack in an MMO. The colors didn't bother me, but maybe they can tone down the hues a bit or give the player an option to do so. 2. I wasn't that impressed with the combat, but this is a starter area of the game so it's not like what you'll be doing after you start getting items and leaving the area. 3. As far as questing goes, again, this is a starter area of the game so the quests seem to be just very simple stuff. Although I don't expect the quests to be as great as they were in Skyrim (generally speaking), as that is a single player game, I still expect them to be better than the beginning quest. 4. It's an MMO. You might be able to kill NPC's if you go into enemy territory though. Maybe? 5. I prefer to know what I get from discovering a place. It'll probably be customizable though.
  6. Maybe some negative feelings short term, but I doubt a lot of people will let a few minutes of gameplay be the ultimate deciding factor on whether or not to get it.
  7. Just noticed your forum title, David. Lol'd.
  8. I guess animal avatars are the current thing?

    1. .:Spoogan:.


      Is that you Brother?

    2. Blake


      One small step for sloth. One extremely slow step for sloth-kind

  9. how to procrastinate. If you remember the cartoon, he only had to write 3 more words.
  10. I mean it is still going to be a huge place to explore, same TES style story. Just people expecting too much of what an MMO can do at the moment.
  11. Honestly, the graphics were about what I expected, maybe a teeny tiny bit better. Laughed pretty hard at the mudcrab fight though.
  12. Upload it. I never saw it. And don't worry about the consequences. The Shire can't contain you, Brodo "YOLO" Swaggins.
  13. Honestly, this story is hilarious. Try what David suggested. Though in the future, save before you try any "dangerous" leveling like this.
  14. [*]I once paid 13 dollars for a firework and was disappointed [*]I'm really good at Fruit Ninja [*]My current roommate is a female, but I tell everybody it's a male to hide the fact I'm not getting laid [*]I cook like an angel [*]American's Next Top Model is one of my favorite shows [*]So is The Voice
  15. Boooooo!!!! League of Legends is what I'm playing the most of at the moment. Star Wars: The Old Republic is pretty fun story wise and isn't bad at all. The lower xp for f2p might annoy you though. If you have Steam, there is a bunch of free games that are pretty decent: TF2, Warframe, Planetside 2. And some other gang vs cops gang I can't remember the name of.
  16. I like it how it currently is.
  17. Have you tried using your inventory items with all your other inventory items?

  18. I like the part where I didn't laugh at all.
  19. Yeah. It'd be like recreating England, but not having a shit load of Pakistanis.
  20. I just noticed all the spam comments on this article, lol. Edit: blog entry*
  21. I would say Khajiits, but that answer is way to obvious. Orc. His passive will give us just enough time to overpower whoever we are fighting.
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