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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Didn't you include Medal of Honor's title theme in some previous list back in the day. /nostalgia And the orchestrated Mario themes are really nice.
  2. I've actually had this issue on two different occasions, on two different characters. One time I fixed it by giving Lydia, my derped out follower, a 2 handed sword. Another time I fixed it by dismissing Jzhargo and coming back to him later. I also beat up on Jzhargo so this may have contributed to the fix as well. Sounds like you tried both though. And consoles don't give you much room to fix bugs. You can either accept Faendal for who he is or bring him to the Sacellum of Boethiah for...uh...reasons.
  3. Such a glitchy quest. I've ran into a few bugs, but not the one you described. As you mentioned, killing Septimus would allow you to leave the area, but that would most likely mean missing out on Oghma Infinium. Reverting to and old save might help, but I imagine you wouldn't have made a topic if you had one. If I had to guess though, this glitch is probably a product of the Dragonborn DLC.
  4. The quest that Mercer tries to kill you is called Speaking with Silence. At the conclusion of that quest, you should have spoken to Karliah and she would have told you to speak to Enthir, who is either in the tavern in Winterhold or in the College. You don't have to speak to Brynjolf at all. So basically, find Enthir and talk to him. That should start Hard Answers. On the bright side, you seemed to have done a lot of the extra quests in the guild, which will be a huge help later.
  5. Valenwood's huge "moving cities" would be awesome to see in a future game, so I'm not totally against Valenwood. Hammerfell isn't that much different than Elseweyr to begin with. Both places are very desert themed. Only difference is Hammerfell is rockier and features grasslands as well while Elseweyr features forests and sparkly blue water. Only problem I see arising is that Elseweyr doesn't have that many huge cities; it is mostly small tribes. As far as your point on Dragons, what made them so cool in Skyrim is that an attack could happen at anytime. Bethesda doesn't have to bring back Dragons, but bringing back some random element like that wouldn't be a bad idea. And yes, I would like a realistic population size, but I understand how this may be difficult to accomplish.
  6. I think the big take home point of this whole issue is that you have a game that you pay a box price and a monthly fee, in hopes that you don't have to worry about DLC or anything else you are enticed to buy: you get the whole game for paying that much money. As much as I really want to play as an Imperial, Zenimax releasing an entire race, an early mount (not sure if that is a huge deal to be honest), and some xp boost in a pre-order deal is just crazy. I'm hoping that these type of deals are just to get some early money from the game and won't be a common occurrence.
  7. I just really like the idea of playing as an Imperial. Most likely won't buy the Imperial Edition, but Present-Day Blake has been known to screw Future Blake over many a time. The early access items are kind of bullshit, though. And for some reason, I don't like the idea of just any race playing any aliiance, though the idea isn't entirely lore-unfriendly. This does let people who want to play different races play together, but only if that option is available after launch, which I hope/don't think it will be. I do hope that they don't make these types of things a habit though.
  8. I was okay with the Imperials and some early gear, but... They better announce the game to be F2P at this point.
  9. Honestly, I would definitely pay more to be an Imperial. They are/were arguably my favorite race.
  10. Watched the Sout Park episode World War Zimmerman. Was actually pretty good.

  11. As of right now, I am able to enter the chatroom. I see others in there at the moment, so it is most likely a problem on your end. Sometimes I dress up as David and pretend that I have his life and pretend I am the admin of ElderSouls. Let me try this out. Ahem. It seems to be a problem on your end. You posted around 6 hours ago, so you may be able to enter now. If not, try clearing your cache. What browser do you use? I know some browsers don't agree with the chatroom at times. Respond back so I know more about your problem or if you even have it anymore. Damn, that felt good.
  12. Also consider that the Final Jepoardy questions are worded a lot better than "This video game character is blue, collects rings, and goes fast". After some research, I found out this question has never even appeared on the show, the responses are fake, and thus, op is a fag. TLDR; I'm a fag
  13. Enough George. It is time to fight for justice.

  14. I'm about 75% certain this is fake, but here you go.
  15. Silly Daedra. Writing stuff on anchors. Nice work Francis. Was a very interesting read.
  16. Wouldn't the name Theory Crafting be kind of out dated since it is no longer 'theory' if we can do it in game? I like Classes and Builds. Meh.
  17. So the next quest isn't showing up? There is a glitch where A Cornered Rat, the next quest, doesn't start after you finish Diplomatic Immunity. Unfortunately, I haven't found a solution for this glitch at all. Best you can do is either reload an old save or give up on the main quest line.
  18. Hopefully this will stop all the kids who have slept with my mother from playing and telling me about the experience.
  19. Very interested in the sort of small group fights and skirmishes, so this video es muy bien. So why did you post a picture of the Grey Fox's bust next to this article? Are you running out of ideas for relevant pictures or what? Not like the bust was relevant at all, but you get the idea.
  20. Yeah it did, though I think they were mainly #Rebelz logs. Meow was just a private PM between us three that was mainly logs from #Mindmyskillz.
  21. Before TRR was disbanded and was a part of the Elder Souls forums, Jake, Paul, and myself had a conversation going on called Meow on the old forums. In it, we posted a bunch of great IRC logs and a lot of other great content. Then those forums broke because of David or Allan, I'm not real sure who to hate forever. Anyway, Jake has recently notified me that we did in fact start another Meow on these forums, though it doesn't have nearly as much content. They are still really great reads and if anything, reminds me how joyous and full of life I used to be. Somebody who is probably Jeremy trolls #Mindmyskillz by speaking in Finnish, but luckily David knows Finnish or something Jake, Sauce, and me being stupid. Glad to know some things never change Jeremy promises to kill himself for the 3rd time and Halo thinks she has to do something about it. What a stupid bitch. Also, Tim makes me laugh. Really hard.
  22. Blake


    To be the best guild, this one thinks we need a slogan. Brainstorming for words that rhyme with Khajiit. Ideas Elite Feet Heat Meat Meet Concrete
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