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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Kroatia sounds like a mystical land of imagination and foreigners.Have fun.
  2. Ahh, I can't understand what they say half of the time. And making Excalibur have the same stats as whip is kind of stupid since Excalibur is definitely a stabbing weapons =/
  3. You just confused the hell out of me. Congratulations.
  4. No. One of them was doing crossbow and whip. Another was doing whip and some other sword.
  5. Dual wielding whips would be overpowered, which is what they are trying to prevent.
  6. Fast paced as in switching abilites, dodging them, etc.
  7. Dual wielding.........................................DOVAHKIIN!!Video if you care. The comabt is more fast paced and looks pretty cool, but obvious WoW rip off is obvious.
  8. If you like it, then by all means keep it. Just telling you from my large experience with pornography, "100% Free" usually means "Just give us your Credit Card info".Actually, it is probably fine the way it is. I doubt too many people will think of any catch coming from a gaming website.
  9. HP is still important, lol. It just won't show up on your combat level. And to be honest, who cares?
  10. There is just an xp decrease when you fight those monsters with your highest combat skill, not including defense of course. So let's say you have 99 strength, 60 attack, and 99 defense. If you use strength to fight a guard, you'll see a noticeable decrease in your xp. if you switch to an attack style though, you'll get normal xp. Well, maybe normal xp.And yes, monster levels will change with this update.
  11. I think Huygens was joking. Personally, I'm ashamed at him.Did a bit of research and I found this. Since you want to carry more stuff, type carryweight for attribute and put how much you want your carry weight to increase or decrease by in the amount section.
  12. Not sure if I would call it ironic, but I agree with you for the most part. While I never had a problem with dungeons, except when I was trying to use Novice level spells throughout the whole game, sometimes dragon fights seem to be a bit difficult. However, these difficult fights were probably the most fun I had fighting dragons in the game. More fun than just killing a dragon in 10 seconds.Then again, it depends on how fast you level and how you spend your perks.
  13. Maybe it is just me, but 100% Free on sites always scare me and makes me thing there is some catch.None the less, they all look fantastic. You are pretty talented Cons. I feel bad asking for a new Sackboy signature.
  14. That works both ways. You could say not 99 because if he focuses on the other two, he'll achieve 99 hp in the process. Even if he does pick 99hp, he still has to do either attack or strength to achieve that. Unless he ranges or mages, which is dumb.
  15. In the future, store items in a chest you own before digging into a dungeon.
  16. Grab the fucks I give. Oh wait.
  17. Blake

    Clan Citadel

    We should really discuss any cosmetic decisions.
  18. For every person that doesn't use IRC, I'll kill a puppy. Unless you hate puppies. Then I'll save them.
  19. Blake

    Clan Citadel

    Yeah I was a Nazi over my Charcoal and Ore so I can help with the bar upkeep. Managed to do 400 though.
  20. My work schedule is maybe/maybe not at the moment. Weekends and nights are better than weekdays and mornings/afternoon.
  21. Blake


    Pretty sure this is against Jagex rules and I think we uphold them as well.Summon Nelson.
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